Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Creepy Bunny Voice

My boys are racing around the house with Barbie RVs and flashlights, hunting for toenails.  I was not aware that we had an abundance of toenails on our carpet.  Not sure what to think about that.  I don't think I will.

I went to see Haircut Lisa last night.  There are two main "Lisa's" in my life.  I have a sister-in-law, Lisa.  She sneak-attack-fed me elk, so I might need to shun her.  I also have a Haircut Lisa.  Haircut Lisa has cut my hair since I was six.  She has seen me through plenty of hair-related strife.

I decided to go brown.

Now.  Everyone from my original family has brown hair, and it is a lovely shade.  I do not have this lovely shade.  Perhaps I was adopted?  I cannot be certain.

Here is a picture of me, my Marmie, and Sister Meagan, aka Martina.  Sister Meagan loves me and finds me charming, especially when I call her Martina.

Lest any of you are confused, I am the one with the not-so-brown hair.

And now, here is my new hair.

I sent this picture to Bimlissa and asked her why she never told me that I smile crooked.  Have I always done this?  Have I recently suffered from a stroke?  And forgot?

Bimlissa took awhile to answer me.  Her silence on the issue was a bit unsettling.

Bimlissa said I looked funny because I was taking my own picture.  But herein lies the problem:  I didn't take this picture.  Daisy Mae did.

Me to Sweet Pea:  Does my mouth always look like that?

Sweet Pea:  Yes.  It has always freaked me out.

Me:  Really?

Sweet Pea:  Yes.  It looks weird, Mom.

Little Dude does not like my hair.  He told me it is brown and lucky.  And lucky means yucky, FYI.

Handsome Dude told me he wants the other hair Mommy back.

David doesn't make eye contact with me and says:

"It's different."

So, there you go.

The elk!  Maybe it was the elk that made my mouth go all askew!  I knew that wild meat was trouble.  And speaking of askew, did you know that if you google "askew" the whole page goes askew?  People are amazing.

I attempted to capture Little Dude's "Creepy Bunny Voice" today.  Because I know you have all been waiting with bated breath to finally hear his weirdness.

It's not the best video, but he is basically talking in his weird voice the whole time.

The video was intended for Sister Meagan, but I decided to share it.  Please ignore the homeschool supply cabinet that is oveflowing behind me.  Usually, I am the epitomy of organization.



  1. PS: The "askew" Google page made me nauseous.

  2. His little facial expressions are priceless! What a cutie!

  3. I like your hair! It makes your eyes really stand out. Nice. But remember - new color comes with a warning, so don't get new shoes anytime soon. ;) My theory on the no eye contact: David is caught off guard by this new development, is not sure the "it's different" is really you, will revert to shy school-boy mode and maybe you'll get some Old Navy and a coffee date out of the deal. Wouldn't hold my breath on the tanning, tho.
    and I think that crookedish smile was a one off. the also posted pic of you and Meagan and Mom has a symmetrical smile. You're good.

  4. Fun fact: I did not know I had a major gap in my teeth until I was 21 years old and I went to a new dentist and he said "So, should we talk about what we can do about that gap in your teeth?" And I said, "I have a GAP in my teeth?!" And I promptly developed a complex.

    It's best not to analyze pictures of oneself. Or to go to new dentists. Ignorance is bliss.

    P.S. I like your brown hair and you have glowing infant-like skin, of which I am jealous.

    The end.

  5. Yeah well I am worse, I was put into speech therapy at the age of 9, I had no clue I lisped. No one told me, but as soon as I was in therapy all of a sudden my brothers felt like they could make fun of me. Little brats. Okay your boy, cutest little guy, oh my I wanted your video to go on and on. I like your brown hair, but made you look way different. Still pretty though so woohoo lol.

  6. Rats. I can't refer to you as Barbie anymore.

    P.S. You would look beautiful in any hair color. And that's the truth.

  7. I like your new color. You are a cutie so much so that your weird mouth is unnoticeable...just kidding. You are a doll. What is with Sweet Pea..."it has always freaked me out? "what the hello kitty is that? haha Your kids always make me chuckle. I am a fan of Creepy Bunny voice...more videos please.

  8. Are we voting on your hair? And smile? If we are, I vote blond. You don't look like you. Your smile looks fine to me. Anyone with four children who homeschools said children, well those children should be might glad their mother smiles at all.

  9. I wish I looked at good as you do - blonde OR brunette. And hey - your husband has NOTICED!! This is impressive. Trust me. I have to blatantly admire my new hairdo's in front of the mirror, making sure Mike is standing next to me, and sometimes even poke him in the ribs, before he cautiously ventures - "Um, your hair? It's your hair, isn't it? Have you changed your hair? .... And more importantly, what did it cost me?"

    Word of advice: NEVER marry an accountant.

    Or is it just British men who are like this?

  10. I love the brown hair! same thing happened to me when I died my hair dark. HH would not look at me, and when I asked him what he thought? "ummm, its different. I like blonde. yeah. blonde is much better." so I relied on my friends' opinions. and they all LOVED it. so i went with them ;) the dark hair makes your eyes pop! and the smile? I would never have even noticed it! love your kids, "yes, it has always freaked me out" ! LOL!!!! keep smiling! 4 kids. homeschooling. elk meat. just be thankful you can still smile!!!

  11. The video is not showing up on my phone. Boo, iPhone, boo. I like your hair! It will "grow" on your family, no worries. ;)

  12. You look hot blond or with brown! Im surprised your husband wasnt all over you with the new hair, I put on a black wig for a Snow White costume and my husband could not stop staring! You look good either way!

  13. I see two cuties! You know gentlemen prefer blondes but really, who cares! ;)

  14. I love the color! You're too cute.

  15. You would look beautiful even with NO hair Taylor.

    I don't think his voice is creepy. I think it's cute. :)

  16. I like your hair! That is so funny your kids were looking for toenails. :)

  17. you have very pretty hair. I like the brown. You're part of an exclusive club of smart people now, i.e. the people who are not blonde. EEE! I DID just write that. Bring it on haters! Bring. it. on!

    Anyway. Your son is ADORABLE. I didn't think his voice was creepy...maybe my KIDS have creepy voices naturally and my ears are not attuned to what real voices sound like. hm.

  18. Dare I say it makes you look younger?

    Husbands don't like change. Nope. It worries them. Yep.

    After 20 years of knowing mine, the only change he tolerates is the gray growing...since he has more gray then me. ;-)

  19. i think it looks great! i thought you colored your hair the lighter shade...your eye brows are dark so i thought your natural hair color was, LJ will get used to it! guys are just like that, he wouldn't care if you were bald with that smokin' hot bod! ;)

  20. Mom and Dad aka The Goober ParentsDecember 2, 2011 at 4:43 AM

    Welcome to the brunette side of the fam. And no you weren't adopted! I like the brown hair (you like like Meg and I). Thanks for the video, miss you all!

  21. I think the brown is AMAZING, makes your eyes pop out, AND makes you look even younger than you already do!!!

    I think the little bunny voice is sooooooooooooooooo sweet! I wish my son still had that little boy voice. Thanks for sharing!

  22. I like it! You look like the Duchess of Cambridge : ) My hairdresser said everyone would go brunette after her wedding. You can be the Duchess of Ruralville.

    That comment by Sweet Pea cracked me up.

  23. I like the brown too, although I wasn't opposed to the blond. (I'm blond so I have to say that.) You're one of those people who can go either way and have it look natural since you have dark eyebrows and eyes. Yea for a fun new look! I'll bet LJ likes it too! It's hard to go wrong with your pretty face!

  24. I like your brown makes you look younger! Little Dude is just adorable!

  25. I watched the video and kept waiting for the creepy voice to made me miss when my boys were that little.
    I like the brown hair but I think its very funny that Little Dude called it icky. Good grief kids are honest!

  26. My sister (who was very blond growing up and has since highlighted her hair to keep it blondish) recently decided to dye her hair brown. The rest of the family has brown hair so she figured she would try it out since her natural color is probably more brownish now anyways. I thought her brown hair looked good and so did the rest of our family. Her husband...he HATED it. Said it was just way too different and we should not encourage her to keep it like that. So I think most husbands have trouble with change. But I think your hair looks great brown! Very wintery.
