Friday, December 2, 2011

The Friday Post

It has been gorgeous here lately.

Look at that!  December and everything!  Auntie Datenutloaf, who lives in sunny southern California, tosses around the idea of moving here every now and again.  But she is afraid of this . . .

. . . and our winters that tend to last from November to June.  But look, Auntie!

It CAN be pretty here!  Upon occasion.

The kids are driving me looney tunes today, which is to be expected since it is Friday and you all know how much I love the home school/ laundry/house cleaning routine.  One of my pupils, who shall rename nameless, has cried over everything today.

Said child missed a problem in math.


Said child was given a book for required reading that looked WAY TOO HARD, MOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*more tears*

Said child was told the sentence she wrote was sloppy.  And this child knows darn well that every sentence ends with a punctuation mark.  Mmmm-hmmmm.

*a plethora of tears*

Said child was told to redo the Latin worksheet.  Seeing as how it was all wrong-ish.

*well-spring of tears and snot*

So.  I sent them all outside for recess.  And I do believe it is a chillsome 30 degrees today.

I care not.  As is evidenced by my blogging/popcorn consumption activities that are commencing as we speak.

I have a confession to make: I have gone back to the creamer.  It had to be done.  I have four kids, you know?

I tried.  Truly, I did.

Is it too early to get a fresh Christmas tree?  Because last year's tree was kind of a bust.

A slight fire hazard.  I believe we got that one from the store the Saturday after Thanksgiving last year.  My sister-in-law also got her tree from that store and took it back because it was so dead.

You can take back Christmas trees!  Who knew?!

The kids want to cut down our own tree.  This has never gone over well in the past and has caused marital discord between my beloved and I.

Herein lies the problem:  I want a tree that looks good.  And he's just a guy with a truck and a chainsaw who wants to go home.  So, we always drive around and spend no less than $200 on fuel, only to end up at the store to buy one that will die a slow and painful death all over our carpet.

What to do, what to do . . .

In other news, the kids and I have decided it is time to deck the halls.  David is most unfestive this time of year.  Does this surprise you?  We find it necessary to do something to the deer mount or the rabbits.  We are certain he will be pleased with our merriment.

We are thinking the deer needs a red nose? Or the rabbits need Santa hats?

What say you?






  1. A well-spring of snot! I love it! :) :) I would definitely get all over that animal head. Holla! ;)

  2. "he’s just a guy with a truck and a chainsaw who wants to go home."
    Love that line. And we have the same dilemma - I notice they are very cheap at the cheap grocery store. But we have no snow, so it's a great year to pick out a wild tree! Oh, the agony of indecision.
    Also I hear you on the tears over school. Perhaps I should threaten my three with Latin worksheets.
    It is hot here today: 33 degrees! We're rocking the summer gear. Or at least pulling out the hoodies again.

  3. We up and didn't do school at all today because my cleaning angel life-saver lady didn't come today so I took it into my silly head that *WE* could just do it ourselves and save money. I set one group up to organize the game/book/junk/camera equipment cupboard, while another organized the bins by the back door full of outdoor toys, gloves, hats and whatnot and others doing odd jobs. I was going to dust, vacuum and clean the bathroom while they were occupied happily working together for the good of the whole family. Oh and Christmas music to make festive and fun.


    I would definitely put some Christmas cheer on that deer or elk or whatever it is! LJ might just don a Santa suit himself for the sheer merriment of it all!

  4. One major perk I see to homeschooling is you can be blatantly honest with your own kids, and tell them to buck up and read the book, punctuate the sentence, redo the Lating worksheet, etc. For the sake of not hurting other people's kids' fragile feelings, I have to word my corrections more carefully! Sometimes, I just want to tell the lil stinkers to quit whining and do it right.

    That deer head needs a sassy red feather boa. Maybe a motion-sensored song attachment. LOL

    I'm all about the fresh tree, or at least I was, until the year my son pulled down the 8-foot tree on top of GG, and we noticed some kind of lil bug hatching at the top. EEEEEP!! We now have a tiny tabletop pre-light tree that sits in the window behind the couch!

    Happy Friday!!!

  5. I think that having a deer head to decorate for Christmas is one of the few perks of dead animals on the wall. Red nose AND sleigh bells!

  6. give that deer some balls. Christmas balls that is. Hanging from his antlers ...What did you think I meant?

  7. i am sure that everyone knows this (but me, up until a couple of years ago), the heavier the tree, the longer it will last. it is retaining water better than the lighter trees. we buy our tree at home depot every year. my husband goes through them one by one until i hear him grunt and see him grab his back...then i know he has a winner!

    dye those bunnies green and red and throw some tinsel on those antlers!!! *<=o)

  8. Well, my tree has been up 24 hours and tipped over by two very uber naughty cats three times (that I know of - it's a small tree) hubby heard my cussing the last time so I think he has been setting it back upright before I see it .... It now has presents under it...Oh, lets give the cats something else to play with why don"t we...sigh.... I think you should put a Christmas wreath on that deer head, add some tinsel, lights and ornaments and call it a Christmas Tree!!

  9. I just did a whining post about public schools not teaching my kids...But then I read this and am not at all sure I could ever home school! Yoiks!

  10. Rachel in Superior, WIDecember 2, 2011 at 12:14 PM

    Ha! Did I not warn you about going off the creamer? Did I not tell you that I have tried and it was not worth the agony?

  11. Wait, us non-homeschooling teachers aren't supposed to just tell the kids to buck up, get over it, and just do the whatever-it-is-I-need-them-to-do? Oh man. I've been teaching all wrong all these years...hee hee.

  12. "Maybe a motion-sensored song attachment ..."


    Love it!

  13. Homeschool science project: engineer the deer head to sing Christmas carols.

  14. 1) tree dilemma: solved by an ARTIFICIAL, beautifully shaped, PRE-Lit, tree...however tall you want it to be....stays the same year after year, and you can anchor it into a stand in such a way that it shouldn't fall parents used to actually tie ours to the stair railings "just to make sure" that it didn't go anywhere.

    2) Stuffed animal head dilemma: definitely need a red-nose on that deer...maybe some tinsel/garland wrapped around the antlers and some pretty ornaments hanging from them as well.

    3) Bunny dilemma....can't help you there....unless maybe you could spray paint their massive mounds of poop with gold spray paint and sprinkle it around the yard on Christmas eve to convince the kiddos that it is really the "magic" dust from Santa's sleigh and his eight tiny flying reindeer? Just a thought. :-)

    4) Homeschooling Dilemma....taking the entire month of December OFF from school always helps our attitudes at our house....AND: sending the kiddos outside to run laps around the house always works to adjust the attitudes and the wiggles. :-)

  15. I think the motion-sensored song attachment for the deer is inspired. And I would definitely give him a red nose, some Christmas balls and tinsel. He's just begging for them! Besides, isn't that just what non-festive people need? To have all their prize possessions dressed up? I think so. :)

  16. Ok, #3 deserves a COW, I almost spit out my milk!

  17. Definitely a red nose! Once we moved overseas we went to an artificial tree. I've gotten used to it and because we travel a lot it is worries about watering the tree or the house catching fire. It would seem like you should be able to make one last until Christmas at this point. You have to water it a ton initially.

    Enjoy this season of advent with your littles!
