Monday, September 20, 2010

A Cognitive Breakthrough

If you have read this blog for awhile, you might have picked up on the fact that sometimes, just sometimes, it is hard to carry on a conversation with Handsome Dude, our 3 year old.

But only sometimes.

Other things you may have picked up on:  I can't take good pictures, I am fond of centering, I tend to drone on and on pointlessly, and I have no idea what I am doing.

But that is neither here nor there.

I wanted to share with you all a cognitive breakthrough we had with Handsome Dude this very weekend.

*Brace yourselves*

You might recall that we have some trouble with Handsome Dude really understanding who God is.


He is prone to pentecostal moments every now and again.

But what did his theology really boil down to?

Here is a snippet of actual conversation between me and The Dude from earlier this summer:

Handsome dude:  Jesus and God!


That was random.

Me:  Does Jesus love you?

HD:  No.  Jesus love Cokey.

Me:  Jesus loves you too.

HD:  No.  He scary.  And mean.  Jesus naughty.

I fear I have fallen behind in teaching Handsome Dude about . . . everything.

He leads a confused life.

Me:  No.  Jesus is  not naughty.

HD:  YESSSSS!  Jesus wee naughty!

Me:  No.  He is not.

HD throws himself on the floor in a fit of fury and despair.

HD:  No!  He naughty!



Well, I have an announcement folks.

Handsome Dude finally got it right.

Allow me to illustrate this further by relaying, yet another, scintillating conversation.


Try to contain your excitement.

Handsome Dude:  Did God make trucks?

Hold onto your pants, folks!  Did my son just make a complete, coherent sentence? 
I mean, that sentence was perfect!

He even remembered the question mark at the end!  (Ha!  That was a joke.  Keep up, people!)

Lumberjack:  No, people made trucks.  Who made people?

Handsome Dude:  God!

Sweet Pea:  Does God love you?

Handsome Dude:  Yes!  And God loves mommy and God loves Cokey . . .

Lest any of you are confused, Cokey is his name for his brother

Sweet Pea:  And is God naughty?

Handsome:  No!  No he not.  He not naughty.  He not rude.  He wee nice!


There you have it, folks.

I would like to announce that on this, the 20th of September, in the year Two Thousand and Ten of our Lord, we have discovered that the boy can be taught.



My blog is being featured over at Beth Zimmerman's blog today!

Look at me with my big girl blogging pants on!

Thank you, Beth!


Alright.  I had better get off the computer and get my game face on.

Taylor's School of Excellence commences at 9am.

Later, Dudes and Happy Monday!


  1. Such a wonderful moment the first time the form a real honest to goodness question... and sweeter still are those lovely conversations in which you realize that yes, they really do have a brain! :)

  2. Look at you with your big girl blogging pants on! Congrats on being featured! Everyone will love you, and will be unable to get through their day without reading your new posts.
    And I am so thankful that Handsome Dude has finally;
    A. Found Jesus
    B. Formed a complete sentence
    C. Stopped carrying around Little Dude's underwear...

  3. If your boys are anything like my brothers, I am sure you will still question their ability to learn for many years. But at least he realizes God loves him!

    Have a good day, Taylor. :)

    Marla @

  4. And once he knows God loves him, everything else will fall into place. :-) Yay! :-)

  5. Stopping by from Beth's blog! I'm glad he finally figured it out! I'll be back to read more!

  6. Glad he got it right! But now what's his view of the devil?

  7. He may be theologically confused at times, but he is wee, wee cute.

  8. I love the picture and the story. It seriously laughed out loud. Thanks for sharing!

  9. What a sweetie! I had to share this with my hubby as I was laughing so hard at your post. :)

  10. you know, maybe HD knows/knew a little Hispanic boy named Heysoos (Jesus) and he was weee naughty??? Yay for theological breakthroughs!

  11. This is the extent of my little Dude's theological training:

    See Veggie Tales Illustrated Bible

    Scream "Bi-bull"

    Scream "Ay-Meen"

    The End.

  12. Hi LJ Wife...I'm feeling overwhelmed at the excessive number of posts in my google reader and am tempted to mark all read. Except yours. I never mark yours read without actually reading : ) It has been a busy couple of weeks but I feel sure things will settle down soon. I don't even have the excuse of running a school of excellence. And hey, it must be excellent because even your kids who are not enrolled in the LJ School of excellence are learning stuff! High five to Handsome Dude!

  13. so glad to hear he got it right!! and in his defense, some people never do get it!!! so sad, too!! just goes to show what a good mommy you are! =)

  14. I'm always afraid I'm being a false teacher if I don't fight the wrongness of the little minds in my home.

    But apparently, you teach the big sister all the right stuff and everyone else turns out right!

  15. Yeah Handsome Dude!!! Look at him with is big boy Pentecostal jammies on!

  16. Hey Sweets! Well that little HD keeps you on your toes doesn't he? His stories are super fun - My oldest boy (3) asked me the other day what happened to Nemo's mama and I told him that she passed away and she went to be with Jesus. When daddy got home, daddy got informed. It was adoreable. Hope you have a great week, The Lady of the House

  17. I remember that conversation :) Glad he's figured out that Jesus isn't naughty now ;)

    (And loved the question mark joke haha!)

  18. Thanks for the linky love, Taylor! A variety of people meandered from your place to mine! Hope the reverse was also true! :) And this HD tale cracked me up! I'm not sure how you stop laughing long enough to get any of that excellence taught!
