Sunday, September 12, 2010

Never Eat Sour Watermelon

A weekend update . . . if you will.

1)  Mabel seems to be doing better!  I don't wanna brag, but . . . I'm pretty sure it is because I cooked her some fantastic rice with chicken broth that healed her to her core.

It was Mabelicious!

She would not eat anything all of Thursday and Friday.  But my miraculous-super-healin' rice did the trick. 

She still looks super skinny and weak, but I am glad she is eating.

2.  We found baby mice in the trailer of our 4-wheeler.

And their mama hiding in the wheel of the 4 wheeler.

Other creatures we have seen in this strange, new land:  snakes, frogs, deer, moose, raccoons, turkeys, coyotes, elk, grouse, quail, and lots and lots of bees.

3.  A conversation between my husband and I:

We had taken new route on a new highway that I had never been on before.

Me:  We are on the road Danny used to live on, right?

LJ:  Yup.

Me:  Have we passed their old house yet?

LJ:  Seriously, Taylor?

Me:  What?

LJ:  Uh . . . . are we coming from Canada?  Or are we coming from the South?

Darn him and his sassiness.

Me:  Umm . . . .

LJ:  South, Taylor!  South!  We are heading North now.

Me:  Neat.  But have we passed Danny and Tonya's old place?

LJ:  NO!  They lived north of where we are going.  We won't pass them.

Me:  Huh?

LJ:  How do you not know this?

Me:  How do you know this? 

LJ:  Everyone knows this stuff.

Me:  No.  I can only tell north from the other highway.  I go north to go into town . . . you know . . . where Target, Starbucks, and humans exist.  I go south to head to Ruralville.  Once I get away from that one highway, I have no idea where I am.

LJ:  You are ridiculous.

Me:  Then I have to say, "Never Eat Sour Watermelon"  so I can figure out which way is east and west from those points.

LJ:  Ok, Taylor.

Me:  And since you have got me all discombulated, I can't find that highway in my head and I no longer no where I am.

LJ:  Ok, Taylor.

Me:  I bet that if someone where to blindfold you and put you on an airplane, fly you into a completely different state, get you off the plane, turn you around 12 times, and take off your blindfold, you would still know how to find north.

LJ:  Probably, Taylor.

Me:  HOW?!?

LJ:  Because.  It's common knowledge.  And besides, you have no excuse.  Your rearview mirror has a compass.

Me:  Confusing, nonetheless.

4.  I am about to don my pirate costume.


Try to contain your jealousy.

5.  We got some pictures taken this weekend.  Here is a teaser to show you how well it went:

Later, dudes!


  1. The only thing I know about locating direction is something my husband told me - moss always grows on the north side of a tree. If I was lost in the desert w/out tree's I would simply die...

  2. In Colorado, I always know which direction is which because we have very few major highways and the mountains are always to the west of me. Plus, it's always ridiculously sunny, so you can figure it out by where the sun is at. When we lived in Seattle, there were trees everywhere, not to mention clouds, and even after almost 4 years there, I had NO IDEA which direction I was going. It really bugged me. I had to have an expensive map everywhere I went.

  3. Never Eat Shredded Wheat
    Can't wait to see pics from your pirate adventure!!

  4. I'm glad your dog is feeling better.

    We're living parallel lives...yesterday we went hiking. As we were coming down the mountain I headed towards the blue dot. Hubs said, "Where are you going?" I said, "We came up the blue trail." him-No, we came up dark green. me-Are you sure? him-(huffing and annoyed and pulling out the map like that will help me) Why do you question me when it comes to directions and how can you not know where you are? I could have pointed out the direction of the car park from the top of the mountain." Me-how can you be married to me for 26+ years and still ask me that question? Him-all you need to know is where the sun is and you can figure out where you need to go. Me-huh? Him-Forget it. I give up.

    Oh and the pirate get up is gonna require pictures.

  5. Gotta see some pictures of the pirate. I'm glad you're dog is doing better. I can tell directions, but only because I have a serious mental disease. When I was 10, I paid attention to all the turns for the hour's drive to grandma's house. I wanted to know how to get home if I got stuck by myself. It never occurred to me to wonder why a 10 year old might be stuck on her own, but hey, I was prepared!

  6. I am so happy about Mabel. I was quite worried about her.

    And I can't wait to see those pictures. The kiddos looks happy, at least. :)

    Marla @

  7. First, I LOVE the new picture/logo thingy on your blog! How long has it been since I ventured outside of Google Reader to see? Who knows. I'm busy. Don't be a hater.

    Now, dear, do not let the hubster make you feel bad about being directionally-challenged. You can name a number of reasons for this: 1) Blond hair (fake or real, it's all the same...and I'm not saying your's is fake...just beating anyone to the punch, just in case), 2) you have four children under the age of whatever age your oldest is, 3) he moved you to Hickville, USA, so ultimately, it's his fault

    I'm sure I can come up with more reasons than that.

    Now, the picture is l-o-v-e-l-y. But, dare I take time to wonder at the magnificent skills of the photographer to get all of your babies to look and smile into the lens at the same time?! Guess that's why they make the big bucks, eh?

    Have a rat-free day!

  8. I'm with Melissa - a Never Eat Shredded Wheat kinda girl. Because not only do I not have any sort of internal compass, I also need the reminder to rhyme or I will not remember it. So tell LJ it could be worse.

    I'm happy to hear Mabel is on the mend.

  9. I pretty much always know which direction I am going but have given up on teaching our daughters. Awesome header photo and that is some cute bunch of kids in that other picture. And did you know that Sept. 19th is International Talk like a Pirate day??? Ahoy!

  10. I am so bad with directions that it is almost fool-proof to ask me which way to go and then go the other way.

    Glad to hear about Mabel.

  11. There was a major study done by some renowned college. Males inherently have a better sense of direction. They blindfolded about 20 men and 20 female students and drove them around for an hour in a bus, making many stops and turns and when they got out all the men could answer the question which way are you facing and only about 25% of the females. Don't quote me on the %s it was a long time ago. Men only use half of their brain at a time so it's easier for them to make decisions. Women have a more difficult time because both right and left halves are firing all the time. Proved.
    Glad Mabel is alright.

  12. i'm with you on this one!! you can keep me in one place, put a bag over my head , turn me around 10 times, take the bag off and i am lost!! LOL
    and my husband is the complete opposite, he could find his way out of anywhere...

  13. Also married to Mr. Sense of Direction. Aaaand he used to give me a hard time about it, since I do not have "the Sense". However. He needed to be reminded about skill sets he has not - like preparing edible food. Or talking nicely to people even when they do not warrent such fine treatment. We have agreed that he will utilize his special skills without distain where I am lacking, and I will reciprocate. Thusly, marital bliss is achieved. :)

  14. My first 23 yrs of life I only knew which direction was which because I lived on the West coast. Then I moved to Portland OR and the street signs told me where I was.

    Now that I am out in backwoods Missouri I am lost, directionless and just have to look at the sun and the moss...etc. And to top it off the compass in the truck doesn't function properly.

    Best of luck in locating yourself. Glad Mabel is better.

  15. when I visit family in Wisconsin and Iowa I never have any idea where I am going. And a lot of times the mapquest and google maps call the roads something different then what they are really called except for like one number. Good times. Can't wait to see pirate pictures and I love the one of the kids even with the grabby arms.

  16. I have THE WORST sense of direction ever. Not even sour watermelon or shredded wheat could help me.

  17. I grew up with the sun in the south of the sky and a nice grid system of roads that was mainly north-south, or east-west. Easy! Then we moved to Australia and now I'm permanently lost. The sun is in the north, but I keep forgetting that. Roads go every which way including in circles. And to top it off, I now confuse left and right because of driving on the wrong side of the car and road, so even when I get given directions I can't follow them. Aggh!

    By the way, love the new masthead and especially the smiles (even on the Lumberjack!) The antler growing out of his head is a nice added touch :)

  18. So glad to hear that Mabel is back to her old self again (almost)!
    Mice are cute from a distance and I think it's safe to say that you didn't take those pictures yourself... did you? If so, I admire your bravery!
    I have a sassy, know-it-all husband myself! Why is it that they always like to pick on our weaknesses? I always have to remind mine that there is no such thing as a stupid question and that I wouldn't be asking him it if I already knew the answer! Sigh.

  19. Love the Nile project. SP where did ya get that gorgeous pink (peach) gown? LD are you wearing a leotard? Hi all
