Monday, September 13, 2010

Picture Day, Mateys!

 On Saturday, we took the kids for their annual photo session with their cousins.  This is all my mother's doing, and I suspect it is all part of her evil plan to get my husband inside a mall at least once a year.

Fact:  Lumberjacks despise malls.

Other things Lumberjacks despise:  paying for photographs, driving minivans, diet soda, dull chainsaw blades, mushrooms, and heating with gas heat.

About 6 years ago, my mom started this tradition of getting the grandkids coordinating outfits and getting their picture taken.  And I figured that, since we were there and all, I would attempt to obtain a picture of my four.

Sounds simple enough, right?


As soon as we get the older three on the platform, Little Dude senses a conspiracy and begins to scream.  Not just cry.  Not just get mad.  But throw himself across the platform, snot flying, face red, screaming at the top of his lungs, anti-picture-fury.

We could not get him to calm down for a good 5 minutes.  I did not think pictures were going to be possible.  But . . . somehow we got him to simmer down . . . although I can't remember how we did it.

Oh, yes!  I recall, now!

He decided that he would be requiring the toy truck to be in the photo before he would be participating.


What are they looking at?

I bet you one million dollars that I was trying to stop Handsome Dude from putting his hand down his pants.

Not that he would ever do that.

Please notice Little Dude on the end . . . who has miraculously turned himself into the most charming little dude ever!

Let's add my niece and nephew to the mix . . . shall we?

The boys.

The girls.

The gang.

Look at how much my boys love me . . . they are just staring at me. 

Basically, I'm awesome.

And the picture-taker-lady requested that I stand near the center so that all eyes could still be on me.

Because, remember.  I'm awesome.


And we don't have to worry about such nonsense for a whole other year.

Caution:  There will be one more baby in the picture next year.

Lest anyone gets their panties in knot, no I am not pregnant.  But my brother's wife is.



I would like to announce that yesterday, I, yes, I, Taylor Mali-blah-blah, looked and acted like a pirate.

Ok, maybe I didn't really look like a pirate.  But "E" for Effort, right?

I loathe dressing up.  I did have a large hat, but was teased endlessly that it looked like a sombrero.

"Yee-haw, Taylor!"

"Hola, Taylor"

not holla.  there is a difference.

"Where's your horse, Taylor?"

"Umm . . . Taylor . . . pirates did not wear sombreros."

I would like to state once again, that the tag on the hat at the store said Pirate Hat.

So, basically, I wore a white shirt and some hoop earrings and called it good.

Oh, and I threw caution to the wind and added some pirate-y pigtails.

Then someone grabbed me and told me I needed an eye patch.  But my head was too big to get it around, so I tied it onto my lanyard.

Then someone else told me I needed a red sash.

So, they sashed me.

So, there you have it!

Since I am sure you are all dying to know why I dressed like a pirate, I shall inform you post haste.

I work in the children's ministry at my church and I am a leader over one service time.

I ain't gonna lie . . . I'm kind of a big deal.



We have a big event every year to kickoff the new ministry year.  And this year was a pirate-y theme.

Mystery Solved.


Gone with the Wind came in the mail today.

Two disks.


Sadly, The Lumberjack is working late tonight.

But I think I need to watch it nonetheless.

I told him I wished he loved me like Rhett loved Scarlett.

You know.

Minus the Belle Whatling part.

Oh, and minus the part where he hates her at the end.

Can I get a 10-4 good buddy from anyone who knows the book of which I speak?


So.  I will post for Fat Tuesday tomorrow.


Spoiler Alert:  I have gained weight.  I repeat, I have gained weight.

But, alas.  I cannot post until the afternoon-ish time, seeing as how I must lead The School of Excellence.

You understand, don't you?

See you tomorrow!


  1. 10-4.
    Oh, how I love Rhett.
    Now stop all this movie nonsense, and go pick up Scarlett from the library.
    Different author- Alexandra Ripley.
    Believe it or not.

    You are a super cute pirate-ish-lady.

  2. Oh, the trials of capturing children in photographs! Some of my most frustrating moments have been trying to get pictures of Caroline and her niece and nephew together. You prevailed though! The 2nd picture is my favorite - they're so cute!

    I've been missing out on reading my favorite blogs because I've been so busy trying to get my edumacation! I feel like I'm missing out on some super important happenings!

  3. I seem to have this uncontrollable urge to sing "We are the Pirates who don't do anything." Which, of course, wouldn't be accurate because as we have seen, not only are you awesome, but you can do everything. And frankly, my dear....

  4. I don't give a . . . *bleep*

  5. Oh you are lovely! Lovely and wonderful and funny and FABULOUS.
    I really love your writing. Truly, I do. And your children are little cherubs. Or, I suppose I should say, they LOOK like little cherubs.

    I think I want to be you when I grow up.

  6. I too loathe dressing up in costume. And "action songs." But I am trying to get over the actions songs things. And I have never seen "Gone With The Wind." I'm a travesty, I know.

  7. I love that picture of you! You're an adorable pirate! And good job getting the kids to focus and smile!

  8. I have to admit, I drove by all of you standing around the church entrance and said to my husband, "Reason number 1 why I will never join the children's ministry."

  9. I love all those photos! Great idea having them done :)

  10. Um, you look like pirate barbie. You are adorable. It's not fair!

  11. Pirate Barbie!! Love it =)

  12. It takes a very creative homeschool mom to pull together a few ordinary pieces from her wardrobe and come up with a costume. I am very impressed. Is LJ really going to watch gwtw with you? Does he realize how long it is?

  13. If LJ was home, he'd love to sleep to Gone With the Wind which has the best costumes ever!

  14. Oh invite me to Ruralville to watch GWTW with you, which is, by the way, the book of which you quoteth. Scarlett was a bad girl, but if you ever read the sequel, you'll know that she redeem herself.

    BTW, I've discovered that if you bribe your kids with a sports car, they will pose for hours. Just make sure you conveniently forget the promise when the kids turn 16.

  15. The photos are awesome... also - can you please come teach my 22 year old son how NOT to stick his hands down his pants... you know - once you teach yours that is... I've YET to figure out how to keep that boys hands out of his pants... He even SLEEPS that way! Ridiculous!
    Love the "Pirate" costume... I think it looks very Pirate-y. Also - love, love, love the new header! Very nice indeed!
    I too love GWTW and wish for my own double DVD! It would have been cool to live in that era... without hoop skirts and that little war that was going on. ;)
    Have fun at the School of Excellence!

  16. Pirate Barbie indeed! Love that description!

  17. If you gained weight, just tell people it was for the pirate role. You'll be all set,

  18. I love Gone with the Wind. Love.

    The movie was okay, but you need to read Scarlet. Its even better, I think.

  19. You are Uber Important in children's ministry-you provide a large percentage of the children :) I am glad you love to have fun with the rest of us in our costumes-your hat was a pirate hat, it's just that you did not velcro it so it looked like a sombrero! Delores Blood Beard you had your sea legs and your sash-what more does a pirate need?

  20. Sometimes I want to dress up like a pirate.

    But then I remember my fear of being hanged.

    It's always a delicate balance.

  21. Love the new pics of the kids! I wanna see that sombrero of yours! :)

  22. Gorgeous pictures of your kids! I've been avoiding taking the kids in for a professional photo shoot and have been making my hubby take the pictures in my front yard. Why? Because a professional photographer frowns upon us threatening our little man within an inch of his life if he doesn't stop picking his nose and smile at the camera. My husband? Big supporter.
    And I definitely picked up the "pirate-y" vibe in your ensemble. A sombrero would have really pulled it all together, though. :)

  23. I love Gone with the Wind. It used to come to a dollar theatre every other summer when we were kids and our neighbor used to make fried chicken and all the fixin's and take us girls. We'd have our picnic during the intermission. Good times, good memories.

  24. I, too, loathe dressing up. The last Halloween party I got dragged to I dressed as "paparazzi". That costume involved wearing a camera around my neck and taking pictures of the guests.

    Lame or genius? Could go either way.

  25. look like piratey-ish to me matey!! fat tuesday on wednesday?? how rebellious are you, girly?? =) see ya then!!

  26. The pictures turned out great! You sort of look piratey, is that even a word?

  27. Your kiddos are too cute, they get it from their Mama :)
    Where are Handsome Dude's glasses in the 2nd to last picture?
    Haven't seen Gone With The Wind, you'll have to post whether or not you recommend it!
