Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pop Quiz

Please answer the following questions.

Multiple Choice

Which of the following events occurred in my household today?

A)  I went to the bathroom and locked the door.  Daisy Mae picked the lock with a penny and came in despite my pleas to go away.

B)  The boys found a (virtually empty) gas can and attempted to fill the truck with gas whilst their mother attempted to teach math.

C)  The girls dressed the boys up like pretty, pretty princesses.

D)  All of the above.

True or False

1)  According to Daisy Mae, when you sound out the word that looks like "bumpy" it sounds eerily like "pretty."

2)  According to Sweet Pea, panda bears are definitely not bears.  No ifs, ands, or buts.

3)  Little Dude pooped such a great poop that it went up his back.

4)  The highlight of my day is the fact that my husband came home early and will load the kids into the car when we go to town.

5)  I exercised today.


Consider your answers carefully.

Goodbye and Good Riddance.


  1. My answers are D, True, True, True, True, False.

    Bless your heart! There's a special place in heaven for mamas with that much "fun" in their lives!

  2. I don't care what the answers get an A+ from this teacher.

  3. d, true, true, true, true, true
    because even if you didn't set aside a specific "exercise time", sounds like you were running around all day! and that counts =)

  4. Well.

    They could have filled the gas can with water or something and then put it in the car.

    That's my best attempt at making you feel better. Hope tomorrow is better.

  5. It's 9:46pm and I haven't showered.

    And I worked out at the gym and was sweaty.
    And then I was sweaty some more because it was 93 degrees outside.

    I'm gross.

    Feel better?

  6. So sorry your day was a rough one. At least there's a new day coming tomorrow! I will say a special prayer for you tonight.

  7. Multiple choice = D. True or False = Yes.

    Now my question for you. Why? (Just because I get asked it a billion times a day and I want someone else to have to answer it.)

    Over and out.

  8. Holy Craziness, Batman! Wish we lived closer so I could help watch your little men while you taught. But then if we lived closer the girls would most likely go to a school or I'd live out in the boonies, and let's not go there. xoxo

  9. This is a VERY scary quiz. I didn't study. I think I'll take the zero for a grade rather than trying to learn the material. Yikes!

  10. D
    True....with all that running around keeping up with the kids - now that is exercise!

  11. I would like to say true to all and if I am correct, you deserve the gold star for the day!

  12. I am a day late and a dollar usual.

    We both had "one of those days" at the same time. Here's to Friday.... and a 2 day break from homeschooling bliss ;)

  13. Well, if it's true she'd be wrong. Panda Bears are indeed bears. Koala Bears on the other hand are not. :p
