Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Hunting Trip. Oh, help us. The Hunting Trip.

It occurred to me last night, dear readers, as we were driving home from our Wednesday Night Funtivities, that my husband, David Maliblahblah, will soon be leaving for his extended hunting trip.






No good comes from his extended hunting trips.

Allow me to elaborate, if I may so be inclined:

First trip- Sweet Pea was 1 3/4, Daisy Mae was 6 months old.  We had strictly wood heat and I knew not how to build a fire.  So the other hunter wives had to come to my house and give me a crash course in pyrogenics.

Lest any of you are know-it-all-ish, no, I have no idea if I used "pyrogenics" correctly.  Nor do I care.

Second Trip-Apparently it was quite traumatic, for I have no memory of it.

Third Trip- Lots of sundry events occurred on this trip.

Daisy Mae broke our one and only toilet.

Handsome Dude, who was just a mere lad, got his first pair of glasses.

And I found out I was pregnant with Sir Little Dude.

Fourth Trip-Not a clue.  Don't remember.

Fifth Trip-Last year.

Last year was a doosie.

The kids were extremely upset that he left.  And then they all got sick. 

So, without further ado, I would like to share with you a post I wrote last year during his hunting trip that accurately illustrates just how swell the last hunting trip went.

I am not too worried about reposting it, seeing as how the only people who read my blog back then were:

Bimlissa.  Bimlissa's mom.  Bimlissa's sister. Bimlissa's sister's husband's cousin.

And MindyLou!

Please notice:  I did not live in a peach house.

Also-Look at how much Little Dude has changed!



Originally posted in October of 2009


I dedicate this post to my husband who has been gone, and conveniently out of cell service, on a hunting trip.

Not only were his four children devastated by his departure, but all four them have contracted what suspiciously resembles the swine flu.

It has been a heck of a week.

And it continues . . .

100 points to whoever can name the artist/song.

200 points to whoever can cure the swine flu.

300 points to whoever can cure hunting.

I kid, of course.

How about 300 points to whoever can rig up hunting camps so that they have cell service?

Is it whoever or whomever?

400 points to whoever/whomever can answer that.



Oh, my love


My darlin'



I've hungered for your touch


a long, lonely time.


And time


Goes by


So slowly


And time


Can do


So Much


Are you


Still Mine?


I need your love




Need Your Love














He leaves in 9 days.

And this year, we live out in the middle of nowhere and have no dog for to protect us.

Beware the 9th of October! 

(Get it?  Like "Beware the Ides of March"?  Eh?  Huh?  No?)

Pray for us.


  1. One of my all time favorite of your posts - thanks for sharing it again!

    Bimlissa's Mom

  2. Aww Taylor, I'm so sorry... If I lived anywhere near you, I would loan you one of my big strong albeit smelly dogs to protect you and the little ones whilst Lumberjack is off hunting. Alas - I do not. Wonder how much it would cost to ship a dog from this nowhere town to your middle of nowhere?
    Hopefully they will all stay well this time!

  3. I love this. Maybe this will be your breakthrough year and all will be 'peachy' : )

    ps-I'm only a teensy bit insulted. Am I a goober? No. Definitely not. Case in point- I have well over 1000 songs on my ipod!

  4. Hey I was reading them waaaay back then. I laughed and felt bad for all those tears the kids were shedding and felt sorry for all the puking that was going on. Hopefully nothing will be repeated!

  5. Praying!

    The good thing--at some point Handsome Dude and Little Dude will surely, surely, surely be old enough to go and because you are homeschooling, they can, because missing school is not an issue!!!!

    And this year--no wood heat for you!!!!

    And perhaps the dudes or dudettes will need to visit their grandparents for a few days or weeks or so.......! :)

  6. I can sympathize.
    It make you realize just how hard the job of being a single parent is.
    And it's so hard to watch the kids get upset when Daddy leaves.
    (Even harder-- when they start to resent him for leaving and wont talk to him on the phone or computer :( -- but no worries, he wont be gone long enough for the resentment phase.)

    Hope all stay healthy this time around!

    Oh, and to answer your question-- we are a good ways away from the 6-month deployment, but a few varying from 2-6 weeks are looming after the holidays.
    I will be needing much sympathy then.
    I will also post much more, for what else will I have to fill my evenings?

  7. This year will be the best yet. You can always visit your vacation home for a short vacation whilst LJ is gone...

  8. I remember it like it was yesterday...
    If you start to feel like you're going to go insane let me know! It's just me and the kiddos at home all day, we can't come out and see you because our car is junk and probably wouldn't make all the way, but if you come into town it'd be fun to go to the park or something =)

  9. How long will he be gone? I hope it will go by fast and hope everyone stays healthy.

  10. Well....look on the bright live so far out in the boonies that the Swine Flu or any other flu... probably will never find you!! And, if the toilet've got bushes and all the privacy you need out there! ;-)

  11. I never read that postbefore, that made me laugh. Not that you go thru so much when your husband goes hunting but that you did the picture montage to one of my favorite songs.

  12. I remember that post last year it was the first one I read... you sucked me in with the photo of your daughters broken heart :( I think I cried just looking at it! Of course I'm much stronger now. Not emotional at all...nope not gonna cry this time Taylor!
    I'll get you some dark chocolate at our next meeting to ease your pain.

  13. love this post and the re-post. is there anyone in a tri-state area who will lend you a surly looking dog? actually, maybe it's a great time to get a puppy...more work for you, but fun distraction for the kids.

  14. Oh Taylor, I am so sorry, if was was closer, (or even in the same Country), I would go help you out for sure!

    I am sure that this year everything will go well, I will be thinking of you and sending you good vibes! Take the Dudes outside every morning and make them jog around the house a few (many) times. They will be so pooped that they won't be able to get into mischief all day long...(well at least an hour or two).

    Will be thinking of you! ;)

  15. I always have to laugh about The Ides of March, because that's the day my husband proposed to me. On a non-scary downtown street corner, in the rain, under an umbrella, on one knee. So romantic. :)

    But now that I think about it, maybe that's the reason the photographer (who was concealed in the building across the street to take pictures of said proposal so that I would receive a beautiful framed portrait as a surprise wedding gift) had a malfunction with his camera and all the negatives came back blank. (Insert sob.) Hmmmm...

  16. Um, yes. October = Daddy goes hunting. As a child, I was fatherless for this month of the year, every year. And something ALWAYS goes horribly wrong. It's inevitable. Not encoraging, I know. I am sorry.
    In an attempt to "cure hunting" I married a sports nut instead of a gun/hunting nut. I haven't had to cut up a deer or wrap meat in the kitchen since I left my parent's home! :) There are trade-offs, but I'll take 'em.
    And I am not ashamed to pander for meaningless points:
    (is the offer still good after 1 year?)
    the Righteous Brothers/Unchained Melody
    Swine flu is not going around this season. I will credit God with having healed it.
    cure hunting? not possible in this genereation - but we can have hope for our children!
    Bribe LJ to carry his phone around on the mountain, looking for a signal. It is possible - my brother did it.
    (love love LOVE the pics of miserable puking crying children - if only to know I am not alone. :-/ )

  17. Me thinks we had swine flu at the same time. To bad we didn't know you then. Misery loves company.

    As for hunting trips =boo lumberjack, boo!

    As for hunting trips when Dudes are big enough to go = Yeah Lumberjack, Yeah!

    I know how you feel about the dog issue. My dogs sleep with me when hubby is TDY (Army-speak for away from home).

  18. Whew! I will be praying you, friend! If history has anything to say, sounds like you'll need it!

  19. Ugh. That doesn't sound fun. The good news?! You can do what you want while he is gone. I take my husbands time away for work to mean that I don't have to do anything I don't feel like doing. Ha!

  20. I totally remember that post! Because it was that very day that Bimlissa's mom was having the first ever bloggers luncheon and I was in attendance - you were not - due to the puking children that the love of your life blessed you with and left you with. So myself, Bimlissa's Aunt, Bimlissa's Mom, Bimlissa's sister, and Bimlissa, along with a couple of other 'non-relatives', discussed your retched life as it was that day..........and we felt soooooooo badly for you.

    So this time around perhaps you need to make some plans of "escape" from the bowels of ruralville lest you become tormented by the wildlife out there in them parts. And make sure wood heat is not the only source of heat to rely on while the love of your life makes his way out in the wild to feed his family and leaves you stranded with no warrier or doggy-oggy to protect you.

    How long does the mail take from town to ruralville? I could send cookies & milk and a movie if that would help.

  21. I love this post. My how time flies when you're having fun! :)

  22. Well, maybe he will bring back a dead animal for you to cook? Wait, that's probably a bad thing right.

    Corn harvest has officially started around here. I'm not a farm hand. I feel your pain.

    Marla @

  23. I suggest you get your parents to come out and watch your kids while you get away too...

    Ooooorrrr....Or, or, OR! You could take a trip without your hubs and leave him with the kids!

    Yes, you can thank me later for my genius ideas...And we won't talk about that I just typed genius wrong 3 times in a row before I got it right...genus, genious, oh, yes..GENIUS! I think it's abundantly clear why I'm not homeschooling.

  24. Heather (nurse Heather)September 30, 2010 at 11:11 AM

    Hey, I was reading back then too! I remember this post and love it! I pray this year is easier on you and that the children stay happy and healthy! :)

  25. I hope you are nominated for a Grammy for that picture-video above. What would it look like if this year the theme song was Justin Bieber's "Baby, Baby" or...or... the Macgyver theme song....dunt,dunt,dunt, dunt, dunt,DAH, dunt,dunt DAH! Dah,da,da,da,da....(you get the picture). Who knows maybe you can tell us how you made a bomb to scare away a bear from all that was in your purse--hand sanitizer, tape usually used for to repair damaged glasses and that overused picture of your father-in-law!

  26. Oh my dear friend, we shall be husbandless at the same time. Alas, this is our inevitable destiny. If nothing else, we shall be together in spirit, my dear. You can DO this!! And if not pack your bags and go stay with your parents for a few days. You homeschool=you can do that!! :)

  27. Good luck Taylor, that's all I can think to say. Seems like you'll need it :o)

  28. And then he'll come home with dead animals and a pile of laundry.



  29. yowzers.
    You are a patient woman.
    Perhaps you can schedule a vacation of your own at the same time? Leave the kids in the hands of a capable relative?
    Is there a spa season?

  30. LOL great post sorry I missed that one last year.
