Thursday, September 16, 2010

Items we shall now discuss.

Attention:  This post is a hodge-podge of nothingness.

But I am blogging nonetheless because my husband will be home late.


And it's been a bad week.  And I need human interaction, people!

Clearly, I find it to be my duty to spread the grumpiness.

1.  I had a bad day yesterday.

2.  It was really, really, really, really bad.

3.  The answers to yesterday's Pop Quiz were D, and all the rest true, except the last one was, of course, false.

4.  This event was the only time I smiled all day . . .

disturbing as it may be.

5.  But then I saw what their bedrooms looked like as a result of this dress-up party.  And I was no longer amused.

6.  How did I get to be so old?

7.  I watched "Gone with the Wind."  I have seen it several times, but wanted to see it again after reading the book.  The book is much better.

8.  I ate a Dairy Queen Blizzard last night.  And I thoroughly enjoyed every calorie.

9.  It was Oreo.

10.  I want a minivan.

11.  How on earth did I get to be so old?

12.  I think Mabel is doing better. Maybe.  I don't know.  She is weird. 

13.  I think I am going to have to expel the dudes from The School of Excellence.

14.  I have had too many life changes these past few months.  I repeat.  Too many life changes.

15.  I have considered loading up the hoodlums and going to pick up "Scarlet" from the library and getting unhealthy fast food for dinner.  But.  That will cost me at least $25 in gas and $20 in food.  So that seems wasteful.

16.  I am cooking something fabulous for dinner and writing a superb blog post instead.

17.  Ok.  #16 was a lie.  I will cook something edible for dinner and write a depressing blog post instead.

18.  The three older kids started Awanas last night.  Handsome Dude hushes us constantly, for he is doing his "Bible Study."

19.  I told my mother, who is conveniently, his Awana's leader, that my one hope for the year is that she can teach him that Jesus is not naughty, as my bright son currently repeats daily.

20.  Want to know who else is his Awana's teacher?


My pa.

21.  We made a model of the Nile River today

Look at me and my bad self!

22.  Little Dude walked around holding Handsome Dude's "Toy Story" undies today.


No one knows.

Fun Fact:  We all call Little Dude, "Cokey."

That is not his real name.

We need to stop this.

He can't be "Cokey-that-homeschooled-boy-that-lives-in-Ruralville" to all his peers now, can he?

And, in conclusion, I would like to leave you with this juicy photograph of yours truly from the 7th grade.

My main purpose in posting this delightul portrait is to make all of you who called me "Pirate Barbie" eat your words.


Let's probe into this picture further, by revisiting the conversation my girls and I had today immediately upon viewing it:

Daisy Mae:  Mom!  Did you mean for your hair to look like that?

Me:  Yes.

Sweet Pea:  Oh.  It's kind of . . . poofy.

Me:  Sure is.

Daisy Mae:  Did Grams make you do your hair like that?

Me:  No.  I liked it that way.

Daisy Mae:  Why?

Me:  Because I thought it was pretty.

Sweet Pea:  Oh.  I don't think it is pretty.


The funniest part of this photo is that on the back, it is written to my youth pastor, of whom I might have had a slight crush on, and clearly was too nervous in his presence to actually hand him the photo.

Come on.

I can't be the only gal who had a crush on her youth pastor.






  1. Oh, LOOK! It's 90's Skipper! Hello 90's Skipper, who will grow up to one day be Wholesome Pirate Barbie! We love you!

    I'm sorry your day was bad. I hate days like that. Hate hate hate hate.

    You got old because of science.

    Remember? That's the answer to all of life's unanswerable questions. Science.

    Groovy Nile! I sailed the Nile when I And an English born Egyptian boy of seventeen took a liken' to me and wanted to set up an arranged marriage. Sounds fake, huh? It's not.

    Apparently I was cute.

    That was before MY hair got "poofy".

    Don't worry...I thought it was pretty too.

    If I ever find out where you live, I am mailing you a scanner and I will also be in the box to help you set it up and to teach you how to use it. Then you will need to send me back, but don't worry, I'll include a self paid envelope for the occasion.

    A very big envelope. Made of airplane.

  2. You are too funny! I'm sure your dinner will be wonderful and I hope your Friday is brighter and you do something FUN over the weekend!!

  3. Oh honey! That picture has nothing on one of mine from junior high. I call it "the water buffalo" year, and not because I was chubby! Hair all over the place! But I can guarantee that you won't be seeing it on my blog.

  4. That looks like an awesome reproduction of the Nile River. Really. Very cool.

    And I'm sure you guys will get used to homeschooling soon.

    Marla @

  5. Do you know when your Youth Pastor/Home Group Leader/ ect. asks everyone that question -"What would you do today if you knew Jesus was coming back tomorrow?" everyone always said amazing things like" I would make sure everyone who doesn't know God hears about him" or "I would go to all of the people in my life and tell them how much I love them"..
    Wanna know what I always said? I would eat whatever I wanted...
    that is sad on so many levels, and has nothing whatsoever to do with your post except to say. With everything else going on in your world, please don't stress about the Blizzard...
    Oh, and it was a well known fact that in the 80's, the bigger the hair the deeper the relationship with Christ. At least that's how it was in my church, pretty sure....

  6. I'm sorry that your week has been so bad. It will get better. Just tell yourself that one day when you're old (for reals) that you will miss the time that you spent with your children taking pictures of them in fairy/princess costumes or doing a model of the nile. Maybe little dude would like a Buzz Lightyear toy instead of undies? LOL. My 8 1/2 year old took his much loved (read worn out and threadbare) Woody to school this year as part of his "5 things you don't know about me" presentation. Precious, I tell you.

    I loved the picture of you! My hair looked exactly like that. The bigger the better! My 16 year old daughter makes fun of my old pics everytime she sees them as well. "what's up with the hair" is a common question from her. I have hidden all of the pics to avoid the uncomfortable questions (wink).

  7. I just want to say if my boy could rock a green Princess dress like your boy, I would smile too:)
    Very nice Nile River.

  8. You're adorable. I'm pretty sure we all had poofy hair in the 80's. I know I did. I used to spend hours making sure my bangs fluffed back just right.... And yes, My kids make fun of how I looked at that age, too. I agree, it was pretty bad.

    (And don't bother with "Scarlett". It's not written by Margaret Mitchell. It's a cheap knock-off publish in the 90's and posesses none of the literary quality and great character development that Gone with the Wind contains.)

  9. Oh Taylor,
    Your picture.
    It's so...
    So much better than my 7th grade picture.

    Think perm, that didn't take in my bangs, braces, glasses, neon colored clothing.

    Take heart, friend.
    You rocked as a seventh grader.

    And you should just order Scarlett off Amazon. You can get it for like, 5 bucks. Better than the gas mileage.
    Do they deliver things out there in ruralville??

  10. Change. Not so much my favorite thing. You're right - you've had a lot of it. :(

    I want a Blizzard now.

  11. Scarlett is worth the read, but don't expect Gone with the Wind wonder from it. FYI - they made Scarlett into a mini-series a few years back - bet you can find it on Amazon or someplace similar.

  12. I hated Gone With the Wind. The movie AND the book...I despised Scarlet also...I know. I think I'm missing something fundamental in my girl-genetic makeup...

    However, I DO like dot dot dots...

  13. (((((Hugs)))))))) Poor Lumberjill - you are having a bad week. You have had one big life changing event after another. Change is hard, but without change we don't get the opportunity to grow. You are growing and growing and growing. And I mean growing in a good way:)

    As for your first picture, this will be a keeper. Once day you will hear from your future young men how wrong you were to let them dress up as princesses. Too bad when they look so cute.

    Go for the Minivan. I've had one for about 8 years and don't know what I would do without it.

    Hope you have a better day, week, and weekend!

  14. I think you are one of the cutest 7th graders I have ever seen!
    If only I could have gotten my bangs to be that adorable!
    As of today....
    Well, they aren't so ummm desired and even yet, you are STILL one of the cutest 7th graders I have ever seen!

    I'm tired too, but I have to say that I am only a mama. Not a mama/multiple level gradeschool teacher/vet/personal chef/life coach/single parent for the night again/woman.

    You are doing a fantastic job and I think you are one of my favorite people in the world who lives in Idaho or Wyoming or Colorado, but for sure not Montana or Minnesota.

  15. Pirate Barbie??? LOL ... what's that about???
    ... and where I come from, we don't pluralize Awana ;)
    and I agree about Gone with the Wind ... actually I cannot recall if I ever did see the movie ... but I think I liked the book ... I think my memory is getting fuzzy ...

  16. Hang in there!!! It will get better.... I promise.... Breathe in... breathe out.......

  17. Yeah...that whole $25 in gas to go anywhere thing is what makes me cook as well. I am a cheap-o. Here's to go-to meals like spaghetti!

  18. that pic is and all.

    your dad is your kids awana teacher...that is so precious!

  19. Ugh I feel ya, I had a bad day today. But as always your post made me smile! Love the stories, hope tomorrow is an awesome day for you! :)

  20. You do recall the picture I put on the blog of myself in 6th grade, do you not? You were so cute! I was such a dork!
    I caught up a bit tonight...I can sing the blues with you sister. And if it weren't 1:30 in the a.m. right now, I'd actually write a little ditty, but I must go to bed. I must.
    Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. I got the blues. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. I need some new shoes. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. There's all kinds of pain! Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. I am so lame! Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. I read Taylor's blog. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Lifts me out of my fog. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. She makes me smile! Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Now I must sleep for a while. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. We'll start over in the morn. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. We won't be forlorn. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. I'll sing me the blues. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. I'll be thinkin' of you. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. In your homeschool so grand! Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Without a minivan. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. I hope you find sun. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. And have a little fun. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. The days they go fast. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Why won't they go faster? Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. I got the blues. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. I got the bluuuues. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. But baby, you've got the dudes. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. And the girls in their dresses. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Makin' all kinds of messes. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. So, we've got the blues. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Ain't nothing to do. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. But sing out those blues. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Sing it, baby! Sing out those blues! Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump. Dehn, dehn, de, de, dehn...bu-bump, bu-bump.

    Okay, seriously. I'm going to bed now. (hear trumpet) derh-derh-derh-derh-derh-derh-derh-derh-derh-derh-derh-derrrrrrrrht. Yeahhhhh.

  21. I hate when husbands have to work late and you just need them to come home. I hope you can get some downtime this weekend. And I agree with earlier commenters - order Scarlet from Amazon. Or have the Bookmobile deliver it to your area. They deliver to the whole county. But do read it as it is a fun continuance of the original. And the mini-series is fun too! At least it was in the 90s! And last but not least, does the youth leader you are referring to have the initials DS? :)

  22. I am sorry you are having a hard week. At least it is Friday!

  23. You are cute no matter what your hair looks like. :) And my daughter married her youth pastor. :) She did, she really, really did.

  24. Hmmm. My hair still looks like your hair from your seventh grade picture. Except that mine is sticking out a little more and is more "poofy". If 80's hairstyles came back, I would be so ahead of the curve!

  25. So sorry things are rotton right now... hate that! My husband and I were just going through all our old pics from teenage years and laughing about how they are on paper, and have things written on the back of them. SO funny! :-)

  26. Love the "four princesses" too cute!

  27. There are many sucky days when one is trying to get the Homeschool of Excellence up and running. Excellence does not come easy. Personally, I am leaning toward the We Don't Need No Book Larnin' School of What's On The Science Channel Today?

    Today I bagged the whole thing and we learned to play Qwirkle. Counting! Shapes! Colors! Strategy! The Ivies will soon start to form a line outside my door...

  28. So, I've been afraid to confess my dislike for Gone with the Wind movie and book. And Scarlet was ok. But MY SISTER ANDI's confession allowed me to be freeeeee! Yay! Sorry you had a bad week. Forget the Blizzard Guilt. Enjoy the Taste--and the fact that you didn't make it! Have a WONDERFUL weekend!

  29. And I forgot to say that my 7th grade picture--is beyond pitiful--lots of blue eye shadow, glasses and zits.

    ANDDDD.......I love Carol Burnett's version with Gone with the Wind!!!!

  30. No-WD :) You didn't know him, I don't think

  31. Gracious Christina you need to get some REST girl! tee hee! loved it.
    & as for you Little Lumber Jack wifey - have a better day and think of all that frustrating stuff... tomorrow - Scarlett... ;)

  32. That old school pic of your is awesome.

    I love your model of the Nile. Nice!

  33. Stopping by from Beth's - nice to meet you! Though your header looks eerily familiar, so forgive me if we've met and I couldn't follow Wordpress at the time :) (Yes, it's a known fact that Wordpress hates me, despite my insistence that I've done nothing to it).

    Sorry about your rough day - hope the next dress-up isn't quite so disastrous.

    And Blizzards make everything better!

  34. I never had a Youth Pastor but if I had ... it surely would have entailed a crush as I had a crush on every male I met from about 10 - 17! And if they happened to be married I was quite good at dreaming up tragic deaths for their wives after which I would be there to comfort them in their time of loss! Amazing that I didn't grow up to become a sociopath!

    My favorite blizzard is chocolate with peanut butter cups! Not even minimally low carb! I hate my endocrine system! No one should have to give up sugar permanently! Please tell me that my reward in Heaven will include chocolate!

    Hope you are un-depressed! Cast your cares on Him for He cares for you! :)
