Thursday, September 23, 2010

So sad.

Has not my life seemed like a depressing country song as of late?

I am sorry I am such a bummer lately.

I'm just kind of having a hard time over here. 

One of the problems with the bunny missing yesterday was the fact that I had to drive to town for our home group/Awana night, and my husband was not going to make it home in time to leave with us.  I was so worried that I would not find the bunny before then and I didn't want to leave it out over night.  So, my husband understood my stress and made it home before it was time to leave for town.  He got the bunny back, but we think its back legs are injured in some way.

So, that was unfortunate and sad.

Yesterday, poor Handsome Dude kept getting in trouble for his naughtiness.  The thing about Handsome Dude is he is so darned naughty, yet he is so super precious. 

It's exhausting having to switch from being frustrated to being filled with joy over him every two seconds.

So, yesterday, he decided he was going to be "helpful."

No good can come out of Handsome Dude being "helpful."

Handsome Dude:  I do laundry for you, Mom.  K, Mom.  K?  K?  K?  K?  Good.

Me:  What do you mean?

Handsome Dude:  I do it, K?

Me:  Ok.

I thought he was taking his dirty pajamas to the laundry room.

I thought wrong.

He was actually going around the house and emptying every hamper of dirty clothes and dumping it on my bed.

You see, dear readers, when I do laundry, I dump the clean clothes on my bed and fold them there.

So, you see?  He found every stitch of dirty clothing and dumped it there for me.

Never mind that it was never washed.



Don't pretend you aren't jealous of my peach walls.

Jealousy does not become you.

Oh, my Handsome Dude.  So naughty.  So precious.  But usually, naughty.

Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnnddddddddd . . . . I love him.

So, here I am again.

In another "mood."

Are you surprised?
I am sure you are not.  It is what you have come to expect from me these days.

Mabel has taken a big turn for the worst.  She is skinny and limping and not doing well and I don't know what to do.

Last night, the girls tried to get her to come downstairs and sleep in their room, which is where she normally sleeps.  She couldn't make it down the stairs, so they covered her up.

Precious, are they not?

It is hard to make decisions and it is hard to be the grown up.  It is hard to hear the kids crying one minute and then asking if they can get another dog the next.  It is hard to know what to do with Mabel.  It is hard to believe she might die.  It is hard to believe she'll be gone.  It is hard to believe we have had her ten years.  It is hard to believe that much time has passed.  It is hard to know how to help her.  It is hard to see if she is hurting.  It is hard to see the truth.

It is just hard.


Today I am crying.  I am going to try to teach my children some sort of academics today.

I will go crazy if I don't.

I am going to have school in our house today and we are going to spend lots of time near the dog.

I am going to try to find a good recipe for potato soup and wait for my husband to come home so we can make some decisions.

Who can think of food at a time like this?

Apparently, I can!

Good-off-topic-news:  I was wrong!  I only gained about 1 1/2 pounds, not 4!

Therefore, I can have ice cream tonight.


Oh.  Goodness.

Anyways, I am sorry all my posts are downers and I will try to be chipper soon.

And thank you all for the kind comments yesterday about my fit.  It cheered me up to read all your kind, funny words and I want to thank you for taking the time to show me you cared.  It was greatly appreciated.

Have a good day, dudes.


  1. Awww, can you bring poor Mabel to the vet to see if they know what's wrong with her? :( HUGS!

  2. So very, very sorry about Mabel. I wish I had some wise words of comfort but I don't. Prayers for you guys.

  3. Taylor, I am praying for you and your family. I know how hard it is to see a cherished pet hurting and not know what to do. :(

  4. Sorry about Mabel :( Did you say if you found the bunny? Did I miss that?

  5. Aw...I am so sorry about sweet Mabel. I get what oyu are saying 100% about not knowing what to do. I had to make a hard decision with my pup a long time ago. She was very old, and we just sort of knew it was time. I made the appointment at the vet and the night before decided she should have a bath. Gave her a bath, and you would have thought this was a new dog. Then she had me doubting myself. But, by the time we got her to the vet the next day, she was back to not being able to stand up again. So, it's the hardest thing to do, but listen to Mabel. She will tell you what to do!

  6. You're right. Being a grown-up is sometimes no fun at all! I'm so sorry about poor Mabel. Animals really do become part of the family.

    It seems like being a downer is going around right now. Hopefully, we can all get back to our normal selves soon!

  7. Awww it's very hard when it's time for a pet to go. We had our Pepper for 14 years.

    One thing, try giving her daily Glucosemine... Pepper when he was about 10/11 was so bad he could barely walk up the road. After a couple months of glucosemine pills he could go for short hikes and much much further walks and his legs were WAY better!!! He lived another 3/4 years after that and was overall healthier... you can get it like any pharmacy that has vitamins and stuff..

  8. Taylor -

    I am sorry you are having a hard time. I can tell school is overwhelming you on top of everything else - Ruralville, sick dogs, helpful kids...

    Try to cut yourself some slack. Do not underestimate how much pressure homeschooing puts on you. I know what it's like, having all these grand plans and then watching them go down the toilet; worrying that I will forget to tell them what an adverb is or where China is; feeling like I have to turn every single thing into some fabulous educational experience because I'm a homeschooler now...

    Homeschooling feels like adding a full-time job on top of the full-time mom thing you already had going... and you can't even take some time to adjust because there are kids up in your grill wanting to eat every 15 minutes.

    So, not to be too preachy (or have I passed that point already?), but give yourself a break, chickie!

  9. To my dear friend in blog land (I think of you as a that strange and "she is shut in her house with kids for too much time"-ish?),

    I cried for you and Mabel today. I mean it. Real tears are in my eyes. I am praying for your heart, and your "big girl" decisions you have to make. Our dogs are part of our family. When they hurt, it hurts us.

    Thank you for sharing your frustrations and troubles. Believe it or not, it helps to know others have homeschool stresses, naughty boys, long days, and run-away pets. If you have noticed, I haven't blogged worth a ding dang darn lately. No fun food, no inspirational recipes, not funny stories. Maybe it is the season. I am thinking a pot of soup sounds REALLY good right now.

    Maybe next week will be better?

  10. I am sorry about Mabel. Take her to the Vet and let them help you decide what to do. She knows you love her! Will be praying! Beth

  11. Taylor,
    I am so, so sorry you have the sadsy's lately. We lost our dog this last weekend after 14 years and it was so hard and it was unexpected. There is no way around it, death is inevitable and even though you know it is coming it sure doesn't make it easier. I feel bad for your poor Mable. I hope she is not suffering. I had to make the most difficult decision in May to put my poor beloved cat of 16 years down. It was not a good year to be our pet. I fear I let her suffer for far too long because making that grown up decision was way too much for me to take. I finally couldn't bear it any longer and did what was right for her. If you can, please at least take your faithful friend to the vet to see if they can help her. I'm so glad you are spending your time today near her.

    Please try to keep your head up as you are dealing with your son's naughtiness. Some days are easier than others and good days will be coming your way again. You don't know me but I feel like I know you as I read all of your posts and look forward to them. I believe we go to the same church and I would love to run into you there one of these days to meet you in person. It is so hard considering how large the church is now. I am praying for you (and Mable) and hoping you cheer up soon and that life gets a little easier. Just remember that all of your blog posts don't need to be happy all the time. You are only human and therefore not perfect. You are going to have bad days and everyone understands that. What I like most about your blog is that you are real and relatable, not to mention funny.

    Hugs to you!

  12. PS - You made your bed, and the quilt it very snazzy -WIN! Nevermind the dirty laundry so lovingly piled on top of the snazzy quilt. It is still a win. My bed is not made right have one up on me!

  13. I'm so sorry about Mabel, but I'm no longer sorry for you. THAT'S all the dirty clothes you have?!?!? I don't think all of our dirty clothes would fit on my bed, which is king-size, by the way. : )

    Keep plugging away at the homeschooling. And don't try to make every day fantastic with wonderful crafts and hands-on lessons. Because then I would have to be jealous of you. : )

  14. Taylor!
    Mabel made me so sad! Thus, the name of your post. Crazy how we think alike!

  15. Heather-if you see me, say hi! :) Thanks!

  16. What a rough few days for Lumberjill - I am so sorry about Mabel. Today I hope you get a lot of special time by her side. It's so hard to be the grown up, and in my house, I am the one that has to make the final decision and take them in. I had to take my sweet little schnauzer in last year. :o( I was so sad, but after it was done and I started to think about how great she was feeling in doggy heaven, I was happy for her. I was so glad she could run and jump and see and hear again. :o( I am sad for you today. Lots of prayers while you and your family decide what to do.

  17. I have cried buckets of tears over pets! I feel your pain.

  18. You are so right...some days it is hard to be the grown up. We just want some adult to make all the decisions for us and we realize we are that grown up. I have always had a dog and I do understand the pain and your dilemma. Most vets are very kind in these situations, have you been back since the last time you wrote about it? Maybe take her in and see what the vet says. You love her and don't want her to suffer and they will tell you if there is any way they can help her.

    I know its hard not to, but try not to stress out about school. Caring for, loving, and losing a pet is also a life lesson.

    I love to hear about Handsome Dude...I have a Handsome Dude. She is a 20 year old college student now : ) They bring smiles and tears and keep you young and make you old. And on the bright side he saved you a trip around the house to collect all the dirty laundry.

    Hugs to you!! Hang in there!

  19. I totally understand what you're going through with an elderly pet. It's not easy watching them grow old and sickly. I had a cat pass away 2 months after my Dad did. It was sudden and I knew he was dying; but, we still took him in. We discovered he had diabetes and congestive heart failure. My anger lies with our regular vet who did not catch the diabetes as the emergency vet said he had it for years. We made the tough decision to put him down because the quality of his life would be poor. He was 11 years old and lived a fairly happy life. Your dog loves and trusts you and knows that you'll do what's best for her.

    I love reading your blog -- you're keeping it real. And, that's a good thing in my humble opinion. :-)

  20. "It is hard to make decisions and it is hard to be the grown up. "

    Having been through the dying pet scenario several times, I think you summed up the experience perfectly right there. I don't know if this helps or not, but pets dying are a highly teachable moment. Kids experience grief and appreciation for a loved one. Then they learn to comfort and be comforted and finally they learn that even after the deepest sorrows, that life goes on again and joy does return.

    And frankly? It's much easier to learn all of this on the dog than on a grandparent.

  21. I am so sorry to hear about your dog. We had to put our beloved dog down in June after a long battle with a mystery ailment. They are part of the family aren't they?
    I didn't know at what point I should have him put down - playing God over his life was very difficult :(

  22. I am sorry to hear about Mabel. You do deserve that ice cream!

  23. Being a grown up sucks sometimes. Sorry, did I say sucks? Anyway, it does. I'm in a mood lately too. I don't even feel like blogging about it so I am trying to fake it and smile. I admire your honesty. I am praying for you, as I know how hard it is to be overwhelmed by everything around you. My heart hurts for you and the decisions you are facing with Mabel. On the up side, if those are ALL of the dirty clothes in your house, you are one up on me. I loathe laundry and my dirty clothes pile is bigger than yours! :) Hope you are feeling better soon!

  24. Sorry to hear about all of that! Most days I don't like being a grown up. I just told my sister-in-law last night that I am lazy but I know that I just need to grow up.
    Thanks for always being real. You may be surprised to hear it, but your sense of humor still shines through.
    I will pray for your family, as you figure out what you are going to do about Mabel. I can only imagine how difficult that is.

  25. Don't give up on Mable so quickly! Take her to the vet to find out what is wrong with her. I believe you said she was 10, that is not all that old. Maybe she is having some joint pain but that can be managed. I hope you have a better day tomorrow!

  26. Dear sweet Lumberjill Taylor...

    My heart is sad for you right now with all of your stresses and your poor Mabel. HUGS to you my internet-bloggy-friend-type-gal. xoxo


  27. I know you don't know me, and it's kinda weird to get a blog hug from a stranger, but we lost our Golden Girl this spring, when our dark leaf plum tree was blooming it's sweet pink blossoms. That will forever and always be our Bailey Tree from that day on. It hurt so much to lose her, and I had to remember that when my boys were asking for a new dog, and I was purple faced and splotchy from my most recent crying fit, that it was not wrong. It was normal. Normal for our sweet girl to die, normal for me to be sad, normal for them to ask little boy things. Normal, but hard. So hard. I prayed. A lot. If I were there, I would wash your clothes, put away your left over soup, and give out non-stop hugs. Not the wimpy kinda-awkward ones either. The big-momma-let-me-feed-ya-and-you-go-cry-into-a-pillow ones. So sorry!

  28. @Kelly, you said EXACTLY what we went through with our beloved dog in March. That truly was THE SINGLE hardest decision I have ever EVER made.

  29. Hugs to you. Being a grown-up sucks, you have to be the to make the hard choices. Anyone that has loved a pet knows how you feel. You are never alone even when you might feel you are.

  30. So sad about Mabel. We are in the same boat with our 2 labs (Simba & Nala). We've had them11 & 12 years. They were are first babies. They can't hear well, have chronic ear problems, many times while walking their back legs will just give out, Simba can not do stairs anymore, and they are starting to have accidents in the house. I don't want to be a grown up about it either. My boys also go back and forth regarding the dogs and do already have a requested a red fox lab.


  31. Poor Mabel. Is it cold where you are? Maybe it's just arthritis (she asks hopefully)?

  32. Let's be honest and just say it: Adulthood Sucks! :) Sure it has its perks, but seriously, could we do without the stress? I think the prescribed cure is ice cream, and not entering the school area for a few days. Instead, bake brownies with the girls in the house and that could be your school. Home ec is stuff you need for a lifetime, as you know. Do laundry together-another good lesson! :) I love ya lady, and just know that this too shall pass. The Lord knows where you are and what's happening and will meet you where you are. So next weekend what do you want to do--my house or yours. What do YOU want?? I'm happy either way...

  33. Maybe Mabel needs an x-ray to see if she has a bowel obstruction or intususseption that can be fixed, cancer or what. Probably expensive but it would help with your decision-making. So sorry. I lived in Ruralville for awhile - two years. Stunningly beautiful but it was still very difficult. I wish you the best of luck.

  34. Holla!, I'm sure glad to have come across this blog (which is my main stream of adult contact these days)! I have been reading and laughing along with your followers for some time now... So glad to hear you deal with the same "kindahavingareallybadday" things. Keep your chin up -- You are a beautiful-snorkeling wife, a fun-berry picking mother, a loving-passionate pet owner, a halarious-horrible picture taker, a proud-sarcastic family gal, and a fabulous-make me laugh out loud writer. Som days I seriously find my sanity back by simply catching up on the "LJW".

  35. I'm so sorry, Taylor. That is very sad. I'd be crying too. {{Hugs!}}
