Monday, April 18, 2011

Camping in April

We are back from camping!  We survived!  We (dare I say it?)had fun!

I didn't actually realize that the campground we were going to had "hookups."

That's fancy trailer talk for water and power.

So . . . yeah.  I took a shower . . . used the hair dryer . . . listened to Pandora . . . brewed hot coffee . . .

It was pretty rough.

Right before we left our house, the kids and I finished theTitanic cake for my dad's birthday.

Yes.  Laugh if you must.

However, my children deemed me the most awesomest cake maker in the world.  Apparently, I should open up a "cake store."

When Sweet Pea read that I wrote, "Have an UNSINKABLE day!," she could barely contain herself.  Clearly, I rock.

(Please note that in the above picture Little Dude is naked.  This is proof that I am not a liar.  That boy is always naked these days.)

Camping wasn't as cold as I had anticipated.  We were the only fools camping, so we had the entire campground to ourselves.  The girls decided to go "dirt-biking."

Methinks they took the word "dirt-biking" a little too literally.

Brilliant, are they not?

This was Lucy's first time camping.  She did great!

She is reminding me of Mabel (our first dog) more and more.


Is my husband laughing at my cake?!  Is my father?!

Perhaps I am not as magnificent as my kids claim me to be?

Sweet Pea and PopPop.

PopPop with all the grandkids.

After the birthday festivities, we decided to take a walk.  We walked and walked.  Then we saw a hill, and we were inspired to climb it in hopes of seeing fantastic views of the lake.

Instead, we saw fantastic views of a water treatment plant.

It was discouraging.

Sister Meagan. of whom I neglected to photograph, stayed behind with Little Dude and Sweet Pea whilst we were walking.

Therefore, Sister Meagan had the priviledge of helping Little Dude use the "tray-wer tullet."

Sister Meagan to Sweet Pea:  Hey!   Does he need help wiping after he goes poo?

Sweet Pea:  Yup.

Sister Meagan:  How do I do it?

Sweet Pea:  Pretend it is your bottom.  Just wipe him like you would wipe your own.

My girl is brilliant.

Later on, I took Daisy Mae on a bike ride to a part of the state park that had a little bridge and boardwalk in a marshy area.

We saw a heron, ducks, and other various sorts of exciting waterfowl.

On our bikeride back, we got stuck in a hail/rain/thunder storm.

So, that was fun.

On Sunday, we had breakfast and packed up to go.  Before we left, we took a quick walk.

We were a bit miffed that the sun decided to come out 10 minutes before we left.

Little Dude was dressed appropriately.

"Fat man in a little coat . . . "

(Name that actor)

So.  We survived.  Apparently, you can camp in April.

Who knew?!

Happy Monday!


  1. “Fat man in a little coat . . . “ Is it Chris Farley Sounds like a fun time.

  2. I, for one, think the cake is awesome! I really racked my brain thinking about how to make a titanic cake for you and came up with nothing. You are brilliant!

  3. That is so Chris Farley from Tommy Boy! My husband did that little "skit" the first night I met him with one of my friend's coats. He thought he was hilarious. And I, of course, fell in love!

  4. I think the cake is a stroke of genius!

  5. Chris Farley! And this is where I admit that I use that every time I am in a dressing room and don't like the way something fits...

    My people don't camp, but I'm glad you had a good time! And I happen to like the cake!

  6. Chris Farley? So glad you guys had a good time! With coffee, showers, and warmth I could even endure camping!
    I LOVE your cake! You absolutely rocked it! And what the heck have you been feeding Lucy-fur??? Last time I saw her she was about 5 inches tall!

  7. Your cake was great! I had to make a John Deere tractor cake for father-in-law's 60th this weekend and then transport it to another state. It was quite the production, but we made it without many casualties.

  8. I am very impressed that you managed to catch the man with a smile! Did he not see the camera?

  9. I think Sweet Pea needs to write a book on toilet training because her explanation was BRILLIANT!!

  10. I was also going to congratulate you on catching LJ with a smile in a picture. Great cake! :)

  11. I am impressed. You did the whole camping in April thing without a hitch! I still refuse to try.
    On a separate note, your girls were sooo good yesterday. Brian made a point to tell me what good girls they were and how sweet they are--see? Parenting WIN! Since you have two boys, take the "win" with the girls as often as you can! Ha!

  12. Glad you guys had fun! And I loved your cake :)

  13. i thought the cake was cute...what does that say about me?? :)
    i'm glad you had a good time and didn't turn into a taylorcycle from the cold!!! :)

  14. Taylor! So happy to get caught up with you after a week off the blogosphere!

    So jealous that you went camping!

    In a trailer! With hookups! I fear we always camp in a tent. And we are cold. And we do not sleep as well as we may pretend. But, we are determined it is fun...

  15. Of all the things I'm taking home from this post? "Just wipe it like it was your own"


  16. You are the cake master. Please make me Spiderman cake for my birthday? :)

    Glad y'all survived camping... and potty training. You should be knighted. Or knightessed.

  17. Glad you had fun! Lucy looks ginormous next to Little Dude!

  18. Wow! LJ smile! You not only rocked the cake, clearly you had your way with the camera as well. :)
    I am with Sweet Pea and LOVE the "unsinkable" line. very clever. very PUNNY.
    Sounds like a super-uber-wonderful camping trip, no matter the time of year. Minus the water treatment plant. I hate having reminders of 'town' when you are supposed to be way out somewhere getting away from it. But I guess with full hook-ups, some kind of civilization nearby must be inevitable. However, Camping Hair WIN!
