Friday, April 15, 2011

There's No Camping in April!

Now.  Imagine that title being said by Tom Hanks in "League of her Own."


"There's no crying in baseball!"


There's no camping in APRIL!

But, alas.  Who has two thumbs and is going camping promptly upon her husband's homecoming?

This girl.

At least the weather is cooperating.

You may ask, "Taylor!  Why on earth do you agree to such nonsense?"

Well, dear readers, I have discovered that life is not all about me.

I know.  It was a shock to me as well.

This morning I was awakened at 6am by a naked (surprise) Little Dude.  He was holding his underwear in his hands, running in place, and shouting:

"Camping-time!  Camping-time!  Camping-time!"

I could not share in his joy until after I had some coffee and confirmed that he had not wet his bed.

He didn't! 


It is sad that dry underwear and coffee are what excite me most in life now, is it not?

Anyways.  Camping is really fun for the kids, so therefore, me and my bad hair shall attend.

But we don't have to like it.


Last night, David came into the house and informed me that he needed my help with the camp trailer.

I thought he was talking crazy-talk, seeing as how I don't tow anything.  Ever.  Nor does he want me to.

Turns out the camp trailer was stuck.

Fun Fact:  David is notorious for getting things stuck.

Whether it be during one of his Proud Drivers Against the Use of Four Wheel Drive Moments or if he is just trying to test the limits of something, it is not rare for him to get something stuck.

Funner Fact:  The one and only time I went wood cutting with David, he got us stuck on top of a mountain.  And we had to hike 10 miles out.  And the grandparents, who knew we were missing and presumed us dead (whatever), began arguing over who would take my sweet cherubs.  True, the boys had not been born yet.  Perhaps things would be different today?  I kid!  Kind of.

So, he needed my help to pull the trailer out.

If he needed my help, you can be assured he was desperate.

What on earth was his plan?


I was to drive the Excursion and he was to drive the dozer.  The dozer was towing the Excursion, the Excursion was towing the trailer.

Keep up, people!

See?  I knew there had to be a reason for him to buy that dang dozer.

Why was it stuck?

Because the ground was so wet from all the rain.

May I remind you that THERE'S NO CAMPING IN APRIL!!!

But, I digress.

The dozer pulled us up, but then the Excursion/trailer was tilting greatly over and I was quite certain everything was going to fall over.

This was my view:

David assured me I would not fall over.

And I didn't.

I had to put on my big-girl-towing-a-trailer-pants and negotiate a turn with this trailer.

David:  Taylor.  You have to turn it like blah-blah-blah and yada yada yada or else you will hit the trailer into the house.

Me:  Huh?

David:  You will be fine.

Me:  Huh?

I don't mean to tootle my own horn, but . . .

I got 'er done.

And now, I shall bid you adieu.

I have some more food to prep and a Titanic cake to assemble.

Happy Weekend!


  1. 1) It's supposed to snow here tonight and tomorrow too - - - up to two inches

    2) I actually do love to go camping, though not so much in the sleet/snow

    3) At least you have a TRAILER, hopefully with some HEAT involved, and not a pop-up.

  2. You are a remarkably sane woman considering you came from crazy folk. Who camps in April?

  3. Again, you're a bigger woman than I am.

    (Though not literally a bigger woman, seeing as you're so slender and all.)

    Have fun! In your honor, I will not whine about being out in the rain for an hour or two for my son's baseball game.

  4. have fun and take lots of pics!!! and make sure youtakethermal underwears, afterall, it is APRIL!!!!! i know, i am neither helpful or funny!!! ;)

  5. I do believe that you were on the titanic with a bulldozer in front of you? Yes? No?
    Try not to shiver too hard.....lots of blankets and lots more blankets. heeeeeee

  6. I cant wait to see the titanic cake! And you are totally crazy! Didnt know know there is no camping in April :)
    Have fun!

  7. Just say NO to camping in April. My favorite camping was always in a Holidome. :)

  8. I have no words to describe the awe I feel. I don't even like being in the truck while my HUSBAND is maneuvering the trailer. You go, girl.

    And you're right, there is NO camping in April. And that's a great movie. I'm not even sure there should be little league games in April. I have to go buy an actual umbrella just so we can attend the first game tomorrow. Why do I not already own an umbrella? Because my children jump off swingsets with them and try to fly. It's just asking for trouble.

    Good luck!

  9. I wish I was camping in April. Sometimes perhaps you and I shall have to get together around a campfire. :-) I will attempt to get my love of camping to rub off on you. :-) Have fun!

  10. Holla to no comping in April! You definitely deserve mom of the year for agreeing to that one!

  11. Certainly you have skills the majority of us don't have, that's for sure. Your Momma/Wife resume outshines the rest of ours.

  12. I predict that soon YOU will be the one driving the dozer whilst getting him out of some freakish spot.

    Yes, it WILL happen. Mark my words. I know whereof I speak. It wasn't long after getting our new dozer last summer that I was taught how to drive it specifically for that reason. And, yes, yes I did tow him with the dozer.

    That's a fun thought to take camping with you in April!

    Maybe camping in April will cure your little streaker! It's another fun thought.

  13. See that? You now have a new skill. Towing. ;) I agree though, no camping in April. :)

  14. Look at you and your big-girl-trailer-towing-pants :)
    Have fun camping!!! My boy has been asking to camp for the past month, which is fine since we don't get no snow around here. And my daughter told me today that she's ready to go fishing. Not sure when they got so outdoorsy.

  15. I'm terribly impressed that you can tow a trailer, straighten out a rig and take pictures all at the same time. I hope you were wearing your uber cute earrings!

    BTW, dry underwear and coffee are always reasons to celebrate as far as I'm concerned!

  16. There's no camping in April! I totally didn't need you to give the Tom Hanks reference because I say that all the time. Okay, not about camping, but I tweak to my circumstances frequently and people think I'm strange. They are probably accurate in their assessment. Even though we are not a baseball family, I will often tell my children, when they are just crying/whining for no good reason, "There's no crying in baseball." Ah, they will be so warped when they grow up. :)

  17. I really hope you didn't freeze to death this weekend. I would hate to loose one of my favorite imaginary internet friends.
