Monday, April 4, 2011

Of Mice and Men

It's snowing here.

So that's fun.

But that is neither here nor there.  I would like to introduce you to a brand new segment on this here blog called,

"It was bound to happen sooner or later."


My husband bought hisself a tractor.

Fun Fact:  "Hisself" is just a fancy way of saying "himself."  I think.

Yes.  We have a tractor now.

Except, and he informs me of this constantly,  it is not called a tractor.  It is a bulldozer.

Or, simply "dozer," as a cool person, such as my husband, might say.

Silly me!  I thought all big yellow-ish machines were called tractors.  Turns out I'm wrong.

But I have been taking an "interest" in his tractor shopping, so I would like to "wow" you all with the following sentence:

"It's a great dozer; the undercarriage is in great shape, it has low hours, and it even comes with a winch and a brush blade."

(Winch.  Not wench.  There is a difference.)

Don't pretend you aren't impressed.

The kids think this new toy is fantastic.

And I am sure no one will ever get hurt on it.


Little Dude.

Little Dude is super cute.  But we already knew that.  He is obsessed with puppies and bunnies.  He has an entourage of stuffed animals that go everywhere with him.

"Mypuppymybunnymypuppy!  See?"

He as an uber weird voice when he plays with "mypuppymybunnymypuppies."  It is creepy and high pitched and he makes strange facial expressions.

But yay for kids entertaining themselves!

Well, yesterday, Lucy grabbed Little Dude's stuffed toy bunny right out of his hands and ran off with it.


It was the end of the world, I kid you not.

Check out Little Dude's boots in the above picture.  He has to wear them everywhere.  He feels quite spiffy in them.


Everywhere we go, Little Dude is trudging around in those boots.  And this kid is chatty to strangers.

He tells every person he meets the same thing:

"My bunny's name is Screamer."

Except he is not talking about his toy bunny.  He is talking about the real bunny.

Keep up!

Why is the bunny called Screamer?

We cannot be certain.

Anyways.  I am getting a lot of weird looks lately from strangers and passersby.  I think rural life has affected us more than we realize.

And we homeschool.

Double whammy.


Do you remember our tiny, mice-infested Honda?

We still have it.

I had to take it the other day because my husband "accidentally" took my keys, so I could not drive the big rig.

I think it was part of an evil ploy to save on diesel.

But, anyways.

I was quite sure that he had taken care of the mouse problem.


What's that?! 

You've never had mice living in your cars?

Well, let me assure you, it is a treat.

The DAY after I had to drive it, Sir Lumberjack drove it to go into town.  When he came back, he informed me that AS HE WAS DRIVING A MOUSE WAS RUNNING AROUND IN THE CAR.

I am sorry, but this cannot be normal.

While he was in town, he had picked up some groceries and basically threw them into the trunk.

I know he threw them because they were no longer in their bags and cans and produce were all floating around the trunk.

LJ (short for Lumberjack . . . keep up, people!):  Is something wrong?

Me:  Well.  I am kind of grossed out that these apples were laying on what appears to be mouse droppings.

LJ:  Hmmm . . . let me see.

Me:  I mean, look at that?  Isn't that mouse poop in there?

LJ:  Maybe.  It's ok.  You don't have to eat the apples.  I will just take them in my lunches.

This is not ok, people. 

This is not ok.

I am not a gross person.  I shower regularly.  I clean up messes. 

Why are there mice living in our Honda?

Consider this a cry for help.

In other news, we are selling the Honda (darn).  So if any of you locals want to buy a reliable, cheap, and clean (relatively-speaking) car, let me know!

Happy Monday!


  1. Are the mice included or are you charging more for them? Maybe a dollar per mouse? I know! You could market it to snake owners as "a car that will provide for you and your slithery friends".

    The word, "slither" kind of freaks me out now that I think about it.

  2. My sister has a great story about a mouse in her car. She would put her psnts inside her socks for fear of it running up her leg while driving.
    Wow, a dozer! My husband would be uber impressed...we have 2 tractors, but no dozer!
    Have a great week, Taylor!

  3. wow. You should be a used car salesman, because after this post there's nothing I'd rather do than buy your mouse infested used honda!

    LD is just lucky. Every little boy would love to have a REAL bunny named Screamer, and those boots are to die for. Could you seriously plan a better life for a boy? No. I'm not saying it's super fun for the ladies, but the boys are sooo lucky you live in Ruralville.

    That "dozer" is insane.
    I think you should go shoe shopping or something to balance the scales. If LJ says anything, just be all, "Well I have a nice undercarriage, sooooo..."

  4. I don't think you should be in charge of advertising the Honda. The less said, the better. I think you should just leave that up to LJ.

  5. I think you need to come spend a nice long weekend with me in NYC!
    They have rats but they're big and easy to avoid. And they are not in any of the places we would be.

  6. Yeah, have LJ google "hantavirus" and see if he still wants to eat those apples.

  7. He'll just take 'em in his lunch, eh? Marvelous!

    Mice are so gross, I propose you keep a cat in the Honda.

    But then it will smell like cat pee, and you can't sell a car when it smells like cat pee AND has mouse dropping in the trunk.

    My Dad just sold his dozer, and my son had a fit. Every time we go to Mimi and PawPaws house he exclaims "Pawpaw sold doze-doze and drive it on the tray-tray(trailer)!!"

    It's the saddest thing, ever.

  8. I'm gonna pass on the car....but thanks anyway. Ick. The whole apples thing and groceries in the back where mice are is just plain nasty. EWWWWW!!! I'm freaking out for you. Hope nobody gets the Haunta Virus...... I'm very helpful.

  9. I would freak if I saw a mice running around while I was driving! Yikes! :)
    And apples rolling in mice gunk... I dont blame you there, that is yuck!

  10. Nice Tractor/dozer! I'll bet the rabbit's name is Screamer because he (the rabbit) made that rabbit screaming sound at one point when LD was holding him. Not that LD would do something to make the rabbit scream or anything... And that picture of him with his hat on sideways is pricelessly cute! (is that a word?)

  11. Ok...being an English teacher and all...I just cannot let the "hisself" thing go.

    Himself is a reflective pronoun that should be used instead of "hisself."

    Lesson is over.

    You may proceed as you were.

  12. And I was upset because there was an unidentified bug on my shoulder just a minute ago. Perspective shift! Thank you!
    Very excellent title, by the way. :)

  13. Alright. I don't really think hisself is a word. I was being silly. You know. For kicks and grins. :)

  14. I'm holding my breath because nothing was said about what the dozer is for! Oh wait, is this your new snow plow?

    As for the mice - throw them in a cage. You've already got the start of a family farm going - ruralville, bunnies, bulldozer tractors, Lucyfur. All that is missing is the (caged) mice!

  15. The dozer is for clearing out land out. :) Exciting stuff!

  16. OMgosh, you are just living the true homeschooling experience - out in the wilds!
    What am I supposed to teach mine about the world when we are stuck in Boca .... all the rats here drive Mercedes!

  17. Being a farm girl, I have had many a vehicle with mice in it. The little buggers have chewed the lining off the air vent filters and crawled right into the air system.

    And I DID have a mouse try to crawl up my pant leg while driving.

    Ewww . . .

  18. In the words of Prince Charming, "Twack-tor. Wellow Twack-tor BIG!"

    I think he likey ;)

  19. With prepared for more mud.
    How many acres do you have?
    It will now be a football field after use of dozer?
    Keep all children accounted for when dozer is in use....not kidding.
    And I believe you can now turn up the heat to above 62 degrees with this dozer purchase.
    LJ knows how to run said dozer?
    Were you consulted on this purchase?
    Too many questions.....yep, I got 'em.
