Monday, April 11, 2011

One of THOSE days

Do you ever have one of those days?

One of those days where you doubt your decisions . . . decisions such as homeschooling and moving out to the middle of nowehere.  Do you ever panic and feel like you should throw out all your curriculum and start over?  Do you ever wonder if you are totally forgetting some sort of vital something-or-other that they should be learning?  And maybe you were planning on teaching it, but you were interrupted by one naughty boy who is throwing toys everywhere searching for binoculars so he can "get da deers" and another naughty boy who still needs help going to the bathroom and insists on getting completely naked for each bathroom attempt.  Do you ever worry about how far you moved away from everything?  And fear that you are stuck homeschooling unless you are willing to commit to driving about 2-4 hours a day to get your kids to a school.  Do you worry about gas prices?  Do you worry about time management?  Do you worry that your son will never, ever, ever, actually wipe his bum when he goes number 2? 

Me neither. 

 I was just wondering if you ever worried about such trivial matters.

You shouldn't worry, dear readers.  It isn't becoming.

Ah, yes.  Today is a day.

I promised all my kids they could play outside for a bit.  This is no simple task.  We first must do bathroom runs.  Little Dude has to get naked first.  Then he has to sing train songs for 10 minutes and not actually pee.  Then he gets off the toilet unbeknownst to me and begins to play trucks, forgetting he is naked and supposed to be using the facilities.

Me:  Dude!  Where's your underwear?

Little Dude:  Right on my bum!

Me:  No!  They are not on your bum.

Little Dude:  REALLY?!  Oh!  Oops!

Me:  You need to put your underwear back on.

Little Dude:  O-Tay!  First I go potty!

Me:  You just went!

Little Dude:  No!  It was not working!

And so the vicious cycle of nakedness, train songs, and peeing continues.  

So, everyone gets dressed for outside play.

Then we have to get Lucy in.

This, too, was, no simple task.

"Was" being the operative word, of course.  Thanks to many of you, we purchased a certain collar with certain spectacular features that make a certain dog more apt to behave.

It is certainly wonderful.  And I certainly appreciated the suggestion.

So.  All the kids got dressed into play clothes, coats, socks, boots, and blah blah blah.  And then the weather became fickle and we had to reverse gears and come back inside.

Oh, for the weeping.

I am really not that mean.

I mean, would it not have been meaner for me to send them out there during the torrential downpour of rain and hail?

Trust me.  I would have preferred it if they were outside.

So.  They shunned me and went downstairs.  Darn.

And during the peace and quiet, I may have panicked and ordered a new science curriculum.

Hope I like it!

Then, Little Dude interrupted me.  He was a mess.

Proof that young children should not be given markers as gifts.

(Ahem, Mom)

Notice that large bandaid-looking thing on his sleeve?  That would be Handsome Dude's eye patch.

How did it get there?

We cannot be certain.

I told the boys it was time for bed.

This brought Handsome Dude much worry and angst.

So he had to grab his *ahem* area for comfort. 

One must wonder if grabbing in this region actually does bring comfort to the male species?

 He was worried that we would not be reading books before naps.

I assured him we still would.  So he gathered 14 books and shouted for all the world his fellow homeschooled siblings to hear,

"I got the books!  Say 'Thanks!' to the hero!  I am the hero!"

That boy exhausts me.

The boys are asleep.  The girls are working on writing.  I am drinking gallons of coffee and hoping things start to look up.

They probably won't though.

I have a feeling that Little Dude will be having an accident during this very nap time.

Indeed.  I do.

There was too much singing and not enough peeing before bed.

If you know what I mean.

But here's to hoping!


  1. Whew! It's on these days that I do not envy moms! Bless your sweet, patient heart, my blog friend.

  2. My girls don't wipe for #2, yet, partly because the very idea disgusts my five year old and partly because they are girls and I just don't want to deal with the things involved with wiping the wrong direction. Also, my five year old still has accidents at night so we are still buying pull-ups for bed time. No amount of peeing before bed helps.

    At least your littles still nap! =)

  3. Oh my goodness girl, what a day:) It is worth it.. it is worth it...I promise! And God is smiling at you and your loving, tired, Mom heart. And saying - my kids ran around naked once too...

  4. And what a cute little hero he is. :)

  5. Oh, chin up momma!

    You are a great homeschooling mom, and a great mother. Today is just not a great day. It's as simple as that.

  6. All of your kids but me....right?

  7. Awww, don't worry can't be superwoman in the Carhart every day ya know. Naps, coffee and writing all sound like a successful day to me.

  8. We all have THOSE days when you question everything and just feel blah... Today's weather is strange! Sunny and "nice" then rainy and gloomy, I wish it would make up its mind :) I hope you guys get to go out and play soon!!! Happy Monday!

  9. You should get your lumberjackish man to do something helpful and ourdoorsy and build the kids a play house of sorts outside so that when it rains and hails they can still be out, yet sheltered. They will LOVE it and it will give you relief in your weatherly woes, and shade in the summer as well!

  10. A good homeschooling website is It has free lapbooks on a lot of different subjects. They are fun to do with kids. My daughter enjoys doing them.

  11. I have thought before that males grab that "area" because they are born worried it will fall off.

    However, none of them will verify this.

  12. If it makes you feel any better, I pretty much missed the entire 20th Century during my non-homeschool-schooling.

    So regular schools can screw you up, too.

    But look at what I've accomplished in my life! I'm a nurse who doesn't use her degree, I'm terrible at all of my domestic duties, and ...
    Where was I going with this?


    Yes, get that new science curriculum.

  13. omg...what is up with the hail these days? it is like everybody has had it this past week. we had FREAKY storms saturday and had hail the size of baseballs...we NEVER get hail. tore the siding right off the side of our house and my husbands truck now has dimples like a golf ball! but...during said storm, i never once saw my husband or son grab their "business" in our moments of panic!!!

  14. Ooooooo! Rachel's idea is great! Tell LJ to get on that, STAT! All I can say is, good luck, my friend, good luck. You can do this. It says so in the Bible. I'm helpful, arent I?

  15. I have one of those days every day. Things don't get easier. The things just change.

    Hang in there, exhausted mom. You will train song at a time.

  16. Mom and Dad aka The Goober ParentsApril 11, 2011 at 10:38 PM

    The markers were intended for Handsome Dude not Little Dude! I thought it would work well as they don't usually share all that well at this age. I will get Little Dude some washable crayons and maybe some glue sticks just for fun!

  17. Why oh why do they grab that area? I don't even want to know how many times I say "Logan, get your hand out of your pants" and then start a conversation about why his hand in down his pants.
    "But mommy, I'm tired" - Well, go to sleep without touching yourself!
    "But mommy, I'm bored" - Go play then, without your hand down your pants!
    "But mommy, I have to" - No you HAVE to stop touching it before I get mad!
    "But mommy, it's hard" -STOP TOUCHING IT and it won't be hard anymore!!!!
    My word, I want to duck tape his underware on so he can't get his hand down there.

  18. You make me laugh, yes you do.

    Thanks for the laughs.

    As for the potty thing...that is exactly why I am so not in the mood to potty train my 2 yr old boy. I just don't have the stength right now!!! More power to you sister....

  19. Super! I'm sure glue sticks will work out well. ;)

  20. Days like this are good for one thing: getting even. You bring days like this up when your boys are grown and they bring home friends from college. Because if they put you through all this trouble, then it's only fair that you get something out of it. Your day will come, my friend! : )

  21. I'm a big fan of those particular collars. I hope it works out for you.

  22. You are an awesome mom. I will tell you what everyone else tells me in my weaker moments. "Someday you will look back and miss these days when your children were little."


    I am still wondering how to get my 4 yr old to wipe too, but at least she doesn't want to strip first. That made me laugh. Best of luck.

  23. Congrats on your *collar* purchase! Seriously, it was the ONLY way to train our dog. She's sweet, loving, adorable, patient with the kids, but so stubborn about training. Now all I have to do is hit the tone button as a reminder and she behaves.

  24. You know girl, the bestest thing in the world to pray for is energy to keep up with them chillins. Cuz let me tell you, at my age, the energy is g-o-n-e.......bye-bye. And guess what? I still have days when I wonder if I have made a difference in ANYBODY'S life for the good - and I second guess myself - and I apologize to God for being such a crummy Mom and Grand-Mom. So the circumstances change but you will always have "those" days when all you see is the hailstorm beating down outside!

    P.S. LOVE the reference to the "ahem" area! They NEVER grow out of that.

  25. And it's only Tuesday!!?
    You are hilarious.

    Keep the coffee comin.
