Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fat Tuesday and Weird Searches.

I have news of good tidings!


We are all done with this Fat Tuesday nonsense.


We did this for 10 weeks, and here is my final update:

1)  I still hate exercise.

2)  I lost 7.2 pounds.

3)  I went down one notch on my belt.

4)  I still fear swimsuits.  And for good reason.

5)  I still love brownies.  And popcorn.

6)  When I was at the dentist last week, the hygienist looked right at me and said, and I quote, "Did you bring your baby with you?"

7)  That made me feel paranoid.  And sad.  And like I needed a brownie.

8)  The very next day, our pediatrician informed me that my son was slender because I was, and I quote, "so slender." 

9)  That made me feel jubilant.  And svelte.  And like I needed a brownie.

Thank you all for joining in . . . or bailing on me!  Ha!

Not that I am bitter.



Remember how I said I was going to start blocking search engines again? 

 Well.  I plum forgot.

So, I am going to do so now, but first I shall share with you some of the terms people used to find my blog:

1)  My Bunny's Name is Screamer.

What are the odds?  Amazing!

2)  How many hours on the dozer undercarriage?

This is because I am now uber knowledgeable in the ways of the dozer.

3)  Love to eat.  Husband loves me fatter.


4)  Wife is old pics.


5)  My wife the pig.

Double Boo.

6)  Is it okay to hand a deer head in my office?

No.  It is not.

7)  I peed in a toilet with bleach.

Good to know. 

8)  Rabbits sliding.

You saw it here first, folks.  Don't worry.  No bunnies were hurt.

See?  Happy bunnies.

9)  Tamarack Wood.

I should totally be the authority on tamarack wood. 

10)  Why does my husband mock me?

You are not alone, cyber-stranger.

11)  How can I convince my husband to take down the deer head?

You can't.

12)  Old School Jean Jumpers.

Coming soon to a blog near you.  Maybe.

13)  Got my wife a vaccuum cleaner for her birthday.

She's a lucky lady!

Oh, goodness.  There was some super creepy ones, too.   Too creepy to put on here.  So, goodbye search engines.

It's a shame, though.

How else will be people know about the fantastic burning qualities of Tamarack wood without my wisdom and advice?

The people will be lost.


If you were feigning to do Fat Tuesday with me, you better check in.  Or else. 

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Haha I still love that bunny face! How do you know that the search engines were used? Congrats on 7.2 pounds! Have a good Tuesday! :)

  2. I wish I could count the calories laughed off by reading your blog. Alas, because of my love of brownies and anything else sweet/salty/crunchy/soft/cold (I think that encompasses ALL junk food categories), I have lost no weight in the last ten weeks. I am a caloric failure and hang my head in shame.

    Congrats on your loss, you slender thing, you. ;)

  3. There is a list of them in my stats page. :)

  4. Man, I totally want to go on a slide with a bunny now.

  5. I'm checking in and I'm sad that it's the last Fat Tuesday because my diet lasts another five weeks.

    Don't you want to diet another five weeks with me Taylor?


    Eat a brownie for me then.

  6. Too funny! I love te bunny pics. Congrats on the 7.2 pounds. I am sure you look fantastic!! Perhaps I should have been keeping up with your blog and would have been motivated with you... but I'm a loser and so here I am still fat. And summer is just around the corner. Ugh

  7. That bunny face is adorable! I'd be happy if I lost 7.2 pounds. Just sayin'

  8. I wore a bathing suit for three straight days.... Now I'm pretty sure I don't need to eat for at least three weeks. Yuck.

  9. Congrats on losing 7 pounds. Time to have a baby, I guess! :)

  10. Ha ha ha,
    I bailed, kinda, I lost 2lbs, win, I wanted to lose 10 times that much, EPIC FAIL! I should have followed, then I would have lost said lbs and now I will have to swim fully clothed or not go to a beach or pool all summer :(
    I love that bunny, too cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Creepy search engines, Rabbits sliding, REALLY?

  11. HA! This is awesome! Your answers are killing me. Are you sure that someone wasn't messing with you? Some of those seem verrrry specific...

  12. I forgot to put my total that I lost. I am at 8.5 pounds. Goodbye for now weight:)

    As for search engines, you made me curious. I'm not sure how or what search engines you checked, but on blogspot mine show as the following (nothing creepy - thank goodness)

    Abby Cadabby Cake
    How to make a lighthouse cake
    Creative Mario Invitations
    Scrapbook Recipe Book
    Creative Memories Blogspot

    Nothing exciting here, but it would seem like I have a recipe blog..... I don't. Hmmmm, maybe I should. lol


  13. Whoa. Those search engine things are creepy! And just totally random and weird. I don't get it. They did provide a good laugh....but let's put that aside for a moment and focus on what it truely important: You lost over 7 pounds!!! Holy Moly! That is awesome! Win, win, win!! AND, someone referred to you as slender--win, win, win! Not that you weren't before, I'm just saying, when someone else tells you you are, it's like rainbows and birds singing in the spring, and everything good. ;) Yes, that was a little weird too. Okay, I'll go now.

  14. I come here and I laugh. End of story.

    Ps: Disable the evil google search engines, already! Although, I'm always half tempted to turn them on because the results are hilarious. Creepy, but hilarious.

  15. Congrats on the 7.2 pounds! Don't you love the digital scales that can encourage us in extra tenths?

    Your search engine results baffle me (along with creeping me out). I've started getting more results in my stats, and they're 99% normal and relevant. And the remaining 1% aren't scary. I don't blame you for disabling them.

  16. Why am I purple and not blue? I am so curious.

  17. I say congratulations on weight loss!! I am still sad about this upcoming summer and swimsuit wearing. I suppose if I get sad enough about my jiggle I will actually do something about it.

  18. Oh man, those search engine ones were the best. Blogger just started telling me what people type in to find my blog and it's TOTALLY disturbing. Somebody found me by looking up

    Disorganized Housewife


    Pee-Pee Mamas

    Seriously? It makes me paranoid that my google searches are turning up on someone else's screen.

    And way to go on the 7.2 pounds! That's amazing! i've still got 7 pounds to go till I can start on the baby weight from my last baby *sigh* My metabolism hates me. And I like brownies too.

  19. I love the search engine stuff!

    And I hate you for losing 7.2 lbs.

    But only in a purely "hater" sort of way, as in "I wish I could totally be like her."

    So, I guess I'll grudgingly say congratulations.

    But I will be secretly sneering behind your back.

    Congratulations! :)

  20. ????????
    Purple means you are happy, and blue, you are sad?
    I dunno, that was a random answer cause I don't understand ;)

  21. i fear i have not only NOT LOST weight, but GAINED!! it couldn't possibly be due to the fact that i have been eating ice cream, brownies, bread, chocolate and other such health food and gotten absolutely NO exercise...but , i digress...

    but kudos to you and your 7 lbs and your knotch on your belt!!! :)

  22. and it definitely has nothing to do with not being ABLE to exercise due to a concussion and the subsequent hellish month i have had since....
