Monday, April 25, 2011

Construction Superstar

Yes.  Hello.  Good Morning.

On Saturday, we went to help David's parents work at their property for a bit.  And when I say "we", I, of course, mean David.

His parents are putting up sheets of something that resembled wood on the ceiling of their shop.


I think.  I don't really know what was going on.  But I do know my husband is a superstar with a tool belt and a ladder.

It was quite the show.  I pulled up a chair to watch for a bit.  I figure that these are the sorts of things he must do all day whilst I am trapped in Ruralville homeschooling his offspring.

First, let us discuss his tool belt.  It has many contraptions, holders, hooks, pockets, nooks, and crannies.  It puts all womens' purses to shame. 

So, as he is perched precariously on a ladder, he just swiftly pulls a hammer from behind him, uses it to do whatever-it-is he was doing, and then, without looking, he would just toss it behind his back and it would magically land in a special metal-ish hook in the tool belt.


So, he would be on a ladder.  This is scary enough for me in and of itself.  But, alas.  He would need to be across the room. 

But who has time to dismount the ladder and move it? 

Not my husband.

So, he would just swing his body and move the ladder while he was still on it in one, swift, dangerous move.

As a result of me seeing what he actually does when my watchful eye is not around, I fear I am going to have to request that he wears a safety helmet to work everyday.

I'm sure he won't get made fun of by the other manly-men.

In other news, the sun came out this weekend.  And I am happy to report that I wore a 3/4 length sleeve shirt. 

Oh, yes.  I did.

We are not ready for short sleeves here in these parts.  But the 3/4 length sufficed.  I believe it reached-

Dare I say it?

60 degrees!


On Easter Sunday, Handsome Dude was a bit confused.


Me:  We need to get ready!

HD (short for Handsome Dude . . . keep up!):  No!

Are we impressed with the boy's obedience skills?

Me:  It's Easter Sunday!

HD:  It is?!?  Yay!  Easter Sunday!  When will we get to Easter?

Me:  Huh?  We are not going to Easter.  We are going to church.

HD:  NO!  We are going to Easter.  To see God.  At Heaven.  Let's go!

Me:  Buddy, we are not going to Heaven today.


And then, in true Handsome Dude form, he threw himself on the ground in a fit of fury and rage.

So, that was festive.

After church, we went to my sister in law's house and she put on a little egg hunt for the kids.

Little Dude.

Handsome Dude.  He's looking confused.  Weird.

My niece . . .

"Just give me the candy and nobody gets hurt"

This is the only picture I have of my girls.  They were like flashes of pastel running about, showing the small children no mercy.

Sweet Pea's dress was apparently even coming apart in the back as a result of gazelle-like swiftness.

The girls brought one of their bunnies to show their cousins.

On a side note, aren't my nieces' dresses cute?  They were crocheted by one of their loving aunts.

Ha!  Not me!

Her name is Rachel.  And she is more woman than I'll ever be.

For I know not how to even sew on buttons.

Holla, Rachel!

So, there you have it.  A weekend recap.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

PS-I am sorry that I used the word "holla" twice.  That is a bit excessive for a Monday morning.

PPS-Do you think it would be ok for me to cancel homeschooling so I can massively clean my house today?

PPPS-We are having guests over for dinner and I need to figure out how to make it look like no children live here.  Or dogs.  Or rabbits.  Or Lumberjackish husbands. 

Wish me luck!


  1. You certainly have your hands full! You should join us some Prayer Monday if you want, it's open to everyone and you can link up on Crystal's blog via the button on the top of the page.

    P.S. Handsome Dude's fit cracked me up!

  2. I hope your boys weren't watching LJ's skills on the ladder. That would be scary if they tried to copy him.

    Once again, I think we need to borrow HD for a few days. He sounds so entertaining. And cute. :)

    Marla @

  3. Oh, I thought you were serving peeps for dinner, which sounds perfectly reasonable to me on the day after Easter. Having peeps OVER for dinner is another thing altogether. Good luck!

  4. Good point! I changed it :)

  5. Looks like a great day! I bet the bunnies were a big hit!

  6. Have the girls read books to the dude's while you clean house, it could be there reading for the day, and will keep the little ones busy for a short time. Then you could have the girls help for a little while and you could call it life skills class. Or you could make it easy let them all play outside while you clean inside.

  7. I am jealous of your 60 degrees and sun dresses.


    I think HD is going to be a pastor when he grows up and I want to be in his congregation.

  8. The weather yesterday was AM-AZ-ING!! We were so happy! It's one of the nicest Easter's I can remember from the past couple of years. Glad to see your girls got to wear their Easter dresses without a heavy coat and boots over them! :) Good luck getting the house ready for guests-ugh-and have the girls help clean and call it "Home Ec". Life Skills are important, ya know?

  9. Love the fit about Heaven! Would that we were all so zealous to go!

    ps. I am not more of a woman than you will ever be.

    pps. I can teach you to sew on buttons... it's my least favorite part.

    ppps. I am never worried about my house when we have company over (and that is NOT because it's always clean) I am too busy being worried about what to serve and if it will turn out ok and if everyone will like it.......

  10. The sun was amazing! Definately a nice change :) Good luck tonight!

  11. Holla! Hope HD got to church okay.

  12. Just serve them hard boiled eggs! That is always a hit!

    Or, if you want to mix it up, serve deviled eggs and egg salad!

  13. Handsome Dude has lots of passion...perhaps he will be an evangelist? I'm late to the party but yes its okay to clean your house. Did you take a 'spring break' like the public schools? Well, there ya go.

    Have a nice week!

  14. You are truly a hoot! And why are your girls in sleeveless dresses if short sleeve weather has not yet arrived? LJ's ladder trick sounds truly impressive. I'm glad my husband doesn't know it! Holla!

  15. all the kids were cute in their Easter duds! :) it's been getting up close to 60 around these parts, too!! (mid-Michigan)...
