Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Family Video

Alright.  I wrote an entire post already today, and you can read all about it here.

It tells you all about these bad boys:

No.  You can't borrow them.

(By the way, I think my inlaws are sincerely proud of me and gave these to me as sort of a recognition that I have finally come to join their side.)

(Have I?)

Anyways, I must tell you that in order for us to get this picture captured in time . . .

we had to stand by that waterfall for like 2 minutes.  Which is a long time when trying to photograph such a happy family.

My father-in-law was the one taking the pictures for me and the above one was the best one. 

 I was perplexed, dear reader . . .  dumbfounded, if you will.

Couldn't there have been a better one?

Well, dear readers, it turns out that Pa-in-law was confused and was using the video function.

It happens.

So, here is a 10 second video of us posing for a picture


Yes, you have to click on it.  But it is only 10 seconds and it is hilarious and you need to watch it and then come back and then we will talk about it and how many more times can I say "and" and continue this sentence?

Ok.  Did you watch it?

Let's discuss.

1.  Watch Sweet Pea.  She is on the left.  As soon as she thinks the picture is taken, watch her face completely deflate.  Hilarious.

2.  Let us all consider Handsome Dude's stance and ponder to ourselves what on earth he is doing.

Does this have anything to do with the explosive diarrhea that would visit him the next morn?

3.  David, the happy man that he is, does not change his facial expression.  Once.

4.  Does it look like I am fake smiling?

Cause I am.

5.  Daisy Mae wins.  Hands down.

And she is not even looking at the camera.

6.  Little Dude needs a better attention span.

7.  Lucy gets second place.

Alright.  That was all.  I thought it was funny.

Carry on.

PS-tell me if the video does not work, ok?  Roger?  10-4?


  1. It didn't work for me,Taylor... :o(((

  2. It worked! Very funny! I think HD in the front is the funniest part!

  3. Lets not discuss how many times I watched this video and giggled!

  4. It worked all 5 times I watched it. That is 4 times more than I would ever watch my own family videos. Yes, you are all dorks. Loveable, freaky dorks.

  5. I watched it four of five times, too. The first time, I was like "What is HD doing?" Lol. I thought he might already be sick.

  6. I'm working on my caption...this might be the inspiration I needed : )

  7. It worked for me. The link ... not the play button. Odd. And you looked like you were freezing!

  8. I'm bummed...it didn't work for me. I blame it on my husband...he just built me a new PC and apparently something is not working right. I wonder if he is the reason it didn't work on Pati's computer either....hmmm...

  9. That video is pricelessly hilarious.

    I'm so distracted by the beauty that you're standing in, I cannot come up with a single good caption. Gorgeous!

  10. I had to watch it several times to get the full effect of what everyboy was doing. HD probably thought he couldn't be seen by the camera from where he was standing so he leaned in a little thinking he was going to look oh so handsome in this picture for his mommy. Sweet Pea cracks me up. That is so what my little Prince does when getting his picture taken...it is all so fake and posed and let's get it over with. David always looks so serious. It reminds me of back in the olden days when people didn't smile for pictures and they all had a grumpy look on their faces.

  11. It didn't work for me. I didn't think I would be missing much, but then I read the comments and now I'm very sad because it sounds really funny. :(

  12. I normally don't watch videos at work.

    But that one was worth it.

  13. I'm bummed - didn't work for me.

  14. Love the flowers. Love the video. Love the Carharts. And how long have you had a new photo on your header???
