Friday, June 10, 2011

My Friend's Facial Hair.


1.  I invited my sister and her friend over for dinner this week. 

 David was working late and I was feeling like a hostess with the mostess.  I texted my sister and invited her, sure that I would impress her with my ability to throw together a delicious meal on a whim with four children running amok.  After she agreed, I remembered that her friend is a vegetarian.  For a brief moment, I considered serving elk. 

 You know. 

For kicks and grins. 

Instead, I went with my original plan to make an easy chicken/potato/artichoke dish.  So, me being the aforementioned hostess with the mostess served my vegetarian guest potatoes and artichokes.


And I undercooked the potatoes.  They were a tad crunchy.


And I was almost out of artichokes, so basically I served her raw potatoes.

She ate a lot of salad.  A lot.

She was probably thinking that elk sounded mighty tasty.

2.  I have a cold sore.  And it's gnarly.  The kids tell me all day long that I need to wipe my mouth because I have pizza sauce on it.

It is sad that they think I eat pizza round the clock, is it not?

3.  I lost 2 pounds while trying to keep up with my husband this weekend while working on the rental house.

That isn't really a confession.  More of a boasting.  Just thought I would throw it in there to make you all green with envy.

4.  Don't worry.  I am sure to gain it back within the hour.  I might make pizza for lunch.

5.  I looked outside yesterday and saw that our dog,  Lucy,  had gotten into the garbage.


I decided that this warranted a "warning sound."  Yes.  We have a certain collar, with certain features that works shockingly well for our naughty pup.  Well, I never have to  actually use it, but if I push the warning sound button, she knows she is being naughty and stops her mischievousness immediately.

Imagine my shock(hardy-har-har) when I discover that Lucy has also ripped off her collar and chewed it up along with the garbage.


6.  Is it normal to get weird facial hair when you get close to turning 30?  Like, all down the side of your face?  Almost as if you were growing a beard?  But you're not?

I'm just asking.

For a friend.

7.  I think my husband is growing sideburns.  Everytime I ask him, he denies my allegations and assures me I am crazy.

Yet, every time he shaves, he doesn't shave his sideburns.

Perhaps I am being duped?

He has threatened for years to grow handlebars.


I can handle moving to Ruralville.  I will permit a deer or two to hang on my wall and stare creepily at me for all eternity.  I will camp.  I will huckleberry pick.  I will pretend to like the sideburns.  I will, and do, serve him up some tasty elk for his supper.

But the handlebars just might do me in.

(If you, or someone you love, enjoy the look of the handlebar mustache, I mean you no ill-will)

8.  I held a baby bunny for the first time last night. 

I will admit, I was a little scared to hold one at first.

You may exclaim: "Taylor!  Baby bunnies are so cute!  Why would you be scared?!"

Well, dear readers.

That is just further proof of why I am not fit to live out here in Ruralville.

Yet, here I am.

It is my lot in life, my burden to bear.

9.  If a gal who was nearing 30 was to, in fact, be growing odd facial hair, how should she remove it?

My friend was wondering.

10.  I was chatting with someone this morning and they mentioned that they had to go to the doctor.

Ok.  So, I wasn't chatting, per se.  I was Facebook messaging.

Online communication takes the place of all factual relationships!  It's true!

Join the revolution!


She was mentioning how she had to go in for her yearly exam.

Ladies!  You know this exam of which I speak.

The yearly.


I happily wished her luck and then it hit me.

My baby turned 1!  Like 2 years ago.

I probably should go in for my yearly.

But I probably won't.

Ok, I might.

But I don't want to.


That is all I have for today.

Go check out Kira's blog for a humorous Fess Up Friday post.

She talks about meeting someone named Stacy Julian.


It's ok.  I don't know who that is either.


Also:  I am doing a questions and answers post next week so if you would like to leave a question you may.

But you don't have to.

It's not like I'm running out of things to talk about over here . . .

We can play name the rabbits or something.

Happy Friday!


  1. What is your recipe for chicken/potato/artichoke dish? Love artichoke. I do not think that I have been for my yearly in 8 years, so I say that you are doing pretty good. Hope you enjoy the weekend with all this sunny weather. :)

  2. You make me laugh. You're just now getting the hair on your cheeks? I have had blonde peach fuzz on my face my whole life, and I always thought it was normal... then when I was 17 my "boyfriend" (who did not retain that title very long) told me that I was "abnormally hairy." I went home and shaved my face. Like a boy. Then I dumped the boyfriend and felt self-conscious for several years. Then I forgot about the peach fuzz. Until I read this post.


  3. The last time I went into my "yearly" was when my baby turned 6...I might have procrastinated a bit on I went and swore I would never, NEVER wait that long again to do my "yearly". I even made an appointment FOR THE NEXT YEAR..yes, I am organized like that....HA! 4 months later, I got a letter from the office telling me that my wonderful Dr. who had delivered my babies had died of a sudden heart attack. I guess the shock of seeing me was just too much for him. Long story not short, my baby will turn 12 in Sept, and I STILL haven't found a new OBGYN. I KNOW! I need to get my girly nether regions to the Dr, but not only do I have to face up to the fact I have been neglectful, but it is time for me to do the dreaded Mammogram...a year ago.....all with a new Dr. to scold me....BLECH!

  4. lol! love the odd facial hair comment! you are not alone... HH informed me that I should wax. that little experiment did not end well. :P

  5. I missed leaving a question yesterday, it was one of those days. I think you have many of them, from the sounds of it!
    Let me you plan to home school all of your kids until they graduate? Or just until you go stark-raving mad? ;)
    Does the Lumberjack plan to live in Ruralville for the rest of his life? Or will you move back to civilization?
    I think that's all I've got..I hear suspicious noises coming from the playroom, I'd better go check it out...

  6. Uhhhh hate that facial hair. Be glad it is just peach fuzz right now....I'm over fifty and search my face nightly for that one stray long dark where the heck did you come from long did I say that already hair...sigh...

  7. The handlebar would do me in.

    And I want a baby bunny. Or really, just a baby anything.

  8. Oh my word...the vegetarian thing...I so completely get that! I've been eating a vegan diet since December, which means NO animal products of any kind. It is very difficult for people to fully grasp what this entails, so I find myself eating very little when I, on the very rare occasion, go to someone's house. Forget trying to find a restaurant to eat at with a group of friends. Sigh. I live in a non-vegan-friendly world.

    Next time make hummus or black bean soup or...well...something like that...just a few ideas for ya!

    Have a terrific day!

  9. maybe your husband is growing sideburns to match yours, i mean, your friends! if he does decide to grow the handlebar mustache, just imagine kurt russell in tombstone...yum-OH!

  10. First of all - how have I not read your blog before? (I saw the title of this post on Ostriches Look Funny's sidebar and had to check you out.) You are hilarious. Second of all, I may have a friend with similar problems. Every time I, I mean she, gets her eyebrows waxed (which is sadly not as often as she should), her very sweet hairdresser asks about the upper lip. My friend finds herself using tweezers on her face more than she would like/care to admit.

  11. Ok, my questions
    1.) So, I follow 6 blogs. Why is it, that 4 or 5 of those 6 decide to takes breaks at the same time? Do they not realize that I read them and only them and they shouldn't all leave me at the same time!? Do they not realize that I stay home with no adult interaction through-out the day and reading them is how I feel like I am surrounded by adults?
    2.) I also am turning 30 this year and have not yet had the facial hair problem. Is this really something that is going to happen to me? When did you (oops, your friend) start seeing the facial hair?

  12. Tell "your friend" that if her husband doesn't mind it blonde, then don't do anything about it. Once it starts being waxed, it comes back in darker and thicker and often. It's not uncommon to have facial hair at "her age." I don't have it on my cheeks (yet) or chin (yet) but the upper lip has to be waxed once a month because I can't stand the pain of tweezing. My husband never complains about the cost of waxing. He hair. So I shave it when no one's looking. It is not exactly the thing that makes me feel most feminine. The only thing worse than that is going for my yearly. That's just a little TOO much femininity for me.

  13. I started getting my upper lip waxed when I swiped at something I could see out of the corner of my eye and realized it was not a stray bit of cottonball but a mustache I had apparently been growing.

    You know, that throws me a thought - perhaps you and the Lumberjack could aim for matchy-matchy facial hair?

  14. May I just add that I am 33 and have no issues with cheek or lip hair but I have one single hair that grows under my chin. And it drives me crazy. So you are not alone. I also have a question for you. Despite loving your lumberjack, lumberjacklings, and lumberjillings and enjoying (?) your country-living lifestyle I feel I may safely assume this is not the life you dreamed of. So when you were a young lass what did you think your life would be like when you were 30?

  15. I hate finding new doctors, especially OBGYNs. But I just wanted to say, don't dread the mammogram so much. I had to have one fairly young because I found a lump. Thankfully all is well, that's not really the point of this reply. :) The point is that it is not so bad. I don't know why women don't share this with one another. Mammograms sound awful, but (and maybe I just had a great technician) they worked really hard to make me feel at ease and while it wasn't the most comfortable thing but it did NOT hurt. The weird thing that I didn't know though is that you can't wear deodorant, so I had to wipe it off and then they helpfully gave me a packet of deodorant afterwards which was hard to use, so don't wear it but pack it in your purse!

  16. Go for your yearly!! And that goes for all the commenters here who say they haven't been in eons either. I can scold because I'm old enough to be mother to most of your readers. A young mother of course. Like a child bride.

    Here is my question-does the LJ know he's pushing his luck with the handlebar thing?

  17. Go for your yearly!! And that goes for all the commenters who say they haven't been in eons either!! I can scold because I'm old enough to be a mother to most of your readers. A young mother of course. Kind of like a child bride.

    Here is my question- does the LJ know he's pushing his luck with the handlebar thing?

  18. I have a friend with that facial hair too. This friend uses the short trimmer attachment on her husband's beard trimmer to thin out the fuzz.

    Good luck.

  19. So funny! And those handle bars! Come check out some modern art!
