Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rural Life

Before we go any further, we must clarify a few things from yesterday's post.

Oh, yes.  We must.

1.  Yes.  I know that if our landscaper friend said "Roadie" for "Rhododendron" it should be spelled "Rhodie."  However, when he was saying "Rhodie" I was hearing "Roadie" like a person who follows a band.  So, I was merely trying to accurately portray my confusion.

2.  You Smartie-pantsies, you.

3.  We rent this house out from June-August as a vacation rental.  Hence, the flower bed and other general snazziness.

Ok?  10-4? 

Let's proceed.

We have baby bunnies!

The astute reader may notice that Little Dude's eyes look like he has been crying.

Yes.  Tis true. 

However, I had to save baby bunny from Little Dude loving him to death.  One loving hug from Little Dude would surely result in the crushing of baby bunny.

Which would be unfortunate, to say the least.


Handsome Dude.  I can sum Handsome Dude up in one word:  exhausting.

I think we have 7-ish bunnies that are 3 weeks old.  7-ish!  Ha!  Isn't that awful?  I really, simply don't care.

And I'm proud to admit it.

I mean, they are cute and all, but they are a THORN in my side.  Not the children, the bunnies.  But sometimes the children can be a little thorny, too.

We have another *litter* of bunnies that are too little to be held.

Fun Fact: *litter* is what cool, rabbit owners, such as myself, call a whole bunch of baby rabbits that were birthed at the same time from the same mama.

What is happening to me?

And what is happening to Little Dude?

I fear rural life has gotten the best of his fashion sense.

That boy needs some sun.

Here is some of the work David has been doing with the bull dozer . . .

And now that we are in the middle of this fun-filled Extreme Yard Makeover: Rental Edition, the dozer shall sit there for all eternity.

Plus, it might be broken. 


Here is a picture of what the land looked like before David obliterated it with the dozer.

He plans to attack all 20 acres.  Therefore, we shall never be finished.

David brought me home a hummingbird feeder the other day.  I told him he could wait for my birthday, but I think he feels badly for me, seeing as how he has been working numerous hours as of late.

Perhaps he feels that staring aimlessly at hummingbirds will entertain me while he is gone?

He didn't really believe me that we have hummingbirds around.  Remember:  David is never here.  The kids and I are living his dream.

Anywho, he believes me now because the hummingbirds are now frequent visitors of my fantastic feeder.  They empty it in about 3 days.

Can you see it?  Can you see it?

That one is Bernice.

I've named all my hummingbirds.  They keep me company.

Ha!  Kidding!




Happy Tuesday!


  1. So people actually want to buy the bunnies?

    Or is there going to be a lot of bunny jerky at your house?

  2. we name all of our hummingbirds too...all of the males are fred and all of the females are ethel =o)

  3. I just hung a hummingbird feeder this weekend even though I have never seen a hummingbird at our house. I keep hoping all of the hummingbirds' robin friends will spread the word...

  4. We won't be eating bunnies! :)

  5. I just love your sense of humor!! Priceless...just Priceless... I'm glad you don't eat the bunnies...I would have to quit reading if you did. Soooo...what exactly are you going to do with this bunny factory - that will probably be producing bunny litter after bunny litter??? Oh, and I noticed that handsome dude had his glasses on...WOW! Are they stapled to his head?

  6. Are you allowing these rabbits to have babies on purpose? Just curious : )
    Also-I totally got the roadie thing...holla!
    I'm a fan of the hummingbird too...do any of the critters in ruralville bother the sugar water? We've had quite the wildlife activity here of late and I am not planning to feed anything but hummingbirds.

  7. Planting some bright red flowers or putting a pot of them below the feeder also helps attract the hummingbirds.

  8. poo to those of you who had to comment on the roadie thing! I totally got it too! :)

  9. I love "the kids and I are living his dream." He'll be home someday, Taylor! :)

  10. Hahaha...Extreme Yard Makeover Rental Addition. Perfect.

  11. You are a better woman than I. My children are desperate to own a bunny. I am not. So seeing as my parents live in the country, I did allow the children to buy Momo (AKA - grandma) a bunny for her birthday.

  12. We had baby bunnies too! They are SO squeezy. I love them.
