Sunday, June 19, 2011

Community Underwear

We have returned from a funtastic camping weekend.  And funtastic, is, of course, open to interpretation.  Because sometimes, I'm just not so sure about this whole camping thing . . .

But that is neither here nor there.

You know what is really a treat?

Camping with kids.

Wanna make it more fun?

Camping with kids in the rain.

Wanna make it ecstatic?

Camping hair.

So, we went on a hike to some waterfalls.

Dang.  We are one photogenic family.

Alex and Holly:

Lisa and baby girl #2

Sweet Pea


(He's such a show-off)

David and Little Dude . . .

"Please, Taylor.  Enough with the pictures."

"Honestly, Mother.  Enough is enough."

I would like to show you all a little sampling of the amount of wood my husband feels is necessary for a weekend camping trip:

I didn't help unload it.

I had "conveniently" misplaced my work gloves.


Fun Fact:  I don't have work gloves.  And I don't plan on getting any.

(See the aforepictured wood pile.)

(Yes. I made up the word aforepictured.  This is why you like me.)

Little Dude turned 3!  Can we believe it? 

 No we cannot.

I wonder if Bimlissa is going to make any hoity-toity remarks about his hairstyle.  Not that SHE would ever do such a thing.


Do you know how dirty children get while camping?  It's shocking, really.  I mean, it's expected that one gets dirty and grimy while camping.  My kids take it to a whole new level.

When I asked Little Dude what kind of cake he wanted, all he said was:


Little Dude walks around and says:

"I love brown, I love mommy, I love brown."

Fun fact:  I have brown eyes.  He is smitten.

This is why I love this kid.  You all know just how awesome I am at creative cakes . . .

So, I just made him Darn Good Chocolate Cake.

On Sunday morning, Handsome Dude woke up feeling a bit sick.  So, that made for an interesting ride home.

I'll tell you one thing that ain't two things:  When you have a four year old with explosive diarrhea, you come to truly appreciate the fact that you are towing behind you a fully equipped toilet.

The explosiveness of it all added about an hour to our drive home.

My grammy used to always say that phrase: "I'll tell you one thing that ain't two things . . . "

I never understood it.  So I am now saying it to you.

You're welcome.

We came home and let Little Dude open his presents.

Please ignore his strange pants/underwear combination.  And ignore the fact that he is wearing his sister's panties.

When your brother is blowing through all the boy underwear, it's hard for a mama to keep up.

Yes.  I have community "boy" underwear and community "girl" underwear.  And I stand firmly in my beliefs.

I also have a community sock basket.

Life is too short for such tedious sorting.

I do, however, believe in individualistic toothbrushes.  As should you.

Alright.  I must leave you now.

Happy Father's Day to all the awesome Dads out there . . .


Such as mine.

PS-100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can guess how many baby bunnies we have in our "hare-um"

PPS-Do you get it?

PPPS- I think we should paint a sign called, "David's Hare-um."  thoughts?

PPPPS-500 (meaningless) points to anyone who can guess what my inlaws got me for my birthday.

Hint:  It's something to wear.  And it might make you want to send out a rescue mission.

Peace out, dudes!


  1. I was thinking on Saturday how quiet you had been and was worried you were still mad at me about the Lloyd comment. Then I remembered you were out camping! And I see you hold no bitterness towards me =)

  2. Carhartts! (?)

    We have community boy underwear and socks here as well. Life is definitely too short to care.

  3. did your in laws get you some of your very own underwear so you don't have to share with nobody??? :)

  4. You have a beautiful camping area, it appears to me. In spite of the massive amount of large tree trunks you (LJ) take for firewood! We have no mountains, few trees an certainly no waterfalls. But we do recognize them when we see them!

  5. You have to tell us what you got for your birthday! Don't leave us hangin'. My husband came from a family of six boys and two girls. Needless to say there was a community underwear drawer and a community sock drawer. ;) See, there's always somebody worse off than you are. It's a comfort to me. Holla!

  6. WORK GLOVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Glad you had a safe weekend in the woods.

  7. Oh, and I forgot to add my hubs and Alex would be fast friends.

  8. flannel pjs? Carhartt flannel pjs?

    About that camping in the rain by the waterfall picture-I think you should post it by itself and have your readers create a caption. It is begging for a caption.

    Happy Birthday-when is the BIG day?

  9. Carhartt underwear??? Or maybe camo underwear so you can hide them from the communal underwear pile and have them all to yourself. OH, I KNOW! Camo Carhartt underwear!! Whichever it is, hope your birthday is slammin' with all good things and NO explosive diarrhea!

  10. I have always been known for my gracious and forgiving qualities. :)

  11. You can tow a fully equipped toilet behind your vehicle? Why did I not know this? Oh the car trip sanity I might have held on to had I had such a fabulous thing!

  12. Your hiking/camping pictures are great!!

    We had community underwear for a while. Now I'm attempting to keep them separate, because one kid is bigger than the other, and it was uncomfortable for me to watch her trying to wear underwear that were too small for her. :-) She didn't seem to mind though.

  13. Community undies sounds like a fab idea. Would totally do that. Except. I have a lovely in-law type who insists on all things folded and neat and matching and that sort of thing. I hear about it if all is not 'just right' Yes, she has a key to my house. No, I don't have a strong enough sense of self to enforce sensible boundaries. I may need counseling. Thanks for your support.

  14. You look a little cold in your family picture, but you look very thin.
    Happy Birthday in a few days (I cheated and looked at your FB to find out when)

    Your children seem to have a lot of digestive issues. Too much elk, perhaps?

  15. Just wait til the boys wear the same size underwear as their dad! I have resorted to differing brands but that only goes so far!

  16. blowing through boy underwear haha explosive blowing! hahaha again!

  17. Carhart camo workgloves?

  18. I love the idea of the "Hare-um" sign. Who wouldn't want to visit? :D

  19. Camping with 4 kids in the rain and dirt? You are bold, Taylor, BOLD. But your pics are inspiring. Now I want to go camping!

  20. If you're going to live in Ruralville and handle rabbits, metal thingies, logs, shrubs etc and as long as you have overalls and plaid ugh flannel shirt you may as well protect your hands and get your gloves. I don't get the part about towing a toilet. I'm from SoCal and I just can't understand this. Please explain. I mean if you have a trailer doesn't it have a bathroom?

  21. Taylor, I would always "lose" my work gloves when it came to wood stacking time as a wee one. It is the task I most loathe to this very day!
