Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Pull my Finger

I am joining in on Joyce's Hodgepodge today.  You should too! 

1. Have you ever been to the US capital-Washington DC? If so, what's your favorite site? If not, what would you most like to see on a visit to that city someday in the future? Is it even on your list of places to visit?

Yes.  Well, kinda sorta.  When I was a mere lass of 17, I went on a trip with two of my gal pals to the fine state of Delaware.  It was in our plans to go and visit the White House and all sorts of patriotic things of that nature.  However, we ran out of time and all I remember is my friend's dad speeding by the White House saying, "There it is!  Do you see it?  Do you see it?"

And I saw it.  And it was weird.  I always thought it would be out on its own and not surrounded by other houses and buildings and such.

You know what else is weird out there is East Coast Land? 


What is up with that?  We would be happily driving along and out of nowhere, they made us stop and pay to keep going.

Me no likey.

I turned 18 on that trip.  David, my boyfriend at the time, called on my birthday and had the audacity forget that it was his one true love's special day!

Me no likey.

To this day, he truly does not know when my birthday is.

I think he knows it is in a summer month, but I cannot be certain.

I know when his birthday is, his social security number, his driver's license number, his medical information, all his food likes/dislikes, and the size of the engine in his truck.

I'm obviously the better spouse.

2. When did you last attend a wedding? Are there any weddings on your summer calendar? Were you a summer bride? If you're single, is summer the season of your dream wedding?

I atteneded Jason's wedding a couple of weeks ago!  Remember Jason?

My wedding was in July.  I had no idea what kind of a wedding I wanted, so I kind of let everyone else plan it for me.  Sometimes I have trouble asserting myself and saying what I want.  Anyways, I could totally plan a dream wedding now! 

But what good is that?

3. What is your favorite way to eat strawberries?

My husband LOVES strawberries.  Not as much as he loves the holy huckleberry, but he loves him a good strawberry.

I find them to be delightful.  I make this brownie torte thingie-ma-bob where you layer thin sheets of brownie with whipped cream and strawberries.

It is uber yummy.

And something I choose to believe is fat free!

4. What is one thing you are especially looking forward to this summer?


We had snow up until the very end of April here and I am craving sunshine.  I might even get all crazy soon and don some capris.  You know . . . show some calves.

I know.  It's getting crazy over here.

I need to control myself.

5. Do you use/like the self checker at the grocery store?


Have you ever tried to go through one of those with four "helpful" children?

They lean on the counter.

"Please remove item and start over."

They try to take an item and load it into the cart.

"Please remove item and start over."

They try to do it themselves.

"Please remove item and start over."

They sneeze.

"Please remove item and start over."

I will stand in a line any day, so long as an actual human will deal with ringing me up.

6. Share a favorite piece of common sense advice.

Don't believe everything you hear.

Fun Fact:  I used to think that pulling your finger actually resulted in passing gas.

Funner Fact:  I actually told my husband that something was biologically wrong with me because when I pulled my finger, nothing happened.

Most Funnest Fact of all:  I have a BS in Elementary Education.  I could be teaching your children.

7. Barefoot, flip flops, tennis shoes, sassy sandals-your first choice for summertime?

Probably flip flops.  I can't pull off anything sassy.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

David was working late last night and I was home alone with the four children, which was an oddity.  We were snuggling and watching a movie.  I was rubbing Little Dude's head and I felt . . . something.  I tried to look as best as I could, but he is a squirmy guy.  After getting a quick look, I decided it might be a tick.


So, I searched on my phone the World Wide Web and tried to come up with some helpful information on what I should do.

I must have a Google handicap, because I pull up weird stuff when I search.

So, I texted my dearheart friend Bimlissa.  She is my go-to gal for all things.  She texts me back and then instantly emails me two helpful articles for how to safely remove a tick from a child.

She's like my own, personal BimGoogle.

Anyways, as I am trying to remove it, Sweet Pea says:

"Oh!  I had that thing on my head last night, too!  I just ripped it off.  It was hard to take off!  And look, now there is a huge bump on my head."

And she pulls back her hair, and sure enough, there is a huge bump on her head.


Let us take this moment to ponder the fact that maybe, just maybe, I'm not running as tight of a ship as I had hoped.

After much wailing and the like, I have determined that Little Dude did not have a tick.  The thing on his head was not a live bug.  It was something.  But I don't know what. 

I have also determined that I do not have it all together.

But we already knew that.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. You always make me smile. My hubs texted me from the doctor's office the other day with this-"What am I allergic to?"

    Ticks-ewww. We have them here too, just watch for a rash at the sight because that's not good. You have woods. You have deer. You have a dog. You will have ticks.

  2. "Holy Huckleberry" made me spit out my coffee as I snorted in laughter. It's a good thing that I like your blog so much because wasting coffee is a sin in my book. I shall make some more now. ;)

  3. I HATE ticks. HATE. (And I don't like the word 'hate', but it is appropriate when it comes to ticks.) Anyway. I now feel compelled to share a really gross story with you. Last summer, son #2 came limping to me in the kitchen and said, "I need my foot washed. I stepped on a berry in the basement and it squirted me....." I started to clean up the rusty red liquid from his foot, and inside my brain, the wheels were turning: 1. We have no berries here; and 2. This really looks like blood...... I said to him, "bring me the berry." A minute later, he bounded back up the stairs and held up a very swollen tick, which had, apparently, fallen off one of the dogs. I screamed and yelled, "that's a TICK!!!" His response was to also scream, and then throw the tick AT ME. I HATE ticks.

  4. I am now very worried about Sweet Pea's head!

  5. Ticks are really bad here this year! (As opposed to every other year when they are just bad.) We've also had tons of mosquitos and buffalo gnats, and most recently, locusts. They are blaming the flooding for everything but the locusts, but who knows? Perhaps it being cold for so long isn't such a bad thing??

  6. I had CH believing that it was our anniversary on my birthday. I'm a really, really bad liar, but I had him believing me!
    Ticks: EWWWW. Little blood-sucking buggers.

  7. Bimgoogle : )

  8. I think I threw up a little in my mouth upon reading this truly gross story. All I can say is that I am so, so sorry you had to deal with that. EW! :p

  9. I loved Bimgoogle, too! You need to put together your own dictionary because it would be hilarious. : ) What with weird growths/bugs/lumps on your childrens' heads, I'm sensing another visit to the doctor, resulting in another blog post. And weird things are always happening to my children, making me realize I'm not running as tight a ship as I thought. Actually, I realized that a long time ago, but I usually deny it until reality forces me to admit otherwise.

  10. You are, for sure, the better spouse. :)

    And that story really grossed me out. Yuck, ticks.

  11. I have to tell you this Tick story.... A good friend was visiting me from MD - I live in TX. After she went back home she called me all upset because she had a tick...ummmm, down there....between her legs along the panty line and she was not touching it to pull it out - what should she do....I had no clue! She ended up getting her neighbor friend to come over and pull it out. I'm so glad she found it AFTER she went home.

  12. I agree about the self checker, especially with children. Why would you want to give up the opportunity to have a perfectly helpful adult person pseudo wait on you at the grocery? Having my groceries checked and bagged by someone else used to be possibly one of the highlights of my long ago young mommy days. I had more important things to worry about. Like leaving with the same number of kids I brought with me. :)

  13. So let me get this straight-- you thought that there was some kind of tendon that attaches from your finger to your anus?

    Me likey.

  14. In the future, if you find an ACTUAL tick, be sure and put it in a freezer bag and put it in the freezer. If your children get ill, they can quickly check the tick and know if they need to treat it as a tick born pathogen.

    Now, if that doesn't freak you out, I don't know what will. Sadly, I have about 6 ticks bagged, dated and labeled with who had it in my freezer right now.


  15. I KNOW I threw up in my mouth!!! =o(

  16. wow, i wonder what kind of super powers you can get from a tick? nothing good i bet. remember edna's advice capes!

  17. taylor, i think you get funnier the warmer you get...

  18. Holy Huckleberry and #6 - Bahahahahahaha!

  19. 1. D.C. is on my list - all the art museums etc. 2. Sean & Lisa's. It's hot here, my marriage was planned for October, my favorite month but we didn't make it and married in Feb. It was kind of fun because in Feb. absolutely everything is hearts and flowers for Valentine's Day. 3. Plain and fresh. 4. I hate summer, too hot, too smoggy, too many kids & noise & trash here, lots more criminals out late. 5. I wouldn't use self-check for over 10 items. 6. ALWAYS ALWAYS KEEP RECEIPTS 7. Ponytails pools & tank tops. 8. I use for all medical knowledge. Careful - ticks carry Lyme disease. Check your local authority for what to watch out for as well as your pediatrician. Aren't you sweet to invite reader's input?

  20. HOLLA! I love reading your posts! You come up with the funniest expressions. Thanks for making me laugh!

  21. okay you realize there's going to be a need for a tick/what the heck was that update right?

    I've read this post twice, to cheer me up today...but the tick thing is worrisome.

    I think everyone who has mentioned Lyme disease in the comments should get a time out.

  22. I have SUCH a fear of's insane how paranoid I am about getting them.

  23. SPOON! Sorry, super powers and tick - ever seen that cartoon "The Tick"? I don't think his powers were truly super, I can't remember, but his battle cry was Spoon!

  24. I am right there with you on the just letting your wedding happen, but now being able to plan the dream wedding. I am thinking of renewing our vows just so I can do it the way I want to, but usually you do that on your anniversary which is in June because it was "practical" and not in the fall which I would have preferred, so I still can't have the whole dream. Oh, well. I got the man. :)

  25. Man thing...forgetting birthdays...tres uncool...especially when it's done two years in a row. Don't ask how I know.

    Tick/insect thing...please be very careful. My sister had a horrible tick infestation in her house last summer. It was so bad that they had to move into the in-laws...for over a month. They had to go through every single thing in the rid of a ton of stuff...and had the house de-tick-i-fied twice. It was the worst thing she's ever gone through. Have someone come in and check out the house. I'm a caring bloggy friend who's not trying to scare you.

  26. Hi!
    I just think you should know that I LOVE your blog. It is the only blog that makes me mute my boyfriend (and the TV) so I can enjoy it fully. Thanks for being so real!
