Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Underwear and libraries.

I'm joining in on Joyce's linky-loo today.  Do you know Joyce? 

Do you?

You should.


1. Do you and your family enjoy camping? What do you enjoy most/like the least when it comes to family camping? When was the last time you camped?

Let me answer that question with a collage of fun-filled pictures that are sure to delight you:

2009_9_07 1402009_9_07 1432009_9_07 1632009_9_07 1842009_9_07 2192009_9_07 236

Yes.  I've heard of this "camping" you speak of.

2. Did you attend a summer camp when you were a kid? Is that a happy or not so happy memory?

I loved going to camp!  I remember my first trip well.  Every day when I would get dressed, I would look at my underwear.  Since they looked clean, I would just put them on again.  Therefore, I wore the same pair of underwear all week.  I was so proud of myself for saving my mama oodles of laundry.

Imagine my surprise when I got in trouble for having poor hygiene.

3. Over the course of your life, what have you probably spent more time pondering than anything else?



 is it so hard

 to keep glasses


 the boy?

4. Which of the seven natural wonders of the world would you most like to see? There are many lists of 'wonders' but this is the standard naturalwonder list-Mount Everest, The Great Barrier Reef, The Grand Canyon, Victoria Falls, The Harbor of Rio de Janerio, Paricutan Volcano and The Northern Lights.

Probably the Northern Lights.


I don't know. 

Basically, I'm excited to leave our property, so I'm easy to please.

5. What was your first real job?

At the age of 15, I started working at Papa Murphy's.  I was a  pizza artist, and a darn good one.   I worked there for three years and had a blast. 

I had the priviledge of working with two of my close friends, Sarah and Brenda.  Brenda would sometimes get confused when running the cash register.  This irked Sarah and I, because we prided ourselves on being awesome employees.

Anyways, Brenda was running the register one day.  After a crazy, busy rush, Brenda called out to Sarah and I:

"Oh, no guys!  I've been giving out 20's as 1's!"

Did you catch that?

$20's as $1's.


Sarah and I quickly closed out her register to see how much damage had been done.

I'll never know what Brenda did on that fateful day . . . but somehow she managed to be about $30 over.


6. Lemonade or Sweet tea...which do you prefer on a hot summer day?

What is this "sweet tea" nonsense you speak of?  I like regular iced tea.  With sweet and low.

7. What is something that always brings a smile to your face?

Reading all of your comments on this blog.  You guys all crack me up!

And this picture:

Sister Meagan and friend Caylee came to visit us tonight.  My kids had a fantastic time showing them the ways of rural life.

Clearly Sister Meagan is not to be trusted with a live baby bunny.

Hence the stuffed bunny.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

The girls created a library in their room today.

Sweet Pea, aka The Librarian.

Notice how they remembered a sack full of bags for their patrons to take their selections home with them.

Daisy Mae helping Little Dude pick out some books and cds.

Sweet Pea to Handsome Dude

"Would you like to pick out a magazine to help you in the bathroom?"


The girls even made us all our own library cards.

Here's mine:

The spelling is . . . imaginative.

They even gave us all receipts with the books we chose written out on them.

They are all due back on 26th of June.

Otherwise, we shall acquire a one cent fine per day.


They are hardcore.

The highlight of the afternoon was when they all put Mommy to bed in the library.

*giggle, giggle, chuckle, chuckle*

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Cuteness!! Love the library game, and the bunnies, and them putting you to bed!

  2. Why doesn't my library have a bed? I would totally go more often...let the kids play on the computers and run wild while I took a nap. I think I will leave this in the "suggestion box" next time I'm there.

  3. Looks like a fun day! I love kids imagination. Also I have to confess, I have been a lurker lately :) reading and not posting...naughty!

  4. I love the library game...our librarians are hard core too : )

  5. Oh your Family sure knows how to camp. It looks like you guys had fun. My husband is not a camper so I do not get to enjoy that.. We do go on fun trips though.. Have a great day.. Enjoyed all of the pictures..

  6. Ok...the library is just too precious. Do not ever doubt that you are a good homeschooling mom. This is evidence of it. Your children are "getting it." Great job!

  7. I did think of you when I read the first question on Joyce's Hop today. You are in the same boat as me, camping is a requirement to belong to respective families:)

  8. I was doing laundry a while back and noticed that Faith did not have a single pair of underwear in her pile. She had the same thought process you did.


  9. I bet that when they put you to bed it was the best part of your day! :)

  10. My kids play library too! I didn't realize this was a "thing," I just thought my kids were kind of weird, um, I mean special. :) I don't like library though because for some reason the bookshelves are not good enough. They must remove ALL the books from the shelves and stack them in every room of the house. It takes a very long time to clean up after playing library.

    I hope you stop by my blog again, especially on Tuesdays. I am doing Art Adventures each week, a new art lesson to use with kids. I use supplies most people have on hand and walk you through it step by step. I hope homeschooling mamas like yourself find it useful. :)

  11. I'm going to have to go and change my answer to # 7 to your blog - your post cracked me up!!

    We didn't have libraries - but we did a heck of an imaginary school house :-D

  12. Seriously? Just where are you from that you don't know what sweet tea is? :)
    Take a 1/2 gallon of brewed tea and dump about half of a 5 lb. bag of sugar in it, and there you have it! It really does taste wonderful...my body just doesn't like it!

  13. WOW...you really ARE a camper!! I'm inspired!

  14. I want a nap! But dang it have to go mow my lawn.


  15. I need to find some sort of game to play that allows for afternoon naps! :)

  16. Yup, saw Joyce's question #1 and immediately knew you would have the best answer so I came directly over here and was pleased to see that I was right. I also must share that I loved playing library as a kid but there was no bed in my library. You are one lucky library patron!

  17. The blurb about wearing the same underwear everyday for a week is priceless... does your husband ever read your blog and shriek "Holy cow, you told everyone that?!" :)

  18. I used to enjoy when my children "tucked me in for a nap". Until I realized what they were really doing was getting me out of the way so they could get into all sorts of forbidden foolishness. They have ruined me for naptime.

  19. I thought we were bad for visits to the eye dr. to get adjustments on glasses but you have us beat. All the opticians know my kids by name though.
