Monday, June 13, 2011

Oreo Blizzard!

David has been working late a lot these days.  Daisy Mae wrote him a little note:

"To Dad.  Love you so muck.  Wi do you have to wrk so lat."

Uber cute.

Remind me to speak to her spelling teacher immediately.

Hold on to your pants, folks.  It's time for some questions and answers.

From Micah:

The blurb about wearing the same underwear everyday for a week is priceless… does your husband ever read your blog and shriek “Holy cow, you told everyone that?!”

Yeah.  My husband doesn't read this nonsense. 

He's too busy scouring the farm and garden section of Craigslist and trying to find a part for his dozer.

Fun Fact:  The home and garden section of Craigslist is our home page.  Exciting stuff.

From Mindee:

Question: What are you going to do with all those baby bunnies? Will you have the mamas spayed now or are you going to add “rabbit breeder” to your list of job titles?

True story: When I was a child, we lived in the mountains in a very rural environment for three loooooong years. Our neighbors up the road bred rabbits – and then ate them. Given that you eat elk and deer, rabbit wouldn’t be too big of a stretch.

Dear Mindee,

I resent the fact that you think I would raise rabbits for to eat them.  I can barely eat chicken.

Nay.  The girls are trying to sell them as PETS to earn MONEY for a HORSE.

And just to ward off any more suspicions, no we are not eating "horse".

Even if you think it sounds like something we would do.

I am normal, people!  I really am!  It's that darn husband of mine.  He's the hick-ish one.

From Holly:

Question: Who vomited?

On that day, it was Sweet Pea.  Today, Daisy Mae did.

From Heather (not the nurse and not living in ND)

Are you sure that’s not a store bought shed? It looks just like one of those sheds that sits outside of the Home Depot store that are for sale. Nice work Lumberjack, nice work indeed.

Oh yes, Heather who is not a nurse and does not reside in North Dakota, I am sure.  I helped him load the lumber.  I watched him lay out the trusses, or whatever in the heck the triangle shaped things are.  I saw him side it.  I saw him roof it.  I saw him build his own door.

I even saw his tool belt.

That's right.  Tool belt.

Hands off, ladies.  He's all mine.

From Beth

Your house looks great! Congratulations! So where do we go to rent this little bit of Heaven on Earth?

You go to the town I used to live in, of course.  It is quite a lovely town . . . I will have to ask Sir Lumberjack why it is he moved me so far, far away from it.

Our house is/was close to the lake.

Look at my dudes!  Back when they wore Baby Gap and not Carhartt for kids . . .

The house is even close to parks . . .

Where we used to run into good friends . . .

Holla, MindyLou!

It's a lovely place.  I might need to move back.

Guess what!  Today marks one year since we moved to Ruralville.

I need ice cream.

From Aimee

My questions are: What do you wish that veteran homeschool Moms (like myself) would have told you before you started homeschooling? What did you think was the hardest part of this year? What did you think was the easiest? I think you truly need to be commended Way to go! How did your girls win that award?

Hmmm . . .

I wish they would have told me to relax a bit.  I think I stressed too much and over did some things.

For example:  I use two different curricula (ooh!  a fancy word!) for spelling, social studies, writing, and science.

Because I am strange.  And annoying.  And still trying to figure out what in the heck I am doing.

Hardest part of the year:  Dealing with the boys and worrying about whether or not I was doing things right.

Easiest part:  Actually teaching the girls.  We had a blast and we love most of our curriculum.  And the stuff we don't love is getting the boot.

Win, win!

The award-I think they had to submit work that was at grade level or above all year long and test at proficient in the state testings.  Also, I think they looked at their portfolio work.

I'm pretty sure they give the award to every kid and his brother.

But let us commend me nonetheless.


Alright!  That's all for now!  I shall answer more later.

(feel free to leave a question if you'd like)

But, first I must inform you that I just spoke with my husband on his cellular device and he is going to attempt to bring me a BLIZZARD from DAIRY QUEEN.

Do you think the Blizzard will make the 45 minute drive?

Do you?

My husband does have a spiffy lunch box cooler.

Yum.  I'm getting Oreo.



  1. Dang. I forgot to ask you a question.

    And I would only be jealous if he were bringing you a Double Fudge Cookie Dough. Or Brownie Batter. They really need to bring back Brownie Batter...

  2. Oh, wait! I just re-skimmed and saw that you're still accepting questions.

    Here it is: Would you please potty train my child who is only a week younger than yours and STILL has not eliminated any form of anything into the potty and seems to believe I'm trying to torture him? Sigh.

    Seriously, though. What math curriculum did you decide on for next year?

  3. I once ate bunny stew at my grandparent's farm. They raised rabbits and told me it was beef stew. It wasn't and I'm still sad.

  4. That Lumberjack is a keeper, for sure. Bringing home a little bit of civilization to the woman who is living his dream. Enjoy that melty goodness.
    And, as you may know, the buying of the horse is not the expensive part. It is the fencing and sheltering and hauling and endless feeding of the horse that Hoovers the cash. Y'all need to fix the 'dozer quickly so LJ can continue to clear brush, plant pasture (requires a tractor = more money, more parts to break/fix/replace) to feed said horse in summer months, plant grass to harvest as hay to feed said horse during the long winters you appear to have in whereveritisthatyoulive.
    Rabbits can be tasty. Rather like chicken. Though it helps if you don't know it's name.

  5. That shed is amazing! Wish I could come rent your house this summer =(

  6. I'm glad to hear the bunnies are not food. I take it you won't be raising chickens there in Ruralville. :)

  7. Question: Did the blizzard make it home okay?

    Real Question: How in the world do you stay sane and positive living in ruralville? I'm from a beautiful coastal town in Florida that I miss every. single. day. and I now live in S. Alabama (SIIIIGGGGGHHHHH) and I have a very hard time staying sane and positive living here. On top of that, I don't have nearly as much on my plate as you do-I have no kids so obviously I don't homeschool. HOW do you do it?!

  8. Oreo Blizzards are called "Mario Blisters" at this house. Cracks me up every time.

    Your daughters note is just darling. That one is a keeper for sure!!

    Your shed is beauteous. What lovely work The Lumberjack does!

  9. I love the note. And it's funny, I was just going over spelling with my son. He just finished first grade. I could never home school, and yet, since he is advanced, he had no attention all year at school and just languished, so now I must push him along. Basically, now I'm home schooling through the summer. Didn't I just say I would never home school. Sigh.

    Also, you have advertised this rental and in some form to let people know of its existence, right? I mean I respect the whole protecting your privacy thing, but how is anyone supposed to rent your house for vacation if they can't find it? Just saying. Looks like a lovely place. I have deduced your general geographic location and am no where near you or I might I rent it. Oh, but wait. I'd never find it. :P

  10. What's with all the vomit lately?

    It's the curse of parenthood.

  11. Dairy Queen? I know for a fact there is no way you live in Texas, due to your weather patterns. Every small town in Texas has a DQ. Sadly, there are not any DQs nearby here.

    My brain is too tired to ask questions...

    Other than: How are you?

  12. Yum! Any flavor of Blizzard works for me! But I must stay away from them because they stay with me forever.....

  13. very jealous....i haven't had refined sugar in weeks.....sigh

  14. Where is the shed located? Ruralville or your other home? Wow! Nice looking. LJ's a keeper.

  15. Question!!!!

    The other day I thought I saw you and your family at a popular Frozen yogurt joint. I got super excited when I thought it was you, then super creeped out by my super excitement.

    The question is: If I should see you in public, can I say hi? Tell you how much I love your blog?

    Also, have you been to the new frozen yogurt places around? I'm sure you and your family would love it! Don't worry, I won't stake out the place in an attempt to see the World Famous LumberJill. :-)
