Many of you got it right! So, from now on, I am just going to ask all of you what on earth he is saying next time he perplexes me. Perhaps you can handle some of his "deep-thoughts" questions. Here's one he asked recently:
"Mom? When monies poop, where does the poop come out?"
Good luck and God speed.
That Handsome Dude. He is a delight to my soul, I kid you not. Oh, sure, he drives me bananas, but he is hilarious and warms my heart. Here is our conversation yesterday after I picked him up from preschool:
Me: Did you get chocolate milk today?
(His school gives all the kids FREE milk or chocolate milk each day.) (Don't be jealous. Not everyone can live in Ruralville.)
HD: Yes! My teacher give me chocolate milk. And she said that I needed to tell my mom that she gives me chocolate milk at school, so Mom needs to give me soda pop at home.
Me: Nice try, dude.
HD: *giggle, giggle, chuckle, chuckle*
He loves to help David work outside. The other day he had his sister's purple, sparkly watch on, because he is manly like that.
"Dad! Let me check the time. 14:22 . . . 7!"
"Dad! Hold on! It's 9:73!"
"Hey, Dad. It's 68!"
So, before we moved, we had this elliptical trainer machine.
Hold the phone! Are you new-ish to this blog? Did you know I have not always lived in this Rural place? It's true. I came from a land where you could walk just mere minutes to glorious places like: the lake, coffee shops, and jewelery shops. All peoples from all nations would rise and call me blessed and friends would come to call, imploring me to take them on walks around my fabulous neighborhood.
Ask me when the last time someone came to call in Ruralville was.
But, I digress. We had this exercise machine. And I never used it (shocking, I know), but I always had high hopes that I would. So, we moved and stuck it in my room. It is so ugly and I just wanted to get rid of it, but I soldiered on in hopes that someday, David would hook up the TV in our room and I could exercise and watch humorous TV shows. Because I am certainly not going to exercise and just stare at the wall. Lame.
For 15 months that ugly beast has sat in my room. And on Wednesday, Mr. Satellite Guy came and set us all up. I was so excited, I tried to ellipticize that very afternoon.
And, unbeknownst to me, the battery cover was missing since the move, rendering the machine useless. 15 months! 15 months of ugliness in my room with lovely peach walls!
Interruption: Are you new-ish to this blog? My Ruralville home has every, single wall painted a pleasant peach color. Keep up!
Good news! I was able to order a replacement cover and it shall be here soon. And I will be super fit in no time, I am sure of it.
Let's do a COW!
Look at me, remembering the COW twice in a row!
Yes. Yesterday I had a TYPO, which was surprising since this blog is always so top-notch. I wrote that I was going to "don my pears" when I meant "don my pearls." It happens.
Melissa Kaiserman
I don my pear every day. It’s called my body shape.
Alright. These kids aren't going to teach themselves. Off I go!
Happy Friday
PS- I forgot to tell you all about the fruit fly trap.
Option 1- Put an unpeeled, overripe piece of fruit in a bowl and splash some balsamic vinegar on it. Cover it tightly with plastic wrap. Take a pushpin or something and poke tiny holes into the top.
Downside: The fruit flies are trapped alive. So now, I have a bowl full of living fruit flies on my back deck because I am too scared to open it.
Option 2- Take a glass jar. Put about 1 inch of fruit scented dish soap in it and about 1 inch of water. I added some apple pieces, because I was feeling festive.
Ok. NOW I must teach the children. Goodbye.