Thursday, September 1, 2011

Camping on Steroids.

Some of you have noticed that some of my pictures have been blurry as of late.  I know.  It was annoying me, too.  But you assume I have photography skills (or skillz, whichever you prefer) and would understand how to fix such things.

Alas.  I don't.

The blurry pictures were from my phone and it was really irking me because my phone is brand-spanking new.

Here is an example from what would have been a delightful picture of my boys thinking they were factual train conductors at the amusement park:

See?  Irksome.

So, I was at the amusement park with my friend Rita!, and taking lousy pictures, when I had finally "had it" with my picture quality.  I take my shirt and begin to rub the back of the phone where the lens lives.

Then I notice something amiss.  Then I felt like my dad:

because I realized I had never taken off the brand-spanking-new-camera-protective-clear stickers.

So.  Once I figured that one out, I got a shot of my boys thinking they were factual helicopter pilots:

Life is hard for me.

I am uber tired today.  I stayed up till almost 1am last night.  Because I have no intelligence.

It's that darn show, Lost.  It's killing me!  Killing me, I tell you!  Poor David.  He keeps falling asleep at like minute 11 of the first episode of the night.  I get hooked and watch at least 2 episodes and then the next night, David acts all crazy and like he is hallucinating.

David: What!  I thought he was dead?

Me:  He is!  This is from the past!

David: Wait!  Where did she come from?

Me:  She's an other!

David:  What?  They knew each other?

Me:  This is from the future!  Keep up!

David: Huh?  Where are they now?

And I just tell him to hush up while I shove popcorn into my mouth with my eyes popping out of my head.

Lost episodes on DVD.

Not for the faint of heart.

So.  I am tired today.  This is a bad plan because I have 4.2 millions things to do.  Because, and this will knock your socks off, we are going C-A-M-P-I-N-G.

Oh, yes.  We are.  And this is camping on steroids.  Because it is 2 extra days of camping fun.

And I use the term "fun" quite loosely.


You would not BELIEVE the checklist I had to make just to remember all the clothes required for all 6 of us.  Took me 2 hours to locate all the items needed.

We have a dresser downstairs completely devoted to camping clothes.

Camping clothes are jeans with holes in them and shirts with stains that should not be worn in public.

And for us, public means in our living room.

I kid!  I jest!

Anyways, the girls have been in charge of putting all the downstairs laundry away for some time now.  They have always done a fine job at their chores, so I trusted all was well with the laundry sitch.

Sitch is how cool people, such as myself, abbreviate "situation."  Feel free to steal it, as it is sure to impress.

Folks.  All was not well with the laundry sitch.

The camping drawer overfloweth with clothes that were in mint condition.  Nice, clean shorts the boys could have used all summer long.  (And by all summer long, I mean the last 2 weeks, because, we don't really get a "summer" per say).

I was perturbed.

Me:  Why are all these clothes stuffed in here?

Sweet Pea:  Because I didn't feel like putting them away where they belonged.

Well.  At least she's truthful.

Alright!  I must pack!

I am camping today through Monday.


Try to contain your understandable jealousy.


  1. David sounds just like my hubby when we watched Lost. And my hubby was awake! :) Make the force be with you regarding the camping sitch.

  2. I'm bummed I will miss it, but I am sure you will have fun. Glad you figured out what was up with the camera :)

  3. I will be laughing for the rest of the week about the sticker over the lens incident... I am sure people will wonder if I am crazy...I care not.. I love knowing someone besides myself who gets a kick out of telling others about the dumb things we do..I love you Taylor Maliblahblah.. you complete me.

  4. Taylor maybe you should check all of your cameras for protective coverings.

  5. Stupid safety stickers! They are just as irritating as when they used to make fruit roll ups with the very thin clear plastic film on the back that would never friggin come off!

    mmmmm. . . .fruit roll ups. They make good camping treats don't they? : )

  6. Strangest thing... I was at the store tonight with my daughter picking out dish soap... (we are wild and crazy like that) and she was sniffing the different soaps and I told her to just pick one and I don't care which as long as it's the brand I have the coupon for... (again... wild and crazy) So I told her "quit getting all handsome over the dish soap and put it in the cart already." When to my surprise an uber-cute young thing spins around and asks if I read "The Lumberjack's Wife"?? You can imagine my surprise to meet a fellow blogger here in my tiny Maine hamlet... We immediately bonded and exchanged blog and contact info... I have a coffee date thanks to your cool self!
    "The Lumberjack's Wife... Uniting bloggers in random circumstances and random places with her uber cool randomness!" (PS... notice the gratuitous use of "uber"... That's how excited I am... I really need to get out more.)(PSS... unfortunately I don't know how to put the cool dots on top of the u in uber.)

  7. like!
    (if there is a better, more efficient way to do this, would some non-goober person please inform me? thank you.)

  8. oh, you know those responsible types who write parenting books say, "inspect what you expect." who has time for that? show the kid (or tell them) once, they should be able to take it from there to perpetuity. don'cha think? I have no unrealistic expectations. and that is what makes me who I am today.
    Holla! for finding that "protective film". Mad photog skillz will be expected post-haste.

  9. I can relate to your "protective film" issue as I have experienced the same thing on a much larger scale. We bought a new washing machine and when I called the store to ask if they have an all white model as opposed to the one they delivered that had a blue top, the salesperson told me there was, yes, a large BLUE protective film on it. Wow, color my face red! And don't worry, my camping jealousy is totalled contained! The last time my family and I went camping, we went with a group of 4 families. We were excited! At the end of the first day, we were gathering wood for a camp fire, looking forward to sitting around talking and enjoying each others company. Well, we were the only ones to sit around the fire. As soon as it was dark, the other 3 families promptly went into their RVs to watch television in the air conditioning. Bummer.

  10. I feel the same way Sweet Pea does. That's why only one person can fit in our queen size bed.

  11. Goober. Reminds me of a certain sister who thought the "inspected by" sticker was a fashion accessory. Have fun. I have to worry about your knee though.

  12. I am so glad you were able to figure out what was going on with your new phone/camera. I am sure I have done that a time or two. I tend to not think about things like that.

    Enjoy the camping! We have not gone since last summer. So right now even with the 4.2 million things you have to do - I am totally jealous!

  13. I'm glad you figured out your camera, and now you can take great picture's. Have a great time camping. I wish I was going with you. Sounds like alot of fun.

  14. Okay, that is just plain amazing! Maine? In the dish soap aisle?

    Taylor Maliblahblah, the next Pioneer Woman.

    P.S. I'm originally from the east coast, and I really miss the word "hamlet." I think it's one of the sweetest words ever.

  15. At first I read "other" as "otter" and had to go back and check what show you were watching.

    I blame the holiday.

  16. Hope you had a great time camping. You won a blog award on my blog. Play along if you like. No need though. btw, I copied the picture of your Dad. Had to be done. If you are forever offended and choose to throw elk meat at me, I will be ready with a tennis racket to fling it back in your direction.
    Hey, maybe that can be a blog award--The E.W.W. Award The Elk-Meat Worthy Award. Award it to people who make you feel like you feel when you have to eat elk.
    I don't really have another 'W' word for that acronym. But maybe keep it that way--just to mess with people's heads

  17. High five to your girly girl for being honest!
