Thursday, September 8, 2011

Google Readers

A Thursday Night List

1.  I have no idea how to write a blog.  I am in over my head.  I mean, of course I can write nonsense.  But I really don't get all that other stuff like code and widget and plugin and rss and whatnot.

2.  Explosive diarrhea can and will disrupt school.  Several times.

3.  Daisy Mae still writes 9 like this: P

4.  Granola is delicious. (Thanks Jason and Amy)

5.  My blog wasn't updating in Google Reader.  Apparently my posts are too large.  Lame.  Do you know what Google Reader is?  Do you?  Hmm?

6.  Not to tootle my own horn or anything, but Sister Meagan, who prides herself on being the most knowledgeable in our family regarding The Internets, had no clue what a Google Reader is.

7.  I got all handsome on filling her in.  Consider her informed.

8.  The girls talked me into watching Star Wars with them last night for the first time in my life.  All I know about Star Wars is that I don't want to see it.  And there is a golden guy and a guy that looks like a Shop Vac.

9.  I lasted about 3.7 seconds and went back to trying to fix my Google Reader.

10.  If I mention Google Reader again, my dad, who I am assuming is reading this post, is going to start talking to himself and close his computer with authority.  Because he is my dad and he can.

"What IS this Google-ty Reader Mumbo Jumbo she is talking about?"

11.  Handsome Dude is starting preschool next week.  This is weird, because he is still a newborn.

12.  I enjoyed your theories as to why the ladies gave my dad flowers.

Dear Dad,

The general consensus is this:  People feel like the ladies at the restaurant were flirting with you.  And the reason they asked you to give the flowers to, and I quote, "your lovely wife" is because they wanted to see if you were already taken.

Try not to get too conceited or anything,


13.  My dad totally thwarted the ladies' plan.  He just smiled, took the flowers and said,

"Thanks!  But she's my daughter!" and walked away.

So bummer for them.  They were out some flowers and did not even find out if my dad was available, the heartbreaker that he is.

13.  Granola is delicious.  But it has a lot of calories.  Such a shame.

14.  Apparently my blog gets mad if I center posts.  This was part of my . . . wait for it . . . Google Reader problem.

15.  Do you think I can mention Google Reader more?  Do you think anyone is still reading this?

16.  I am really quite dumb when it comes to this stuff.

Don't lose heart!

I have placed a hold at the library for the book Wordpress for Dummies.  I am going to wow you all soon.  Just you wait.

17.  I wonder if they make a book called Google Reader for Dummies.

18.  That's right.  I mentioned it again.

19.  Both girls have already cried this week during school.  Take that as you will.

20.  Thank you to everyone on Facebook who helped me with my GOOGLE READER issues.  You guys are all the bees knees.

21.  A snake ran by my toes today.  I was just trying to get the mail.

22.  Rebecca D posted a trippy story about me.  But, and don't be too surprised, I am having trouble getting the link to work.

So.  You are going to have to copy and paste this link:

Before you read it, I must assure you it is just an uber strange coincidence and don't you go thinking I'm all that AND a bag of chips. You should go say hi to her.  I do not know her in real life.  But I still think you should say hi.  She was the first person to inspire the COW, which is supposed to be the Comment of the Week.  And I am really bad about updating that.  As you are all aware.

23.  Attention All Jam-Makers:  Share your thoughts on pectin.  Does it matter if you use liquid or powdered?  Please advise.

24.  I have 2 number 13's.  That's a shame.  Now I look ignorant.

25.  Do you know how much work it would take to go back and re-number them?  Not gonna do it.

26.  I really hope people can see this post.

27.  From their Google Readers.

28.  I am growing my bangs out.

29.  Goodnight!

PS-In all seriousness, if you are reading this in Google Reader, please let me know so I can jump for joy that my posts are making it through.  Thanks!



  1. I only have your blog on my igoogle home page, which SHOULD show your last three posts but stopped at Camping on Steroids.

    you're not ignorant for two 13's. you're tossing caution to the wind and not caring about silly superstition and all that!

  2. Taylor, I've had a REALLY super hard week (not the hardest in my life, but frustrating just the same) and I came to your blog for some laughter. You didn't disappoint. However, I must say, your Rebecca D link does not work. Please advise. :)

  3. You are cracking me up!!! And since when do snake's run??? hahahahahahahaha!!!!

    P.S. Good luck with the bangs thing. It takes forever and goes through a really awkward stage where you just like you desperately need a haircut but you are too loser-ish to get one. I know because I've done it before. Just giving you a warning. But you probably already knew it because you are like, totally cool and stuff.

  4. Powdered pectin for me. But, I have learned you must have some sort of acid, or it won't set up the way you like it. Lemon juice is my fav. But, the only jelly I have made is Fireweed Jelly. It tastes yummy with lemon juice and lemon zest.

    Now I got ya wondering, don't I? What kind of good Christian homeschooling momma makes Fireweed Jelly? What is fireweed, and where did she get it? HA!

  5. your test post was in reader, but this one wasn't...that's strange?!?!?! hope you figure it out soon, wihs i could help, but i barely figure out how to get the blogs i like in reader to read them from there to begin with!! :(

  6. I'm a sugar-free powdered pectin girl myself. I like it bunches because I can add sugar, but not nearly as much as the sugar kind calls for. I think jam should taste like berries first, and then sweet. But, thats just me. Also, if it can set without sugar, then it should only set better with a little sugar, right?

    I have never been able to get google reader to work. I would LOVE to use it, but every time I try it freaks out on me. So, I win. (In all seriousness, it might be google reader itself though. They just did a whole buncha changes to google/blogger/etc. At least today is the first time I've seen them-but I haven't logged into my dashboard for two weeks so I might be behind the times. So, anyway, that's a thought.)

  7. You have returned to my Reader. Still in summary form, but there nonetheless.

    I'll be honest--I do not often actually click on summary posts in Reader unless something in the first two sentences greatly entices me. However, there's no question that I will always click over to your full posts regardless of your intro. And I would venture to say that the rest of your audience would agree. So if you can't fix it, don't sweat it. :)

    I always use powdered pectin unless I'm making Red Pepper Jelly (don't knock it), which calls for liquid.

  8. First time watching "Star Wars," huh? That is both hilarious and awesome. I liked trend-buckers.

  9. You. Are. Hilarious! I *h@te* Google Reader. There, I said it. You don't need it! LOL. Please keep on, even without Google Reader.

  10. Uh, that's "like" trend-buckers, not "liked."

  11. Oh, and I'm impressed by your google reader knowledge. I have none. I don't even know what it is or how to access it. :)

  12. Oh the growing out the bangs stage. I go through this often as I can't make up my mind and seem to go back and forth a lot. My word of wisdom, and something that seriously recently changed my life was...a big round brush. A little moose and dry the awkward length bangs back around that big round brush and the bangs actually stay out of my eyes for the most part, even while leaning over first graders all day. This way I don't have to always wear a bobby pin of some sort and have my mom tell me I look like I'm ten all the time. :) Hope you guys are doing well. Love you!

  13. I know what google reader is so I'm feeling pretty pleased with're showing up in mine again. Enjoy your weekend!

  14. Hi ya! I'm a Google Reader user. This one worked! I am such a trusting person that I did not even know Reader was having troubles until today! Bummer. Now that I am aware a problem existed, I'm going to dig back through the archives for the posts I missed. :-)

  15. It seems that things are back to normal as far as your posts updating, so I am taking that as a good sign. Have a great weekend!

  16. Google Reader? No idea. I don't even know how to use Bookmarks. Someone showed me, but I didn't write it down...And the three times I tried to upload a photo to my blog the photos just disappeared into the atmosphere.

  17. It showed up in my Google Reader but not the entire shows a sentence or two and then says "to continue reading, click here" where it brings me to your website.

    I did miss the "It makes me sausage" post in my google reader until you reposted it.

  18. Not to make you crazy, but have you ever considered moving to blogger? It is soooo much easier than Wordpress. I have to use wordpress for Aspen's website and it drives me batty. Plug-ins and plug-outs and updates and whats-its. *shudder*

    I'm sorry, what's that? This comment wasn't helpful? My bad.

  19. I must be in the same league as your dad... what is Google Reader?

  20. I read your blog in google reader and I got this in my feed. :-) I would be so sad if I wasn't getting notification of new posts. I love reading your blog!!!

  21. Have no idea what google reader is! But, I enjoy reading your blog. You make me laugh out loud!

  22. You are welcome for the granola! It is what we love in our part of the country! :)
    Or mine rather, Jason won't claim it I am sure.

  23. Thanks for (kind of) linking up with me! You are too kind.

    PS. I hate google reader and never use it... I know one or two of my six or so readers do, so I hope it never goes down... I'll lose a huge fraction of my readers!

  24. Didn't know that snakes could run, slither yes, but run??? Boy, you really do live in the boonies!!!

    Thanks for cracking me up, need it after a long and rough week!

  25. how do your kids have such frequent bouts with stomach ailments seeing as you never get out to non-ruralville where the germs run rampant? maybe their immune system is suppressed being so isolated? :)

  26. Well, I don't use Google Reader but I do use Netvibes to read blogs. It updates there and I can usually read the entire post without actually clicking over to your blog in a new tab. But now it says "Click Here to Continue Reading" Hmm. No big deal - lots of blogs do that :)

  27. What is it with people never seeing Star Wars? Seriously? That. Is. Unamerican! I've been comparing characters (a story element that I'm teaching right now) to Darth Vader and Anakin. My kids look at me like I'm stupid. They have no clue! What's a girl to do?

  28. 1. Star Wars and Moulin Rouge are the only movies in my life I fell asleep to. 2. probably would be better if you didn't keep bringing up that one of your aunts (which should be anonymous) mentioned your dad being attractive. Going to make it harder to come visit. 3. The bathrobe deal and the comment did not happen at the same time. 4. You're taking it out of context as we were talking about brothers-in-law in general. 5. Sheeeeesh. 6. I am cutting my bangs short. 7. Love the blog. More photos!! 8. Robes with ties are stupid, bulky and not attractive on anyone. But robes that have lost their ties are reeeeeeelly bad.

  29. I'm sorry I've been away from the internets. I'm tired. My THREE month old has decided to start teething, which I think is very rude of him...mmmm...

    Anywhoo, I've always used powdered.
    AND? I read your freeway post and it makes me feel like drinking coffee but sadly it's already 7 pm and that would be unwise.

    ALSO? Hate google reader. I don't even KNOW what it is, nor do I care because last time I checked? no one's paying me for this crap.

    I do miss comment o the week.
