Sunday, September 25, 2011

Roundhouse Kick

It's Sunday afternoon!  And you know what that means.  I am supposed to be doing my co-op lesson plans.  Which, of course, we all know, means I blog.  Because I like to impress people who are counting on me.

Sister Meagan decided to surprise us all by coming for a quick visit this weekend.  We all congregated at the Matriarch and Patriarch's house for a night of food, fun, and fellowship.

And because I know you always want to hear the latest, I must update you on my father.  My father has discovered an app that spits out Chuck Norris jokes.  I didn't know my dad knew what an app was.

But, anyways.  Turns out he does and randomly throughout the night, he would just bust up laughing and share with us a little joke, at Chuck Norris' expense.

Please.  Don't gush over my awesome photography skills (or skillz, whichever you prefer) again.  Honestly, its getting embarrassing.

"Chuck Norris doesn't sleep.  He waits."

"Little known fact:  Chuck Norris invented the C-section when he roundhouse kicked his way into the world"

No! I do not know what a roundhouse kick is.  Do you?

Let us move on.

At one point, I sent Little Dude into the bathroom to wash up.  Sister Meagan snuck up on him and took the following photos of him, unbeknownst to Little Dude himself.

Here he is, quenching his thirst.

Yet, not washing his face.

Here he is talking to himself in his "creepy bunny voice."

(There is another mirror on that wall that he is looking into)

And not washing his face.

Here he is, attempting Zumba.

But, alas.  Not washing his face.

And finally, here is Little Dude perfecting his Chuck Norris' roundhouse kick.

But it appears as if he has still not washed his face.  Which is strange because my children always listen to me.

Actually, Little Dude kind of reminds me of cheerleader Will Ferrell.



So, while we were eating dinner, my stupid blog comes up.  And I don't like to talk about it, because it is lame, but I am the one who writes it, so I have only myself to blame.

Mom:  David, you really should read Taylor's blog.

She is hinting that because of that whole secret code thing he is supposed to say to me.

David:  I do.

Me:  Liar!

David:  Taylor.  I know I am supposed to say some sentence to you.

Me:  Then why don't you say it?

David:  Because I know it bugs you.  Just wanted to see how long you could go without saying something about it.

Darn.  So, he does read and I don't get new clothes.  Such is life.

Alright.  I'm going to put on my big girl pants and actually get ready for co-op tomorrow.  Because I am an adult now, and these are the things I must do.


PS- Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding.


  1. Laughing hysterically over the Chuck Norris app and David's plan to torment you. My kids want to know why I'm laughing. Good stuff, Taylor. Good stuff!

  2. Wow - Little Dude goes through the same bathroom routine I do.. and I don't wash my face either. And I always love an update on the parental units knowledge of all things computer-ish!

  3. hahahahaha chuck norris jokes are the best!! why must david torment you so???

  4. Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, the Chuck Norris jokes are never at his own expense. They are all about his awesomeness.

    Your pop needs to school you.

  5. Ah, I love your blog. I've been so buried in horrible work that I haven't been commenting. But, I read everything I missed, and now I can't comment on it all, because my head is too full of cute kids, code sentences to husbands, elbows, chuck norris jokes, and etc.

    So, instead, I'll just tell you my favorite Chuck Norris joke/line. "When Chuck Norris falls in the lake, he doesn't get wet. The water get's Chuck Norris'd." Haha.

  6. oh and will ferrell and that girl as cheerleaders ... omw, HILARIOUS!!!!!

  7. Hi!
    It is me. The girl who likes to see MindyLouWho's name and yet, I didn't in this post yet because I am commenting before her.

    Anyway--I personally love how you liken your son to Will Ferrell!

    Oh, and I can totally hear his creepy bunny voice! and it scares me!

  8. So Little Dude did NOT see the mess on his face, nor Sister Meagan taking photos. Isn't he the one who doesn't wear glasses?

  9. My husband doesn't read my blog either! What is it with these men?

  10. Please let Minde@ourfrontdoor know that it is, in fact, Handsome Dude that handsomely wears glasses, that is, when they are in one piece...or taped in one piece...or hot glued in one piece...or perhaps welded in one piece! Indestrubtable glasses have nothing, I repeat, NOTHING on H.D.! That would mean that Handsome Dude is the Chuck Norris of eyeglass destruction!

  11. Chuck Norris had a bet with Superman on who was the strongest. The loser had to wear their underwear outside their pants.

    Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

    Chuck Norris can fry ant with a magnifying glass. . . at night.

    The boogey man checks his closet everynight for Chuck Norris.

    I heart Chuck Norris jokes.

  12. And If I lived near you I could perform a Spartan cheer for your as well . . . .

  13. Okay, I am looking in the app store to find this Chuck Norris thingamajig and I can't find it. Call you dad and ask him the name of the app - please? It sounds too funny to pass up.

  14. Please, please, the name of the chuck app!

  15. I love Chuck Norris jokes, here's one for ya to share with your Dad: Why was the dr crying when Chuck Norris was born? Nobody slaps Chuck Norris!. Hilarious!

  16. lovelovelove chuck norris jokes!!
    personal fav:
    Why does Chuck Norris sleep with a nightlight?
    Because the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris.

  17. Chuck Norris can count to infinity.

  18. I beg you to teach Little Dude a Will Ferrell Spartans cheer. I almost died watching he and Cherie O'Teri cheering for the swim team on SNL, but don't teach Little Dude that particular cheer. Most likely all of them are inappropriate... Maybe you could just teach him the moves. :) I would pay you a dollar if he did a cheer on Wednesday night. Hehehe
