Friday, September 9, 2011

THE Freeway

I am supposed to be doing some lesson planning for the classes I am teaching on Monday for our new homeschooling co-op.

Instead, I am sitting here nursing my caffeine addiction trying to recover from the field trip I just took my kids on.

This is my first year in this co-op.  I know not one, single person.  I am sure I am going to impress the co-op peoples' socks off, seeing as how I am using my planning time to blog.

We went on a field trip today to an old mission/church.  Now, this church is about 90 minutes away from my house.  About halfway there, I have to get on THE freeway.

Yes.  There is only ONE freeway in our whole section of the universe.  Everyone just calls it THE freeway.  I was born in California and we would oft go visit our relations from that area and, oh my stars, how do those people live with all of those different freeways?

"Yeah.  You're gonna take the 5 to the 14 and then catch the 220 till you get to the 7 and then merge onto the 86 before meeting up with the 395."

Makes me need more coffee.  No!  Here in these parts, we just say THE freeway.  And we like it that way.

So.  I get on THE freeway and it takes me a minute but I realize I am going the wrong way.  I am going west, when, alas, I need to be going east.  Of course.  There is just ONE freeway and I get it wrong.  I cannot wait to tell David.  It's going to make his night.  David was born into this world with a GPS Navigator pre-installed in his brain.

What was I trying to talk about?  Oh!  The field trip.

(Ask me how my co-op lesson planning is going.)

So.  We are going the right way and it is a L-O-N-G ride and I got to thinking about that whole scenario with my dad and the flowers and the ladies apparently inquiring of his relationship status and I got to laughing.

Why?  Because it is humorous and it reminded me of a story about Auntie Datenut.  Auntie Datenut is my mom's sister and she came to stay with my parents for Christmas one year.  At one point, we were all going to watch a movie when my mom did what she does every night and said:

"Grant!  Can you pop some popcorn?"

And my dad always looks so bewildered and confused, almost as if he did not know one could pop corn, and he scratches his head and says:

"Anything else, dear?"

But the best part of this is that my dad, for my entire life, always wears a robe at night.  Always.  Yet he never has the tie thing.  So, he walks around every night, holding his robe closed.




Because who needs the tie that comes conveniently looped in the robe?

So, there he went, up the stairs, holding his robe, to make his wife the popped corn.  And Auntie Datenut looked at my mom and I and said,

"I'm sorry.  But Grant is just a handsome guy!  I've always thought so!"

I nearly died a thousand deaths.

Field Trip!  Focus, Taylor!

So, I get to the field trip after driving many miles EAST on THE freeway.  And it was fine and lovely and informative.

Since I am 30 now and all, I marched right over to the guy who gave the presentation and told him that he did a great job and I really liked it.

If I was in my 20's, I would have done no such thing.

Also:  Since I have turned 30, my arms have grown a new layer of fat that jiggles whenever I stir something vigorously.

But that is neither here nor there.

The people who built the old mission took HUCKLEBERRIES and squished them to make a dye and colored the ceiling with it.

You don't squish huckleberries!  My inlaws would be aghast.

Speaking of huckleberries, we only harvested about 6 cups this year.  David and I decided to be all martyr-ish and offer our bounty to David's grandma who makes huckleberry pie for the holidays.

It's what my in-laws live for.

So, I tell David's sister, Lisa, that we have some berries for Grandma.

Her response?

"Oh.  That's ok.  I have at least 3 gallons from previous years that I save in case of emergencies."

3 gallons?  Emergencies?  She's a hoarder!

This is their passion, my inlaws.  Their passion for the huckleberries.

This post was really scattered.  Surprisingly, I have not gotten anywhere with my lesson planning.

Off I go!


  1. One of my very favorite things about where we live is the fact that we are 40 miles from the nearest freeway. :-) So I hear ya there. Does your vehicle have a compass in it? That way you could make sure that you're going in the right direction when you get on the freeway... and, if your vehicle DOESN'T have a compass in it, well then really it's The Lumberjack's fault that you got on the freeway going the wrong way anyway, because he didn't put a compass in your car. So there, Lumberjack. So there. Haha!!

    How's the lesson planning going? **wink**

  2. I only have one freeway too although, come to think of it, we call it the interstate. Is that the same thing?

    I may never know.

  3. I know someone already asked, and I don't want to nag, but how is your lesson planning going?

    This might be one of my favorite posts of yours.

  4. My husband has one of those built-in navigators as well. He can just glance at the sun and be ready for an expedition of Lewis & Clark magnitude. I, on the other hand, often have to visualize the location of THE freeway in my particular area before I can figure out what direction I am facing. Sure doesn't help in the woods.

  5. Oh! But I do have the compass! I just didn't really remember if the place I was going was east or west. Because it's hard for me.

  6. Lesson planning is overrated. Yep, I'm a teacher. So sue me. Lessons on the fly are much more interesting and entertaining. Continuing blogging makes my universe better, so I vote you devote time to that, not lesson planning for co-op. Loved all the randomness in this post!

  7. i need to move to your world of no highway driving. out here near seattle there are a bajillion of them all over just knotted together like a messed up ball of yarn. just to run an errand today that was 4.09 miles away, i skipped the interstate, but still had to take two highways and it took over 20 minutes. that doesn't include time to find a parking place. blech. if men have gps in their brains why do you think our family's gps is always in the hubby's vehicle? i had to do the old-fashioned "call my son with my cell phone from a parking lot and have him mapquest for me."

  8. Ok, I have to delurk. I have been reading you for awhile, and I started to notice something. The background in your pics looks an awful lot like where I'm originally from. And then you talk about huckleberries. And now the mission. Which you have to take the ONLY highway east in order to get to. And I totally recognize the ceiling, we always went to the mission every fall. I am dying dying dying to know if I'm correct and you are from the same general area. But I can't post it here and out you! That would be uber creepy. And I can't find a non googleable way to give you a hint. It is going to make me crazy.

  9. oops, typo! I meant only freeway, not only highway.

  10. Hmmmmm, here I go:
    "it takes me a minute but I realize I am going the wrong way", am I the only one who thought you were going the WRONG WAY on the freeway? I mean opposite direction of traffic, you know, DANGER!!! (I almost had a heart attack thank you very much, I am old you know, (30-something) ;)

    As for the extra layer of fat that jiggles, well, in these parts, we call that "trout belly arms", just look at a trout's belly, (since you loooooooooooooove fishin' lol), you'll see what I mean.

    Again, thank you for another great post, it's a great way to start the week end. :)

  11. i have to get on the expressway/freeway/etc to get my daily sonic drink. well, i don't have to, but it is faster than taking the side roads. we live about 3 miles from it and i can't imagine life without getting on the expressway. i speak that california crazy talk. we have a few less than them, but a lot nonetheless.

    the dad and robe thing is frightening. a mishap is bound to happen, no?

  12. Get back to the lesson planning!! All those students are depending on you!

  13. So, I love your blog. I am a 31 year mother of two and have been reading your blog for about a year now. I love that you moved to the middle of nowhere for your husband, because I too did that. I only lasted about 3 months on a 27 acre-20 minutes away from a gas station-2 acre pond-mice running across the floor-lovely old country house. I loved it at first. It was picture perfect until I realized all of the things that I have already laid out in my discription. Oh and I forgot about mold, I found black mold all over the 1920's farm house. Who would have thought such a thing? I then and there decided I was not a girl that could stay at home with my two young children and entertain them with mice and pondish type things. I am happy to say that my husband elected to move me back to civilization. In turn, he has a great deer lease and a camper. I think it was a more than fair trade, well except for the 10 point hanging above my mantle. Give and take people, give and take. Sorry for the I have a couple questions for you. Do you really enjoy living out in the sticks as they call it here in Texas? Do you ever see yourself moving back to the wonderful town from which you came? Well, I guess this is all for now. Thanks!

  14. We went huckleberry picking this year and found five.
    Also we have no freeways. When we went to L.A. I may have dented the passenger's side of the floor...right about where the brake pedal would be if it had one on that side.

  15. 'Because it's hard for me' Now that is a solid argument........:)

  16. I grew up 26 miles from the nearest town, as in nearest place to get so much as a gallon of milk, and the nearest freeway was over 100 miles away...

    Top that Taylor Mahleeblahblah...

    No, I'm not competitive. Why do you ask? In fact, my noncompetitiveness is another reason why I don't homeschool...I'd be determined to beat everyone and my kids would have to be lightyears ahead, until of course I got bored and then could not be bothered with school and instead spent an entire day reading a trashy romance...

    Oh, wait. This is your blog, not mine. Love this post!

  17. I'm screaming with laughter at your dad in his robe. Pair that with the photo you always show of him and I'm dying here. :) I love your dad. And Auntie Datenutloaf too. :)
    That huckleberry colour on the ceiling is beautiful though.

  18. Rachel in Superior, WISeptember 10, 2011 at 11:44 AM

    Ok - I have to tell you this. I'm in Ethiopia, of all places, bringing home my daughter(!!!). The day I check her out of the orphanage I'm sitting with her and the nannies, just learning about her and waiting on paperwork. She builds this block tower and without even thinking I said "look at her getting all handsome on those blocks." Your influence, despite not actually knowing me, has now spread to Africa and a number of Ethiopian nannies are probably spreading the word on getting all handsome. You global trend-setter you!

  19. Colby never gets lost... I do... Well, when we went to Hawaii in January it was like they spun him around and thew him out of the airplane. He had no idea where to go and was totally freaking out. I was the calm one who gave him directions to our resort. I will forever remember that glorious day. :)

  20. I'd love to live that far away from any freeway. There's too much dust around my place for my liking.

    And I love your lesson planning attitude. Going on the fly sometimes is so much more fun.

  21. Oh no, I also thought she meant she got on the wrong way (going against the traffic) I'm glad we were wrong.


  23. i think this "built in gps" thing you speak of may be a "guy thing" because my husband is the same, not so much! i couldn't find my way our of a paper bag open on both ends! ;) this post is very random, btw, i like it!! :)
