Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It makes me sausage, you know?

So much has happened!  Where shall I begin?

A list!  Yes!

A list is always a great idea!

1.  We started school today, and I was ready for it , baby.  I prepared a daily schedule, a chore schedule, an everything else schedule, and numerous meals are stocked in the freezer.  Nothing could shake me. NOTHING.

Or so I thought.

Cue Handsome Dude and his explosive diarrhea.  And yes, I am talking about diarrhea again, because that is why you come here.  To read all about the activities of the bowels of my offspring, of course.

My poor boy.  He had issues.  It tended to be a bit distracting, but overall, we had a successful day.

2.  I helped my husband build a rabbit hutch, oh yes, I did.  And this time, I even used tools and the like.

Oh, yes.

I did.

Tools like . . . a SawZall.  You know what it does?  It SAWS ALL.  Hence the name.

You just jab it somewhere and saw away.  Brilliant.

And I don't know if I spelled SawZall correctly, but we are going to go with it.

It was a good bonding experience for us, my husband and I.

David:  Could you go into the shop and find the square?

Me:  You assume I know what a square is.

David: *sigh*

So, off he goes and he comes back with something that looks like a triangle.


Because I would have figured that out.

What is wrong with people?  Is the whole world against me?

3.  Yes.  I am the teacher of my children.  Why do you ask?

4.  Handsome Dude at dinner tonight:

HD (short for Handsome Dude . . . keep up, people!):  Mom!  I not want that corn on my plate.

Me:  You don't want corn on the cob?

HD:  No.  It is wrong for my teeth.  It doesn't work out.

Me:  Ok.

HD:  It has problems.

Me:  Ok.

HD:  It makes me sausage, you know?

Say, what?

5.  Yes.  I am the teacher of my children.  Why do you ask?

6.  We went camping this weekend.  It was the turbo edition with two extra days thrown in for good measure, because apparently, camping is something we just can't get enough of.

And now, for kicks and grins, I shall share with you some pictures of camping.  Because if I had to go, you have to hear about it.

Handsome Dude was given a pack of bubble tape.

And he immediately placed it in his back pocket.


That's Little Dude on the right, next to my two nieces.

Yes.  They are cute.  We are all aware.

Jason and Amy came.  Do you remember them?  Sure you do.

Jason is the Lumberjack's youngest younger brother.  Amy is his beloved.  Keep up!

They brought with them the idea to do a special breakfast called:

Eggie in a Baggie

or something cool like that.

And I shall tell you all how to do it so you can wow everyone at your next camping trip.  That is, if you are so fortunate to go camping.

You take a bunch of ziplock baggies and have people write their names on them.

Then you set up a bunch of stuff.  You know, like a bowl of eggs (cracked, of course.  please try to focus) and tons of different toppings like cheese, bacon, tomatoes, bell pepper, spinach and so on.

People add whatever they wish to the bag and you place the bag in boiling water for 5 minutes or so and voila!

Omelets.  Or Eggies in a Baggies, as Jason and Amy would say.  And they are cool, so I would listen to them.

On one of the days, we went on a hike to a mountain lake.  Here is a group shot:

I would tell you everyone's name, but we all know you would just skim over it, so let's move on.

My kids are quite the FisherPeoples.

Sweet Pea:

Handsome Dude:

Daisy Mae

 Daisy Mae caught the first fish of the day.  The menfolk thought it would be uber tasty to bring something that does something fantastic and cook fish in the middle of nowhere.  So, Daisy Mae's fish was first for the feast.

And they made her take the first bite.

Could we find larger bobby pins for her?  I ask you?

Don't worry.  I packed a sandwich.

I'm the smartest.

Handsome Dude also caught a fish.

But none of the brave people (aka: all my inlaws) were available to help.

So my mom had to help.

Yeah.  There is a slight chance she might get perturbed at me, seeing as how her face looks so darn hilarious, but it must be shown.

For that just shows you, dear readers why I am the way that I am.

And why Daisy Mae looks like this when it is time to feast on fish.

Luckily, Jason, one of my crazy inlaws came to the rescue, him being the rockstar that he clearly is.

Holla, Jason!

Enough about fishing.  I don't even like fishing.

Let us discuss the parachute.  Do you remember the parachute?

Here is the view of our camp from the road:

Do you see it?  Do you see it?

Camping Stranger Passerby:  Hey!  Are you the Parachute People?

Me:  Yes.  Yes, we are.

Camping Stranger Passerby:  You were here last year!  Hi!

Fantastic.  We are known as The Parachute People.

Oh!  And I just had to take this picture:

Because, duh.

And lastly, but not leastly, at one point my dad and I, along with Handsome Dude had to go to town.

The reason is not important.  Just go with it.

We were sitting in a restaurant, and my dad walked over to get a soda pop.  Two ladies stopped him and gave him some flowers to give to, and I quote, "his lovely wife."

He took them and said, "Thanks!  But she's my daughter!"

And, so, I got flowers from two ladies at a restaurant who thought I was my dad's wife.

And I had camping hair.

And I am not sure how to take it, but I figured it was worth sharing.

Here is a pic of us back at camp with the flowers, because I know you want to snicker at us.

It was a trippy experience overall.

Alright!  I'm done!  Are you excited?

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who actually read and followed, that whole post.



  1. i would have so swiped that sign...

  2. I'm sorry, but those two ladies were either blind or crazy or both, because you look like you are twelve. Perhaps they were hoping that he would say something like he did so they could see if he was possibly single and then hit on him? Could your dad could have been putting off those kinds of vibes? I don't know him beyond your posts but I'm thinking...

    yeah...they were blind crazy ladies.

    ;) I kid! I jest!

  3. Seriously?! The eggie in the baggie thing is so very genius! Thank you!

  4. Not only do you camp, but you do it with your in-laws AND your parents and you all seem to have fun doing it.

    I can not begin to comprehend.

  5. Excellent sign. I am with you on the square triangle-huh? I like to fish. I earned the full 100 meaningless points.

    Have a good 2nd day of school!

  6. Woot woot! I won 100 (meaningless) points!
    Looks like a great time was had by all, and btw, those ladies need glasses, I agree with Kimberly, you look like you are twelve years old... Sure your Dad looks young, but still, again, as Kimberly said, maybe they were justs trying to find out if he was single or not, some ladies are quite sly you know! ;)

  7. Yay I get points :)

    We've done the eggs in a bag, my MIL is insistent that you use freezer bags rather than thinner bags though. Did you use the thinner bags and not die or did you use freezer bags and not mention it?

    Hope Handsome Dude feels better.

  8. yay I got points too...

    I am still perplex as how corn can make you sausage??

    The only thing funnier that DM's face in this post is that of your Mom's...I am super jealous because I love to fish but never get to go :(

    Good luck with school this yr, hope the "tummy troubles" are over for the wee one.

    Blessings Kelsie

  9. Do you parent's go camping with you guys (and the in-laws) often? I'm impressed that they can all be around each other for that long and not drive you crazy, my family sure would me.
    Doesn't Alex have a wife or something? Where is she?
    I have done the eggies in baggies, you can also make a cake in a baggie the same way.
    Maybe those two ladies thought that your dad was enough of a stud that he could bag a younger good lookin' women. Or maybe they just wanted to see if he was single so they could hit on him!

  10. I earned the points, but you keep em... I'm trying to weed out the meaningless stuff in this house already and I don't need those points laying around gathering dust...

    So many of your readers commented on my blog about the "dish soap" story I posted it on my blog in hopes some of your coolness would rub off on me... I also linked it up to yours... If you don't want my six or so readers bugging you let me know and I'll take down the link...

  11. bahhhahaha! You kill me. I've missed you <3 sj

  12. Ok, so I read the title and thought for sure that your husband had convinced you to get a fancy sausage making machine so you could have rabbit sausage or something. Maybe you should suggest it...

  13. Can I have your camping hair?

  14. Happy first day of school! You look so uber organized. How long do the boxes of supplies last. I always start with 4 and by a week, end up with one ;)

  15. Your Mom.... Oh my goodness!!! I was like "who is that" in the family shot. I even zoomed in. Twice. Oh My Goodness!!! Tell her I said she is gorgeous!!! And she runs, so she's athletic and gorgeous! p.s. you are gorgeous too. Even with your so-called camping hair! :)

  16. 100 points to me.
    You should get flowers everyday. In the woods the marriage age laws are not followed. YUCK!

  17. I definitely needed the laugh today! I've been trying so hard to think of what he meant by the sausage thing. If you figure it out let me know :)

  18. I'm having to play catch-up because my blog feed thing isn't updating your posts like it's supposed to!

    No, I don't have any idea why. The internet is a strange and wonderous place. Mostly strange.

  19. Thanks for the giggles today. I sooo needed it. And way to go dad, with a little young hot thing like you. :) hahahahaha It's just so wrong! Oh, and why did you have to go to town??? Inquiring minds want to know.

  20. aahaa! I'm on vacation this week so I didn't have to read about the diarreha during my lunch break!! So, I too wonder how boiling food in plastic baggies could be healthy when they tell you not to drink water out of plastic bottles that have been left in a hot car...apparently you lived to blog about it....I am happy about that!! I bet those ladies wanted to check out if your dad was a married man or not so they used the "give these flowers to your 'lovely wife' " trick to find out! Not that I've ever done that or anything!

  21. If "It makes me sausage, you know?" = HD's diarrhea, then you might want to skip the corn, you know?

  22. Okay, I love the title now that I know what it means even more than I did originally. And I loved it a lot to begin with.

    p.s. Good job having the post show up perfectly!
    p.p.s. Just so you know, it turned into gobblety gook in my e-mail.
    p.p.p.s. Sorry!

  23. I like the eggs in a baggie idea!

    And I think you should have t-shirts made for the whole family saying "Why yes, we are the Parachute People." Or at least have your own theme song. Use the 1970s letter people song if you know it. . . yes I know, our school was still using the politically incorrect letter people until the 90s. What about it?

  24. Epic first day of school! Holla, H.D.!

  25. I have a very good friend who likes to mock her mom because her mom insists on Eggie in a Baggie.

    She's from Iowa. And my friend has since moved on to bigger and shall I dare say better? states.

    So she is much too cool for eggie in a baggie.

    But I will now inform her that only cool people eat eggies in a baggies.

  26. Eggs in a baggie rock! I've wowed my family with it before too.
    How did your dad respond to the flower incident? Did he strut around the rest if the weekend? What did your mom say? Funny stuff!

  27. Blasted Google Reader almost made me miss out on this gem. Btw, I'm getting all handsome on my stash of meaningless points!

  28. Sawz Allz rock!! Wish I had one. Wish I had a need for one even more. Weird about the flowers. Someone must be ooozing charm. :)

  29. MEN make me sausage. I am feared that phrase is really gonna stick. I thought you took the film off the camera lens?

  30. Ditto aTXtumbleweed. Plastic is so bad for humans and animals. I'll take the ole iron skillet. But then, eggs aren't all that good for us either
