We have some very important issues to discuss.
1) No one correctly guessed the movie in yesterday's post.
This has completely and utterly devastated me.
So much so that I will give you all another chance.
"Baby Steps get out of the chair . . . baby steps out the door . . . baby steps down the hall . . . "
And, because I am da bomb, I will give you one more clue:
"I'm a sailer! I sail! AHOY!"
So hilarious.
2) Guess who is having a bimbaby?

Bimlissa is having a baby!
She is due around October-ish!
3) Why did I have my super-cool pal, Sarah, hold up this shirt?

Well, of course because Dwight wore one just like it in an Office episode.
Would you like to hear a little tale about wolf shirts?
When The Lumberjack and I were on the plane to Cancun, the airline showed some movies and tv shows.
You know.
For our viewing enjoyment.
And one such enjoyable viewing was The Office Wedding Episode.
So, The Lumberjack and I don our headphones so that we can watch this humorous program.
Now, not everyone on the plane is watching this show.
And every time I start giggling and laughing, The Lumberjack nudges me and reminds me that I look like an idiot because it looks like I am just sitting in my seat laughing.
Lumberjacks are really concerned with image.
So, we are at the scene where Dwight comes out wearing the wolf shirt.

And I just can't contain myself any longer.
LJ (short for Lumberjack-keep up, people!): SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Me: *giggle*
LJ: Stop!
Me: But look at Dwight's shirt!
LJ: Shhhhh!
Me: He looks like Jason!
LJ: Huh?
Me: Remember? Jason's wolf shirt?
LJ: Oh, yeah! Haha!
Me: *giggle*
LJ: Shhhhh!
Yes, dear readers.
Jason has a wolf shirt.
And, quite honestly, he rocks it.
Remember Jason?

Rock on, Jason.
Rock on.
Dear Jason,
Next time you wear your wolf shirt, I might be snapping a picture and I may or may not be putting it in my blog.
I cannot be certain.
But I probably will.
Yours fondly,
4) Comment of the Week time!
This week goes to my dear friend Mindy, who has been a faithful supporter and commenter on my blog since just about the beginning.
She is commenting on my latest Not Me! post and, frankly, her comment was better than any Not Me! post I have ever attempted.
You nailed it.
Start a blog.
The world needs you.
"I did not get into a swimsuit that my body is terribly unready for and swim in a pool. I did not turn my head away every time there was splashing so my face didn’t get wet, and I did not leave my family in the pool and decide I’d rather hang out in the hot tub. That would be a little sad.
I also did not leave my house in a wreck that looked like a tornado went through it, and then have someone want to come look at the house. I mean, not me. My house is always perfect. Thank goodness we didn’t have to kill ourselves for two hours cleaning the house before we could show the house. That would have been exhausting for a lazy Sunday afternoon."
Nice job, Mindy.
Nice job.
Everyone say hi to Mindy!
She doesn't have a blog.
(Boo, Mindy. Boo)
So, you can't really go say hi.
Instead, just shout, "Hi, Mindy!" at your computer.
That will suffice.
5) I would like everyone to know that The Lumberjack just walked by, looked at the title of this post, and shouted,
"What?! You have baby fever? Goodness, Taylor. Isn't 4 enough?"
Oh, that was fun to do to him.
And that will segway me into my next point.
6) Baby fever.
I've got a fever . . . and the only prescription is more cowbell.
(Name that actor)
So . . . guess who became a big sister this week?

My niece, Little Miss!
The Lumberjack's sister, Lisa, had a little girl on Wednesday.
Which also happened to be Daisy Mae's birthday!

I have not yet come up with her super cool blog code name.
I welcome your suggestions.

Sisters . . .sisters . . . there were never such devoted sisters . . .
(Name that movie)
(That was for you, Mindy-Lou)

And here I am.
Holding a baby.
A cute, tiny, cuddly baby.
And bonus!
I did not have to birth her!
So . . .about the Baby Fever.
I don't really want more kids.
But I do sometimes get sad when I realize I won't have a baby again.
And I start to ponder the things about babies and pregnancy I like.
Then I start to get sad for things that will never be.
So, to help me get cure my Baby Fever, I have created a list of horrible things that occur during pregnancy/baby stage.
And I remind myself of these things when the fever is coming on.
Here is my list:
1) Worry. I worry from the moment I find out I am pregnant to the moment I hear the first heartbeat to the time I see the first ultrasound to the time the baby is born.
Then I worry about all the things that could go wrong.
And, well, basically, I worry the whole time.
2) 1st Trimester yuckiness.
3) That stage where you don't look pregnant, but you certainly don't look trim.
And people stare at your stomach.
And you know they want to ask if you are pregnant.
But they can't tell what is going on with your belly.
Is she pregnant?
Is she fat?
Does she just need to do some sit-ups?
Did she eat a big lunch?
4) Maternity pants.
Specifically, panels.
More specifically, the fact that by the time I climb a flight of stairs, my pants have nearly fallen off.
5) Heartburn
6) Hemorrhoids (not that I got them)
7) Stretchmarks (I ain't gonna lie. I got them)
8 ) Heart Murmurs
9) Hearing the doctor say, "Let's check you!"
Oh, the invasion of privacy.
10) Getting on the scale.
Having the nurse "guess" which 50 pound group on the scale you are in.
Hearing nurse say, "Oh, wow! You are heavier than you look!"
Hearing the dreadful "clunk" when she graduates you to a new 50 pound weight class.
Oh, the horror.
11) Hearing doctor say, "You didn't gain much this month, but I am not worried since you were so overweight to begin with."
True story.
So sad.
12) Thinking you are really close when you hit 36 weeks, and then as each day drags on, you realize you are not close at all.
13) Going 9 days overdue.
14) Childbirth in general.
It's a drag, folks.
A real bummer.
15) Not being able to count on just one hand the number of people who have seen you indecent.
16) The afterbirth.
Attention men: I should have warned you earlier. This might not be the post for you. Sorry about that. Come back another day.
17) Post-Partum Maxi Pads.
You know the ones.
Brings a whole new meaning to the expression, "From Horn to Hoof"
18) Breastfeeding.
I know.
For some of you crazies, this was a perk.
Not so for me.
I loathed breastfeeding.
19) Again, hemorrhoids.
Again, not that I know about such things.
20) Having someone ask you when you baby is due when you have your week-old baby in a car seat right next to you.
21) Wearing maternity clothes for weeks on end after baby is born.
22) Varicose Veins.
23) Being excited when you sleep 4 hours straight at night.
24) Still wearing maternity clothes.
25) Still breastfeeding.
26) Still loathing breastfeeding.
27) Chasing around other children while breastfeeding.
28) Getting procedure to remove varicose veins.

Those are my legs!
You can't borrow my medical compression stockings.
Get your own.
29) Having someone ask you when your baby is due when you have your 6 week old baby in the car seat next to you.
30) Trying to fold your stomach into your old jeans.
Not that I had to do that.
That's all I can think of for now.
Feel free to add to my list.
Happy Weekend!