Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Walmart in Mexico.

Oh, dear.

I forgot to mention something in yesterday's post that happened on Sunday.

It happens.

After we ate and relaxed and ate and relaxed, we decided to go to Walmart.



In Cancun?


You heard me correctly.

My suitcase was damaged during the trip and would not longer zip closed.

And that would not do.

I considered just leaving all my belongings behind.

But then I remembered that I had borrowed several of Bimlissa's belongings as well.

And I don't think she would like it if I abandoned her entire summer wardrobe in Cancun.

She can hold a grudge something fierce.

I mean . . . just look at her.

Oh, to think of what she would do to me.

I shudder at the thought.

So,  on Sunday night, the Lumberjack and I hopped on the city bus and hoped to find Walmart.

Interruption:  You have not lived until you have ridden the city bus in Mexico to a Walmart.

We get off the bus at what appears to be the correct stop.

But we cannot be certain, for we no habla espanol.

And we no read espanol.

We start walking and out of nowhere the same bus pulls up to us and starts honking.

The bus driver is yelling at us.

"No, Amigos! Bienvenidos picante calliente sol sombrero!"

Reminder: Me no habla espanol and me no remember espanol.

Turns out we were going the wrong way.

So, the kind bus driver points us in the right direction and off we go.

Color us embarrassed.

I am happy to report that we found the Walmart.

The Lumberjack decided he needed sunglasses.


He is so high-maintenance.

LJ (Lumberjack, people!):  Dude!  You should totally get some sunglasses.

Me:  Dude!  You know how ridiculous I look when I wear sunglasses.

LJ:  I know!  It's freakin' hilarious!  Get some.

Back in the days of yore, my high school peers informed me that my face did not have the necessary forehead-to-rest-of-face size ratio compatible to attractively wearing sunglasses.

It would seem that my eyes are set too low in my face.

I have carried this insecurity with me ever since.


I did not buy them.


He did buy them.

Next we walked around Walmart approximately 4.7 times looking for a suitcase.

I asked 3 workers if they spoke English.

They looked at me as if I were an insane crazy person.

Finally, a man walked up to me and said,

"I speak English.  What do you need?"

"Oh, thank you!  I need a suitcase!  We are travelling-we are from the States, actually, and something must have happened during the flight because when we got to our hotel and I went to open my suitcase the zipper was completely broken.  And, finally, I could open it and get what was inside, but there is no way I can close it again, so I need a new one.  Which is why we are here!"

Kind, English-speaking man pointed straight ahead of me and walked away.

Sometimes people tell me I talk too much.

And it was at that moment that I pondered that thought.

1000 pesos later, we were on our way!

And that, my friends, concludes Sunday.



Monday was tour day.

We get on a bus.

Our tour guide tell us his name is Ventura, but we can call him Ace.

It took me a minute, but I got it.

We drove 2 hours to get to our destination.

Oh, Mylanta!

When we signed up for this tour, we were told we were going to a place called Xel-Ha.

It was described to us a place with rivers, caves, bikes, free food (score!), free drinks (score!), dolphins, fishies, free ice cream (yessssssssssssssss), and snorkeling.

We paid $192 for the both of us.

And that was after our Carlos/Waldo discount.

Well, Ace Ventura calls out a handful of people on the bus and tells them they are getting off at Xel-Ha, where they can play in the water and eat and drink to their heart's delight.

Then, Senor Ventura tells the rest of us we are first going to a place called Tulum for 2 hours before heading back to Xel-Ha.

"Tulum is very hot.  Very, very hot.  No shade.  Do not bring your backpacks.  It will be too hot."


That sounds fun.

"At Tulum, there is no food or drink.  You only get drink when you get to Xel-Ha."

Hmmm . . . me no likey.

"Do not use bathrooms at Tulum.  They are not pleasant."


You're killing me.

"We will have 2 hour tour of ancient ruins at Tulum and then we will head back to Xel-ha.  Ok?  Si?  Frijole?  Bien!"

The Lumberjack looked at me.

"Do you want to see ruins?"

Me:  "No!  I will be too thirsty!"

LJ:  Me neither.

Me:  We paid for Xel-Ha.  What is this Tulum he speaks of?

LJ:  Let's tell him we are supposed to get off at Xel-Ha, not Tulum.

So, we find Ace Ventura.

LJ:  We are supposed to go to Xel-Ha.

Ace Ventura:  You don't want to go to Tulum?

He seemed hurt.

LJ:  No.  Just Xel-Ha.

Ace:  Ok.  That is fine.  You just go with other group.

Us:  Sweet!

Idiot Alert:  We later discovered that if we had just paid for Xel-Ha, the regular price would have been $75 each.

We paid extra for Tulum.

Who would pay extra for Tulum?

Are they all insane?

So . . . we head into Xel-Ha.


I am not a girl who snorkels.

I am one of those girls who gets into the pool and alerts everyone within a 2 mile radius that the plan is to not get my hair wet.

And, also, my mascara might run.


I am one of those people.

But, my Lumberjack, whom I love with all my being, would really like to do this.

And to prove my undying love for him, I am going to dunk my face into the ocean.

I told him I felt like Jason.

We had a fantastic laugh over that one.

Jason is the Lumberjack's little brother.

None of you will get that joke.

But we find it quite funny.

Because I don't want you to feel like the Lumberjack and I have an inside joke we are keeping from you, I will include this picture of Jason from a past camping trip, so you can have a frame of reference:

Oh, dear me.

That guy is a kick in the pants.

I'm sorry, Jason.

Here is a picture of the Lumberjack from that same camping trip.

You know.

I gotta make it Even-Stevens.

Hands off, girls.

That stud-muffin is mine.

All mine.

Who are these peoples that became my family when I married that strange man?

What has become of my life?

And now . . . .

I am one of them.

Or not.

Snorkeling is hard, people!

I could not figure it out!

Everytime I would put my face in, water would fill my goggles and enter my nose.

And then I could not breathe.

And that, my friends, is not safe.

So, I am trying to be a good sport and be the wife that the Lumberjack has always hoped for.

Instead, I am a sputtering idiot with wet hair and mascara running down her cheeks.

So, for the remainder of the snorkeling adventure, the Lumberjack snorkeled and just grabbed my life jacket and pulled me along with him.

And I told him that if a gross, slimy fish touched my leg, we were getting a divorce.

Then he would roll his eyes at me.

And then I would crack another joke about Jason.

And he would laugh and laugh and forget that he was annoyed at me.

Here are some more random pictures from Xel-Ha:


We did not pay to swim with them for 2 reasons:

1)  We are cheap

2)  Dolphins would qualify as gross, slimy fishies that might touch my legs.



These things were everywhere.

Now, would you look at that face.

Fact:  I asked the Lumberjack if he could believe we had been married for 10 years already.

Would you like to know what he said?

Feels like 30.

How should I take this?


Don't judge me about not wanting the gross fishies to touch my legs.

You would freak out, too.

And that, my friends, is why I worry about getting my hair wet.

And why I worry about wearing a swimsuit.


I must tell you.

This guy napped constantly on our vacation.


I simply left him there and went shopping.

His people snorkel . . . my people shop.


We found Ace Ventura again and rode the bus back to our hotel.

Then we changed our clothes and went to dinner.

Have I mentioned that we ate a lot on this trip?

Pop Quiz:  Do you think I gained more weight or The Lumberjack gained more weight?

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Did I detect a faint smile on LJ's face in a couple of those pictures? That must be the equivalent of you or I cracking up.

    Snorkeling: We vacationed in the Dominican Republic when our oldest was still an embryo. We snorkeled after lunch. My morning sickness was just on the verge of clearing up. I may or may not have thrown up WHILE SNORKELING because the waves did not help my nausea.

    Also, you guys are a little nuts to get on the city bus to Wally world.
    Oh and cute together pics :)

  2. I don't even remember how I found your blog, but "dude", now I'm addicted!! Love the way you write, and your Lumberjack reminds me of my husband! I always know I'm going to smile when I read your blog!

  3. thelumberjackswifeMarch 2, 2010 at 11:00 PM

    Thank you, Lori! Nice to meet you and thanks for leaving a comment! :)

  4. My mom would have paid extra for Tulum - and dragged us along. That is why I now am the type to get off in Xel-Ha.

  5. your hair looks cute in the picture, what are you talking about??

  6. thelumberjackswifeMarch 2, 2010 at 11:39 PM

    Ha! I wish you weren't such a liar.
    Name that actor.

  7. That's too funny!! We went to Cabo a couple of years back and did our shopping at Costco. Crazy! Costco in Mexico. (I'm shamed to admit I was ever so relieved.) Your trip looks awesome and I'm sitting here completely jealous (and ridiculously pale.)
    P.S. I'm with you on the snorkeling...all I ever managed to see were my own white legs. =)

  8. I, too am also now addicted to this blog. It is my oasis in the desert of Middle/High school insanity. :)

  9. So fun!! I went to that place with my family and swam with the dolphins. It was fun but they were much much bigger than I had thought!!!

  10. I don't do fish water either but promised hubby I would at least give snorkeling a try. I was dreading the thought of it and kept giving myself pep talks. *lol* Seeing the tropical fish within the reefs was amazing and I even braved it up to swim with the sea turtles. I'm totally fine with never doing it again. Thank God for pools!

  11. Kudos to you for trying the snorkeling. Not sure I could do it -- I don't like to get my hair wet either :)

  12. Your hair looks great! Of course, I have curly, frizzy hair, so I think that's how all hair should look so I'm not left out!

    I hate to say it, but you probably gained more weight and that is based solely on my experience with my Studmuffin...

  13. Vacations are for napping and eating aren't they?

    I like to snorkel. My husband dives. Actually everyone who works with him calls him Aqua lung because we've been on lots of 'work' trips with these people where water is involved...in Aruba he was down with the divers in his snorkel gear-no tank. I on the other hand hyperventilate thinking about scuba. I love to swim but I can't stand the idea of no air.

    Oh and the anniversary thing-take it as a compliment!

    I think going to Wal Mart on a bus in Mexico requires way more guts than letting a slimy fish touch you.

  14. You guys are adorable.

    And as far as the "feels like 30" comment- I'm afraid I got the same comment from my dear husband on our 10 year anniversary. I wasn't sure how to take it either.
    However, since I happen to know that both of our stud-muffins are ridiculously happy that they married us- I'm thinking it was definitely a compliment. :D

  15. I am going to go with LJ gaining more weight just because it's not fair if it didn't. We work too hard to lose weight. Have you started up with you 8 minutes abs again, or are those history?
    I don't like to get my face wet either, because, yes, I wear makeup to get in the water. However, I will deny this vain excuse and always come up with something that sounds credible. And the fact that I won't look acceptable in a swimsuit for another 10 pounds, and that just isn't happening!

  16. Great photos, fave pic of Dave facedown in inner tube. He was probably asleep. Snorkeling is simple, dude. Darling outfits you have there, bimlissa must have very good taste - hence all the borrowing. Beach chairs look wonderfully airy. Beware of those tours. Bet "walmart" is the same in any language. Are those 'gifts' people give & receive on facebook real? How's the hive situation? why give more medicine when kid has hives? don't get it. And last, do you want cataracts? You must protect skin and eyes, dude.

  17. interpretation on the 30 years thing: lj knows how to push your buttons and it gives lj great large bushels of amusement.

  18. y doesn't lj ever post comments? that would add to the excitement of your blog. suggestion box

  19. Snorkeling looks fun...maybe minus the slimy fish too, I will agree with you there. It must be a Lumberjack family thing to sleep ALL the time. Alex constantly naps too.
    Looks like you guys had a fun time!!

  20. You mean, you were on vacation in Mexico (near the equator) and did not wear sunglasses? It's vacation, my friend. It really doesn't matter what you look like because you most likely won't ever see those people again (even though I think the sunglasses are cute-minus the big tag between your eyes). The resort my husband and I went to was an adults-only resort. We didn't realize that ladies would be dropping their tops around us! And, my husband was faced with an uncomfortable situation with a man in a speedo in the bathroom. Ha!
    Love your blog...I've been anticipating your recaps each day!

  21. The last bus we rode in Mexico had big holes in the floor that you could see the road moving under you. I find it so funny you can find a Wally World everywhere in the world. It looked like you both had a marvelous time. I'm lovin' your pictures.

    Ya'll have a fantastically blessed day!!!

  22. There really is a Walmart on every corner and you should have bought the glasses. They looked cute and you need to protect your eyes:)

    Your trip looks amazing!! Vacation is about eating, sleeping, and relaxing - so lumberjack has the right idea. Look forward to reading more. Did I tell you how much your blog was missed while you were at the buffet!

  23. First of all....and don't be mad at me...but I am going to guess that you gained more weight. If the Lumberjack is anything like my Flyboy, he can eat whatever he wants, whenever he wants and not gain an once. I went on my diet for a couple days and gained back the four pounds it took me two WEEKS to lose. It is unfair. Secondly, I would be creeped out by slimy fish touching me too, but dolphins would be different for me. Once, when I was about six (I'm guessing) my whole family was at the lake having a grand ol' time. I felt some seaweed type plant touching my leg, reached down to grab it to throw it away from me, and pulled up a fish instead. Naturally I screamed, threw the fish and ran back to the beach in tears as my family proceeded to laugh at me. Fish are gross.

  24. And you were worried you wouldn't have things to talk about!

  25. My husband took me to Hawaii a couple of years ago. I also could not snorkel...not only did I not want any of the fishes to touch me, but I also did not want any of the other waving plants etc. to touch me. I was perfectly happy sitting on the beach in the sunshine while he swam with the fishes.

  26. Is is bad that I am surprised there is Wal-Mart in Mexico... I shouldn't be... they are in China... I guess it just struck me as funny to travel to a whole different country and find wal-mart... Also, I am sooo glad I am not the only person on the planet that can't snorkel... I would tell my husband I was drowning and my mask was filling with water... his response?.. "Just relax"... What??... and let death come???

  27. I don't even know what to say...I think it is fantastic that you found a Walmart on your vacation in Mexico.
    I am the same way with sunglasses. Now, no one ever told me about this forehead to rest of the face ratio (I am too lazy to type in all those dashes) but I knew it deep in my heart that I had that same trouble. I just didn't know the name. Thank you for giving it one for me.
    First of all (or whatever, since I've been talking for a while already), you look like Courtney Cox [married name] in that snorkeling picture. If I could look like that while wearing snorkeling gear then I might wear it all the time.
    Second, your family joke about Jason is just too funny, and what an honor to be let in on it.
    Next, I am with you on not being able to snorkel, and my husband who grew up snorkeling (occasionally, of course) never could understand why I couldn't do it. Whenever I put my face in the water I couldn't open my eyes (which really defeats the purpose of snorkeling, hmmm?) or else I would gasp (again, not so good when snorkeling). It was very maddening. I did not like it. And I would have croaked if something slimy and gross touched my legs. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck.
    Finally, that dolphin picture looks like the dolphin has asked the class a question and they are all very excited to answer. That is funny.
    Now, my husband has told me that it is so late and I need to go to bed. So, I'm off. Thank you for a good laugh before I go to sleep. :)

  28. I exclaimed out loud "Hey, they got pictures of her eyes open and he's smiling!" My children were like "Yay! Who!" and I said "Them!" and my oldest said "Who's that? Do we know them?" and said "Well...no...not really." and my middle child said "She's pretty!" and my youngest said "Antie?" and I resolved to keep my excitement for you and the Lumberjack to myself.

  29. Aren't vacations fun? Last time we were in Mexico both of my sons got sun poisoning, and the younger one had an asthma attack at 3 am so he slept outside on the hammack and I watched him so he wouldn't be kidnapped. Then we paid 4 bajillion pesos to see the doctor. Fun times were had by all.
    BTW I make the same hair announcement, and then my 15 year old dunks me in the pool.

  30. I loved the photos and funny stories. It was a hoot :) I can't wait to read more.

    PS: I spied a redhead...she's lovely.

  31. Ok, so I have been to Tulum and it is truly in the middle of nowhere!!! But I loved it. We climbed the pyramids and it was wonderful. We were too cheap to go to Xel -Ha ---we rented a car and drove ourselves, that was crazy! I want to go back someday!

  32. [...] 4.  Finally agree to do something adventurous with him, such as snorkeling whilst in Cancun. [...]
