Sunday, March 28, 2010

Not me! Birthdays, Brownies, and Baby Fever Edition.

I did not get baby fever this weekend.


Not me.

(Interruption:  Could we all just pause for a moment of awe and wonder while we recognize the fact that I figured out how to A) crop a photo and B) figured out how to make it black and white?)

(Thank you.)

I did not secretly want to run off with my tiny niece and have her all to myself.


I would not wish such things.

Especially after I posted a whole list of reasons why I should not have a baby on the very same day I was holding my sweet niece.

But, seriously.

Look at this baby.







I did not decide that I needed another baby based simply on the fact that this baby looks precisely like my babies looked as newborns.

Meet Alex and Holly.

This is not how they reacted when someone teased them about someday having kids.

Poor Holly.

She is still getting used to us.


Remember Jason?

(Interruption:  No.  I am not posting that picture of Jason too often.)

Jason did not turn super beat red when my mother loudly announced when he walked in the door:

"Jason!  I am not used to seeing you with your shirt on!"

I did not inform my mother that her comment sounded mildly inappropriate as the majority of adults in the room have never read my blog.

My mother did not get a little embarrassed.

Jason did not miss his sweet-honey, Amy, who lives too many hours away for his lonely heart.


Not him.

He always sits all by himself real quiet-like on the stairs at family gatherings.

Interruption:  I did not forget to put away a roll of paper towels amidst my pre-party pretend-cleaning frenzy.

The Birthday Boy.

He did not get super excited the moment he opened his new, huge truck that Uncle Alex picked out for him.

He did not refuse to come back to the party and finish opening his gifts.

I did not make him come and finish opening presents.

And, I most certainly did not force him to try on his super cute new shark hooded towel.

And would you all like to know what my son, my darling child, did not do?

He did not scream in fury:


Now, isn't that precious?

Interruption:  Please locate Jason in the above picture.  He is standing, on the left side.

I will bet you all one whole dollar the he is either:

A)  Sending a text to sweet-honey Amy


B) Receiving a text from sweet-honey Amy

Over and out.

Sweet Daisy Mae.

She did not interrupt her birthday song 8 times to  inform all other kids in attendance that she, and only she would be blowing out the candles.

Back to Handsome Dude.

I did not realize a little too late that M&M's would bleed onto whipped cream.


I did not just give away the first initial of Handsome Dude's name.

I have not been attacking this cake in the fridge with a fork every hour.

I do not really like this cake at all.

So much so, that I am not going to share the recipe with you.

Strawberry Brownie Torte

1)  Preheat oven to 350.

Line a 16 1/2 x 11 1/2x 1 inch jelly toll pan with waxed paper.

Spray with veg. oil spray and dust with flour, shake out excess.

2)  In a large mixing bowl, stir together one brownie mix, 1/2c oil, 1/4c water, and 3 eggs. 

(I added chocolate chips.  Because I do not really like chocolate)

Spread into prepared pan and place in oven.

3)  Bake 15-20 minutes. Remove and let cool completely.

I like to put the pan in the freezer for about 30 minutes.

4)  Sure.  You could be a goodie-goodie and make homemade whipped cream.

Not so for me.

I just pulled out a big ol' tub of Cool Whip.

5)  Wash, slice, and dry 1 pint of strawberries.  Toss with 1 T sugar.

6)  To assemble:  Cut the brownies crosswise into 4 pieces.

Place on piece on bottom of serving platter.

Spread on some Cool Whip.

Then some strawberries.

Repeat until all layers done.

Normally, you don't put whipped cream on the top.

I just needed to convert mine into a birthday cake, you see.

Also, you don't need to stick gummy worms in the cake.

Or create a giant "C" on the top.



It is super yummy.

 Not that I would know.

Remember . . . I am on Weight Watchers . . . .




Happy Monday!

What have you not done lately?!?!


  1. That 'giving instructions about the cake' bit is definitely a girl thing : )

    This was fun definitely have not figured out how to do a Not Me Monday!

  2. Love the picture of you laughing while HD cries and his sister looks on with the sharpest pair of scissors I've ever seen.

    I kind of wish my family lived close enough for big birthday gatherings.

  3. LOL!! You r daughter is scaring me a bit wielding that ginormous pair of scissors!! (lol, spell check didn't put the red thingy under that really a word??) anyway.....poor handsome dud!! is he afraid of his new towel?? i definitely am not going to try this recipe ;)

  4. p.s. does anyone else see the tiny smiley face at the top of this page?? :O

  5. I have not... I would get so confused and half-way through the post I'd be typing things I really haven't done. Lol all y'all would be thinking my laundry WAS done and my house WAS in perfect order. :)

  6. I think I would like to do the opposite of not me. Then, like Rachel, everyone would think I did clean my house and do wonderful things all weekend.

    You are definitely NOT posting the picture of Jason too much. It cracks me up every time.

  7. I did not waste my kid's entire spring break catching up on Days of Our Lives. (Okay, I did.)
    Happy Monday!! =)

  8. I did NOT eat most of a bag of peanut butter M&M's. Nope, I'm not eating sugar at all these days.

  9. Laughing so hard at the scissors. I can't believe you totally left out a comment about girl wielding scissors!

  10. I love the huge smile NOT on your face as Handsome Dude is NOT expressing his extreme displeasure with that towel.....

  11. you have to be scrolled all the way to the top!

  12. the smiley is to the right of your title and its just a colon on its side with a parentheses on its side...i wonder how long its been there?? i just noticed it today... like this :) only flipped so the parentheses is under the colon....

  13. thelumberjackswifeMarch 29, 2010 at 6:40 AM

    I don't see it. :( Oh, well. :)

  14. Don't worry. I'm fairly sure that Brownie Cake only has 2 points per serving. After all, it DID include fruit. ;)

  15. Don't you know that birthday calories don't count?

    Oh, the things we do to our kids. I'm sure he will come around on the towel:)

    And that baby is way too precious!

  16. I have serious baby fever...and she is too cute!

    Can you have baby fever when your baby is only 4 months old? ;o)


  17. I have not just sung my girls their good night song in operatic falsetto after running down the hall like a monkey (including appropriate monkey noises) and kissing their faces twenty two times...each.

  18. I bet it has to do with the browser...Jo are you running firefox?

  19. You didn't get baby fever this weekend?? You mean, seeing fat, puffy, pregnant me waddle through church this weekend while picking up four kids from their classes didn't make you just want to get pregnant RIGHT NOW?? :P

  20. You totally need another baby, how fun would that be!! Loved the shark towel, you mean mommy..hehe.. seriously your niece is adorable.. so precious!

  21. Your niece=totally fluffy adorableness.
    The picture of Jason is one of my favorite things about this blog. You could have a whole blog called "Remember Jason?"
    I really love the fact that there is a roll of paper towels on the bottom of your banister. That. Is. The. Best.
    Now, I have a guess as to one of the things that The Lumberjack told you you couldn't blog about. The kids' real names.
    Erin's comments always crack me up.
    As to what I have not been doing? I have not been cleaning like a mad woman since two of my children have been pukey this week. I also have not been not sleeping well while I wait for my third (and youngest, also the one who is incapable of throwing up into a toilet) to catch whatever the other two had. I do not worry about such things that are not in my control!

  22. This weekend was not good. I did not end up finding the house of my dreams and started praying fervently we could have it. I wouldn't be that shallow or lame to do that. Neither would I have spent money we didn't have on things like Starbucks, because that would be a total waste of money and really irresponsible when trying to save up for the house of your dreams. I mean, who would do that? Not me!

  23. thelumberjackswifeMarch 30, 2010 at 4:24 AM

    Nope! That is not one of the things he told me not to blog about! :) Good guess though!

  24. Kim (Williams) KibbyMarch 31, 2010 at 6:03 AM

    I'm loving the part about your mom's comment and shirtless Jason. That was priceless! Maybe if you get a picture of him in that wolf shirt you were talking about in another post, you could post that one too.

  25. I forgot what your Mom said about Jason and his shirt, that was hilarious! Yeah, and Alex got SUPER SCARED about a kid. Doesn't he know that we aren't even married yet?? So, he can relax. :)
