Tuesday, March 23, 2010


My Handsome Dude is 3 today!

I can't believe how fast time flies.

When he was born, the Lumberjack and I picked out a verse for him.

" . . . So be strong, show yourself a man, and observe what the Lord your God requires:  Walk in his ways and keep his decrees and commands."

1 Kings 2: 2b-3a

Dear God,

My Handsome Dude is going to need a lot of guidance on his journey to manhood.

A lot.


He's going to need a lot of help.

and . . .


Oh, my Handsome Dude.

Growing up too quickly.

He can be a bit of a turd.

A handful, if you will.

But, he can also be very sweet and kind.

Well, before signing off, I would like to conclude with a song tribute dedicated to my Handsome Dude set to the lyrics of his favorite song.


Try and contain your excitement.

Let me know if you need me to get you the information so you can download this song for your IPod.


One, Two

Buckle my Shoe

Three, Four

Shut the Door.

Five, Six

2009_9_08 025

Pick up Sticks.

Seven, Eight

Lay them Straight.

Nine, Ten

That's the End!


Happy Birthday, Handsome Dude!!!


  1. Happy Birthday, Handsome Dude! I can't believe he's 3!!! WOW! :)
    And a side note, the boys and I are going to be up there for two weeks starting tomorrow! I'd love to see you guys! Maybe you could message me on Facebook and let me know when would be a good time to get all the crazy kids together? :)

  2. Happy Birthday, little man. Time sure does fly. I can remember when my little man was that young. He's 26 now. I'm old. ::sigh::

  3. Again, great picture of you--you do not look like you just gave birth, for Pete's sake! You look like you are ready for your close-up for the mother's magazine. Anyway, all truthful flattery aside, I LOVED the pictures with song lyrics. I just might steal your idea because it is that good. I cannot contain my excitement, despite your warning. Happy Birthday, Carson, may God be with you!

  4. Happy birthday little stud!! :-)

  5. Happy Birthday to Handsome Dude! Love the picture/song combo. I've been waiting for the perfect situation to do a song number myself. I also love that you picked a verse out for him. I have a few special verses I've picked out for the day Scott and I become parents (if that day ever comes), but I like the idea of picking one out for the children as well. I may steal that idea. :)

  6. wait, no big fat hen?? Hmm..different strokes for different folks. Happy Birthday little (BIG) guy! :)

  7. Happy Birthday! Nice tribute. Loved the poem!

  8. Happy birthday to your little guy...I love the photo with the oversized shoes on!


  10. Love those last couple of pics -- and love that you picked out a verse for him when he was born. And prayer? You bet. No better way to raise your kids...

  11. Oh that was sweet...Happy Birthday Handsome Dude! I feel like I know you : )

  12. Handsome Dude is very fortunate to have you guys for parents! Happy Birthday Handsome Dude!

  13. He is not only handsome - he is a dude. And I pray that he will always walk in the way of the Lord - he is getting a great start with the parents God has given him.

  14. The minute I clicked on your blog, I noticed your header picture-- is this little guy who is now three the same one seen crying on the rock? How cute is he??? I love all the pictures. Happy birthday to him!

    And, can I just say, that you look AMAZING in the last picture. No woman should ever look that good after giving birth (I know I certainly didn't!).


  15. Thank you soo much for stopping by my blog! Happy Birthday to your Handsome Dude! He is a true cutie! I hope ya'll get to enjoy a wonderful day!


  16. Happy Birthday Handsome Dude! Time does fly, doesn't it? :)

  17. Jason(the brother-in-law)March 23, 2010 at 10:01 AM

    Happy Birthday. Tarson as Daisy Mae used to say

  18. Awwwweeee!! Happy Birthday, Handsome Dude!

    They all drive us nuts, don't they?? But, birthdays really make me think about how much time flies...and how much I'm going to miss all that nut driving...sooner than later :(

    Give em' a good squeeze!

  19. Handsome dude, happy birthday to you!!!! 3 is fun and full of adventure. Nice post for the little man, I enjoyed the pics :)

  20. Happy Birthday to your little man! What adventures he adds to your family. Just think of all the blog posts you'd be missing if he were any different. :)
    I agree, your song and pictures are great! Very sweet.

  21. Happy Birthday, Handsome Dude! You are handsome!!

  22. oh yeah!! happy birthday!! you are one devastatingly handsome dude!!! :) don't eat too much cake and ice cream!! :)

  23. good for you for being sure to raise him to be strong in the LORD, not his own strength! I love the picture/song combo! Great idea. Happy birthday to Handsome Dude.

    And seriously, if you keep posting those pictures of yourself right after giving birth, you will have no friends left. None.

    Sorry, but someone needed to tell you this.
