Friday, March 5, 2010

Comment of the Week, and other urgent matters.

Well, folks, we are going to be taking a quick break from the Mexico vacation recap.

My grandma is sick and in the hospital, so the Lumberjack and I are loading up the Lumberjacklings and we are heading out-of-town this afternoon for a weekend trip.

A 6-hour drive with 4 kids and a husband armed with an Ipod full of Johnny Cash, Meryl Haggard, and Kris Krisopherson.

Pray for me.

But seriously, if you would like to remember us in your prayers as we made the trip and also if you could pray for my grandmother, it would be greatly appreciated.

Before I go, I wanted to announce the comment of the week!

I know you have all been on pins and needles waiting to hear this, as this is the most esteemed award for a blog commenter of this generation.

This week's winner is Kimberly, aka The Musician's Wife.

She left the following comment on the post Where's Waldo?

"I love this post!!

My husband, who took Spanish but hardly remembers any, likes to sing this song:

Elephantos in my pantos.

and that is the extent of our Spanish language knowledge.

Please do not ask me if he is talking literally about the size of what’s in his pants.

I do not know.

If I did I would still say I didn’t know."

Hmmmm . . . .interesting.  Very, Very interesting.

I am quite curious as to the tune of the little ditty.

It might catch on, you know.

Sounds way cooler than "Pants on Ground."

Go say hi to Kimberly!


So, I would appreciate your prayers as we embark on our journey and I will see you all in a couple of days.

But before I go, I wanted to share with you an email I received from my mom while we were in Cancun.

My mom and dad watched all four kids for us while we were lounging by the pool, eating and drinking like beached whales.

Interruption:  Names have been changed to protect innocent Lumberjacklings.

Day started with Handsome Dude standing next to my bed staring at me, and then hearing the rocking horse whinnying from the office, Daisy Mae had moved it next to pack n play during the day and Little Dude was beckoning us to get him.  Dad took girls to school, I noticed that Sweet Pea forgot to put her jammies in backpack for tonight.  Then I saw g-l-a-s-s-e-s! I was excited for a time..............then I realized that they were Sweet Pea's!  Off to school again with no glasses, still no sight of Handsome Dude's.  I decided to take everything out of the nursery closet to see if they got tossed in there, I saw nothing.  Then Handsome Dude went potty and got some miniscule amount of pee on his pants, his solution was to take all pants off the hanger his, Little Dude's, Sweet Pea's and Daisy Mae's and dump on floor!  Meanwhile, Little Dude did not want to go unnoticed, he pooped, it leaked out of diaper onto pants.  Both boys went through two pair of pants each by 9:30 a.m.!  I went to work from 12:00 to 3:15 p.m. while dad hung with the dudes.  They napped until about 3:45 p.m.  Handsome Dude awoke with his first accident, didn't get on the mattress, this did not help his waking up after nap humor, I put him in the bathtub and brought chocolate milk to him there, no good, wasn't digging any of it. Then Little Dude woke up, we visited for awhile and then decided we had a little cabin fever, went to Paul and Jackie's (the Lumberjack's parents) and dropped off a bag with Daisy Mae's meds, and Sweet Pea's jammies, hoped to add Sweet Pea's glasses but somehow during Handsome Dude's nap they disappeared!! Then we went to Goodwill (Dad's fav) Handsome Dude got a Buzz Lightyear & Woody Bathrobe and book, way exciting!  Then we really got brave and took boys out to dinner, they loved the bread and pop, dinner not so much.  They were pretty good though. Came home and Jackie called to ask about meds (directions) and Sweet Pea's glasses, we had to report that at that moment both glasses......gone.  Feeling like dope's we armed ourselves with a Maglite flashlight and took on the nursery again.  After a few minutes we spotted Handsome Dude's on the little blue shelf on the wall, not sure how they got there.  Then I noticed a pair of Little Dude's clean jeans on the bottom of closet floor, odd as we had hung them all up again at 9:30 a.m. I picked them up to hang them up again and down tumbled Sweet Pea's glasses!  We have decided Handsome Dude likes the excitement of living on the edge with the glasses.  Burton Cummings (dad's other favorite formerly of Guess Who fame) tweeted him that he would be singing at the Winter Olympics so we rushed downstairs, he was supposed to sing at 7:30 p.m.  but alas the Olympics didn't start until 8:00 a.m.  I guess Tweets sometimes fail us.  Well, I smell a foul smell emanating from the direction of Little Dude and since it probably won't go away without assistance from Grams, I must go. P.S. dad has gone by your house three times and said all was well
Enjoy your last couple of days on vacation.

Let's examine this email, shall we?

1)  First of all, you must know about Handsome Dude and his glasses.

Handsome Dude does not do well with glasses.

He is constantly losing them and breaking them.


I am at my witt's end.

And his newest tricks include losing his sister's glasses.


2)  Handsome Dude just finished up potty training.  For more on our adventures with that click here, and then keep reading for about a week's worth of posts.

Oh, and if you are in a place where you are contemplating having more children, those posts are sure to cure you of that foolish idea.

It has been a . . . . journey.

Interruption:  Would you like to know what Handsome Dude does now?  Every day this week he has dropped his pants and peed on our house.


You heard me right.

Raising a boy is going to be loads of fun.


3)  Can we not acknowledge the fact that my mother mentioned tweeting?

I mean, really.

This woman does not even know how to find Google.

In fact, she went to Yahoo! to search for Google.


I am not joking.

Honestly, I don't understand Twitter.

I actually have an account, but don't even remember the username.

To me, it just seems like a glorified version of Facebook status updates.

But, my mom and dad?

The goobers?

Do ya'll remember how much trouble I had getting them to create an online photo card?


They Tweet?

When will the madness end?

4)  I think my parents are going to need some better Mother's Day/Father's Day gifts this year.




Yikes.  I felt guilty reading that email while I was in Cancun.

Then I shrugged my shoulders, went out by the pool, ordered a grande diet coke, most likely ordered some nachos, and took a nap.

Ah . . . it was a hard life, I tell you.

A hard life.

Later, dudes!


  1. Gifts for your parents....How about a vacation in Cancun?

  2. Thanks for the props...I'll make sure he records Elephantos Pantos on his album so you can hear the's fantastic.

    My friends got glasses for their um...I think 9 month old...not too long ago. They are completely plastic and bendy and can withstand the rigors of being on an off a baby's face. They actually look kind of like Waldo's glasses, but gray. Maybe you need those for Handsome dude? And super glue...that might help, too.

  3. I was wondering it that was the kind of "tweeting" I was thinking it was! good for them!! LOVE the comment of the week - like I told you, had me giggling through out the evening after reading it. :-)

  4. As for grandparent gifts....if they love the dear little faces of your Lumberjacklings...then creating a gift on is just for you. Sign up for the emails, and you get all sorts of coupons for free stuff. Our g-parents gush and fawn over every little gift we give with our Brussels Sprouts' faces.

  5. I'll be praying.
    I'm singing that "Elephantos" song to a definite tune, but it might be one that we made up to sing a made-up song to one of our kids. I cannot for anything tell. But it fits the words. :)

  6. Love the email. Yes, some fabulous gifts are definately a good idea! Maybe a spa days for Grams? For Pops clue, but I am sure you will think of something great!

    I will be praying for you and your family for your roadtrip and also for your grandma.

  7. oh yea, and i am also praying for your trip and your grandmother!!

  8. My husband took Spanish in college, and his favorite saying is "I have a big cat in my pants" he is not here right now and I can NOT remember what it is in spanish, but it is pretty funny, so the comment of the week makes me smile and think of my husband!

    As for your parents letter and a gift, I think a vacay would do them well! Maybe a trip with the Lumberjacklings? Just Kidding! Seriously though, maybe help them with a cruise or something!

  9. Glad you and LJ are home safe, will pray for your Grandma and family as hit the road again.

  10. by the way have a good trip, I hope your grandma is doing well.

  11. Lol I think that day your mom came to work to actually take a break and relax a bit. :)

  12. You are too darn funny! I love the way you write. I feel like I am sitting on your couch listening to you vent away. Love it!

    I am praying for your grandmother and your time with her.

  13. pobre abuelita. Yes, my thoughts are with you this weekend. Goobers tweet? Will wonders never cease. Kris Kristofferson can write. What he can't do is sing. :) Hope your trip is safe.

  14. I'm roaring! (on the inside, the baby is sleeping) Um, I'm throwing this out there because potty training a boy after wonder child girl was rough- it's meant for you to use if you want, toss if you don't because I am still no expert: once we left the child alone and gave him a big wheel to ride around for hours, he came to us to use the bathroom and we've only had to clean up a handful of accidents since (like when he thinks he only has to toot, but there's more to it- apparently he's still gaining discernment there). Anyway- the muscles used and strengthened from a bike help in this area, especially for a boy. Hoping all goes well with your trip and grandma.

  15. Have they tried Skype yet? Hmm... maybe open that account for them. That should make for some more fun posts.

  16. I linked up to you again... this time on my Sunday Driving post... I hope you don't mind...
