Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Poor girls.

Daisy Mae's birthday party was this week.

I heart Daisy Mae.

Would you like to know why?

Because she makes my life easy.

Me:  What do you want to do for your birthday party?

DM:  Um . . . . I don't care.

Me:  Do you want to have any theme?

DM:  What's a theme?

Me:  Do you want it to be like "Fancy Nancy," or "Princess" or something like that?

DM:  Hmmm . . . how bout just whatever!

Me:  Sounds great.

DM:  We can dress up.

Me:  Check

DM:  We can have show and tell.

Me:  Done

DM:  We can have a tea party.

Me:  Okie dokie.

So, that's exactly what we did.

Easy -Peasy.

There was one minor glitch in the princess-y plans for the day:


Handsome Dude could not grasp the concept that maybe, just maybe, this party was not about him.

"Oh, Dirls!  Look at my puppy!"

Handsome Dude determined that it was okay, and acceptable, for him to join in on the festivities.

My poor girls.

And they thought they would have a girly party.

Little Dude is patiently watching the show and tell portion of the festivities.

He also has a big glob of pizza sauce on his upper lip.

Time for presents!

Handsome Dude.

Sit down.

This is not about you.

While Daisy Mae is opening her presents, Handsome Dude decides that our dog, Mabel, is being a nuisance . . .

and he feels it is his brotherly duty to remove her from the festivities.

And verbally abuse her.

Poor Mabel.

Little Dude felt that present opening time would be the ideal time to ride his tractor through the field of girls.

So helpful.

And what's a fancy tea party without your brother laying across the table shouting,


Look at those sweet girls.

They just keep being fancy and ignore Superman.

Let's have a round of applause for my Daisy Mae who did not complain once about their brothers invading her birthday party.

Thank you.

And finally . . . guess who bought himself a brand new camera?

LJ:  Hon!  Look!  I am taking a picture of you for your blog!  See?  It's a picture of you blogging!  Do you get it?  Do you get it?

Me:  Stop.

LJ:  What's that?  Did you say stop?

Me:  Yes.  Stop.

LJ:  Wait . . . you don't like someone taking a picture of everything you do?  Hmmm . . . interesting, Taylor.  Interesting.

Me:  Oh, be quiet.

LJ:  Your people will thank me.  You can take pictures of me doing stupid stuff and I will take pictures of you doing stupid stuff.

Me:  Whatever.

LJ:  The people will love it!


Well, people?

Do you love it?

Do you?


Yes, that's right, folks.

We are now a 2 camera family.

The Lumberjack felt he needed his own.

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can guess why he feels he needs one.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I do not have brothers and have no regrets about that fact at all. :)

  2. Happy birthday to Daisy Mae! I think she deserves another party for not complaining about her brothers :)

  3. I would guess to take pictures of hunting stuff...But that's only because that's how my hubby thinks.

    And, yes, I love it.

  4. guessing paybacks?

    more pics of Jason?

    and yes, your people love it : )

    Happy Birthday to your girly girl!

  5. My daughter has to deal with her brothers at her girly girl parties too. Only she doesn't deal with it with quite as much grace as yours does. And, yes, I love it too!

  6. The LJ is definitely right on this one! yea! Lumberjack, yea! WE LOVE IT!

  7. Well, since my hubby wants his own so he can take pictures of the big fat fish he catches on his fly rod, I'm guessing LJ wants to be able to take pictures of big fat game he shoots and big fat trees that he fells. (That doesn't sound right, but I'm pretty sure it is. Hmm.)

    And yes, your people do love it. He kind of does have a good point. :)

    P.S. I have to confess I clicked on the picture so that I could see the title of the book by your arm. Have you made anything yummy out of it yet?

  8. Yes! Love that cookbook. I make "Darn Good Chocolate Cake" and it is the best ever. Also, I don't know if you read this post, but in my Not Me! post this week, I posted a recipe for "Strawberry Brownie Torte" and that is from this cookbook. In fact, I was probably writing that very post when LJ took the picture.

    The Chocolate Cake Mix Doctor is by Anne Byrn. I also love her book "Dinner Doctor" and she has a few more. But I only have those 2. And I use them lots!

  9. I LOVE IT!
    I love the brothers in the midst of the party. I can totally relate.
    I love that the LJ has his own camera now too.

  10. I think the LJ is starting his own blog, "Stories of a bloggers husband" and yep he is gonna now follow you around posting photos of you and your life ;)

  11. Maybe LJ feels that he needs something to appropriate to pack in his carry-on for the next flight you take.
    Then security might be distracted and not notice the knives.

  12. That cracked me up! I like LJ personality!

  13. LJ definitely needs his own blog! At the very least he should make some more guest appearances! After all, we need to see more pictures of you blogging and cleaning the toilet ;)

  14. Perhaps LJ could have his own blog of pictures of you!

  15. Yes, I love it. And Daisy Mae was a really good sport. The girls will get back at the boys one day though. Somewhere around 12 or 13, the girls will become little monsters one week out of every month, and the boys will have no idea why these horrible creatures took over their sisters' bodies. Then you can tell the boys that it's training for when they get married.

  16. ps.
    Yes I'm thankful for coffee as well ;)
    But what I left off is you can tell your a mom of boys just by the bat on your kitchen table LOL:)

  17. Looks like quite a party!

    And my guess is to give up trees and become a professional photographer. Or so he can take pictures of you taking pictures of him, and be all meta.

  18. With guys, it's all about the competition baby! Little Princess looks like she had a great party despite her brothers interventions. What's a girlie party without a great tractor plowin' through 'em? Ya'll have the best Easter.

    God bless and have a wonderful Wednesday!!!

  19. How fun! I can only imagine my kids having themed birthday parties in the future and trying to crash each others parties!

  20. You are crackin me up girl! Hilarious!
    Love the girlie party :)

  21. Surprising that such a frugal family produced a spendthrift. Why two?Such extravagance! He probably got a really good price and will use it to trade for some kind of noisy machine, generator, crane, overhead circular saw, helicopter or pontoon boat or something. ...or maybe he bought it for me his most favoritest auntie. Yes, we love all your photos. Love to be known as 'your people'.

  22. Kim (Williams) KibbyMarch 31, 2010 at 6:29 AM

    You know, those boys will get theirs when they're older... they will have 3 mothers (if they don't already). I think Handsome Dude should come to my school. :) I loved the picture, and way to go LJ! I can't wait to see all the goofball pictures because guys take pictures of stuff I would NEVER have thought of. That is not a suggestion either. LOL

  23. I'm gonna guess to get great pictures of fish, deer, elk, any cute furry forest creature, etc, that he BLASTS and holds up proudly. Just like my husband.

  24. Love It! My hubby has his own camera so he can take pictures of fish. Lovely. I think he takes more pictures of fish then anything else. I find it gross.

    Anyhow, the girls are lovely. Daisy Mae definately gets props for being such a good sport. Looks like a great party!

  25. Love it! He needs a camera because 1) you won't give up the one you have; and 2) he was a boy scout and needs to be prepared for whatever antics he may catch you in the middle of.

    Sweet party...she is a doll. Next time Daddy can take the boys out for a special guy thing. :) I have to say that our youngest daughter had a very hard time not thinking that she was the total center of the universe when her sister was opening presents. So, it's not just a boy thing.

  26. so he can take pictures of all the dead stuff he "takes care of" for you?


    On second thought, REVENGE!!

  27. I think he plans on pulling out his camera every time you start taking pictures of him or when ever he feels it a "photo opportunity." Definitely wants to turn the tables on you. Then secondarily, he can use it with all his LJ activities:)

    What a cute girly party! One day those boys will get their own and not know what hit them. But the girls didn't seem to mind.

  28. What a cute post! My brother used to dress in girls clothes as well. We torture him endless about it now in front of his girlfriend :)

  29. for revenge?? :) btw, you look fabulous in each and every one of those! :) that party looks like it was a hit!! your kids are so darn cute! :)
