Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ten Things Thursday

It is Thursday.

And here are 10 Random Things that in No Way Relate to One Another.


1)  I was going to do a Wordless Wednesday post yesterday. 

But then, this happened:

And I felt it was more pressing.

Would you like to see what my post would have been if my husband hadn't shaved my baby?

It would have gone a little something like this:

Wordless Wednesday

Do you get it?

Do you get it?

It's pictures of him sleeping.

I'm not really good at Wordless Wednesdays.

I like to chat too much.

2)  I am having a hard time getting back on the diet bandwagon since our vacation. 

 I fear my stomach must have grown 3 sizes with all that snacking and eating and buffeting and sampling. 

On Tuesday, I was supposed to start back up with my 3 mean friends on Weight Watchers. 

And on Tuesday I made Slow Cooker Chocolate Chip Cake

And I ate it. 

Then on Wednesday, I did fairly good. 

I was even doing my 8 minute abs that Erin makes me do. 

But the entire time I was 8-minute abbing, that cake was calling me. 

 And I ate it.

3)  Jillian Michaels and the 30 Day Shred are collecting dust on the top of my entertainment center.

I know I should welcome her back into my life.

But I hate plank jacks!

Can I get an Amen?

1 million (meaningless) points to anyone who can kick my behind and get me back into gear.

4)  Awhile back, I asked you all if you thought that I gained more weight or the Lumberjack gained more weight.

And every single one of you guessed me.

Well, here are the results:

The Lumberjack:  Gained 7 Pounds.

The Lumberjill:  Gained 2 Pounds.

Thanks, guys.

I'm glad you all got my back.

5)  While in Portland, Daisy Mae created her own joke.

Would you like to hear it?

"What's always with you?"

Then she giggles and laughs and giggles and laughs.

"Your bottom!"

Tasteful, Daisy Mae.


6)  Daisy Mae has been on a roll lately. 

Full of sass, I tell you.

Here is a visual for you of my Daisy Mae:

Here she is with Uncle Jason.

Daisy Mae really loves chips.

And Uncle Jason.

Do you remember Jason?

Am I being mean to Jason?

Hmmm . . .

What was I talking about?

Oh, yes.

My sassy Daisy Mae.

In Portland, she looked at my cousin, who had clear nail polish on and she said to her,

"I just love your nails.  They looks so pretty.  Do you have to lick them often?"

Brilliant, Daisy Mae.


7)  I just remembered something else Daisy Mae did.

Yesterday, when we picked her up from school, she looked at her brother and his new super-fab haircut,

had a look of shock all over her face, and then asked me,

"Mom?  I think Cokey-the-Bear was adopted."

Note to self:  Explain to Daisy Mae what adoption means.

That Daisy Mae.

She is a silly little thing.

8)  I really, really, really, really, want to eat a Big Mac.

bigmac.jpg Big Mac image by TonyMontana007

Boy, this post is really, really long.

And extremely pointless.

9)  Sometimes this blog stresses me out.

Would you like to help me out with what is currently stressing me out?


First of all, I love them and everyone who leaves comments are my BFF.


They make my world go round.


Leave a comment.


But, here is my quandary.

I have seen some bloggers respond to each person's comment.

And I wonder if I should do this, too?

So, in yesterday's post, I started to try this.

But then, life got busy and Handsome Dude peed on the floor, Little Dude was having self-esteem issues on account of his new look, I had to teach the girls how to pick up dog poo (win!), and Daisy Mae was busy asking me 1.2 million questions.

And so, I only responded to some of the comments.

So, then I worried that people might think I was ignoring their comment since I replied to some and not theirs.

But then I thought, who in tarnation cares?

Once people leave a comment, they most likely don't ever look at that post again.

So . . .




Bored yet?

Do not fret.

I have saved the best for last.


It is intriguing.

10)  Riddle me this, Riddle me that:

Why does the Lumberjack eat his candy like that?

Can we not all agree that my rhyme was super clever?

Sometimes, I simply amaze myself.

Thoughts to ponder:

Why doesn't he just buy plain M&M's?

What about you?

Peanut or plain?

Happy Thursday!


  1. Absolutely peanut. Way better than plain.

    Don't stress about answering everyone's comments. Rejoice in the fact that you have more than 2 people who comment on your blog. ;) (Don't let jealous people like me bother you, either.)

    I do WW also. Well, I did. Until recently. Now the diet bandwagon is so far ahead of me I will have to run to catch up with it. The bright side of that is it will earn me Activity Points, right? :)

  2. Here is a comment for you Taylor, so we can be BFFs:

    Don't stress out about your blog ;)
    And don't respond to every comment. Real life matters more. No one will get hurt feelings.
    And if they do, then they don't remember that you have 4 children. And that one of them is Handsome Dude.

    Just tell yourself: "My blog is cute. My blog is fun. And gosh darn it, people like it."

    Now hurry up and reply to this comment.
    hee hee

  3. I hardly ever go back to a post once I've read it. Unless there was some big discussion going on that interested me I generally just move on.

    If someone asks me a specific question in a comment on my blog I try to email them. Unless it was about something confusing in my post and then I might put it in the comments section.

    I hate the no-reply blogger thing...I like to email commenters back if they've asked a question and it feels silly to answer a question in their blog post which probably has nothing to do with the question they asked me. But if they don't have email with their blog then that's what I'll do.

    Peanut all the way.

    I can do wordy too.

  4. This is an interesting post to say the least and I enjoyed it word for thought for word :) Thank you for stopping by and leaving your footprints. Visit again and follow if you wish. ....Now off to my screaming 2yr daughter in her high chair....wonder whay she'll want this time :) Have a happy day!! Blessings! ~Amy

  5. First of all, I prefer the peanut butter M&Ms.

    Secondly, I think it's crazy to try to respond to each and every comment. Especially when you have SO many comments each time. I usually have about 3 comments (if even that) on each post. I do not have kids, or a job. I could probably afford to respond to each comment. If I do not feel obligated to do so though, you should not either. No one expects you too.

    Thirdly, I have no idea how to kick your but in gear. If I did, I would kick mine as well. A few weeks ago I was doing great with the whole eating healthy thing, but couldn't muster up the motivation to exercise. This past week or two I have been getting lots of exercise, but eating a lot of junk. Why I can't ever manage to tackle both at the same time is a mystery.

    Why I always have lots to say on your blog and nothing to say on mine is also a mystery. I guess you just inspire me.

    By the way...your kids crack me up. Maybe I should try licking my nails? ;)

  6. My entire day is determined by whether or not you reply to my comment.

    Not really.

    I sometimes reply to comments by e-mail or not at all but once or twice a week I reply on the blog just to prove to readers that I do read all the comments.

    My entire day is determined by whether or not people comment.

    Sadly, that is true.

  7. Can your MeanFriend#2 really be your BFF at the same time?? Interesting! I'm sorry I haven't been much help kicking your rear into gear. I'm having my own problems getting my own rear back into gear too.

  8. Peanut for sure! I wouldn't stress about commenting on the other comment posts. People understand you're busy! 4 kids and LJ and a household to run :) that's a lot of work. I'm stunned you are even able to update your blog daily! It's been over a month since I have posted on mine. Oh and I'm pregnant with baby #2. keeping it quiet though ;) but that's my excuse for not updating my blog. He he he.

  9. I've been reading your blog for months. I followed it from Erin's. You both make me laugh so hard! I have 3 kids with autism, 10, 9, and 7. So, most days I really, really need a good laugh. Thanks!

  10. no worries, my friend..i rarely respond to that bad?? lol like you said, most peeps don't go back to see if they are responded to, i think?? is that bad?? great, now i am worried that i don't respond to my comments, thnx!! j/k anyway, get back on that exercise bandwagon missy!! ;) i need to get off my duff and do the same!! :) the m&m thing is a little weird, i have to say!! i like both, but if i had to pick one i'd say plain....

  11. He eats peanut because they are so tasty!! Ok, if you want I have a diet idea for you if you feel like you really need to diet. My little Audrey has a milk allergy so while I am nursing I have to go off all foods that have any type of milk proteins. Wow, the pregnancy pounds are gone and even some pre-pregnancy weight. It is hard at first but then I found a website that helps me find foods and it isn't so bad after all. Who knows how much will stay off when I start eating cheese and such again, but for now, I need new pants!

  12. If you spent all your time answering comments on your blog, you wouldn't have time for all the hysterically funny things that happen in real life. Then you'd have nothing to blog about and you would no longer get any comments.

    Daisy Mae cracks me up. I think your picture of Jason is hysterical. I don't participate in Wordless Wednesday because I have too many words. And Lumberjack should eat plain M&M's. He's destroying the essence of the peanut M&M with his antics.

    I also live for comments. I shamelessly beg for them. BTW, have you been to my blog today? : )

  13. I wondered about the comment thing too... I've decided I'd try to drop by the blogs of hose who comment that and maybe leave a little comment back. I used to try answering, but it was spiraling out of control time-wise. Besides some people's comments are more like statements and don't really need a reply. I read a blog I love and recently realised she responds to all my comments and I didn't know... I never went back to posts I'd already read... when I did the other day and realised she'd been replying I ended up spending a couple hours (that I didn't have) going back and re-reading all her replies... If I get a comment I really want to reply to, I typically just email them. (If they make that option available.)

  14. Peanut! But I do like both.
    And I started doing that ab thing when you did and now? I havent in awhile but my excuse is I have been kick boxing and there is a stretch that we have to do and oh my goodness it makes my abs hurt! So it makes me not want to do any more abs even tho I should! Maybe to get butts in gear, have a daily tally of did you do it? did you? And make it a competition for meaningless points or something lol, idk. I know how it is with busy life, kids, etc and sometimes cake is just better than working on abs! :)

  15. I am a lurker. You asked for a comment so here it goes.. You CRACK me up! I love reading your posts. I can relate sooo much. My boys are older now but what you are going through reminds me of "the good ole days"! I wish I could have that time back because teenagers are HARD!! Anyway..thanks for entertaining me on a daily basis!!!

  16. #1 I am back. I decided to brave the dorky mousepad thing

    #2 Tell Daisy May that she needs to come over!!! I NEED her!

    #3 PLAIN!!! I do believe I am the only vote on that account.

    #4 You will struggle all the more to get yourself back on the diet bandwagon if you do not set another goal. It is hard to work towards.... nothing :)

    #5 Well, I think I am out of comments. No 10 random comments from me.

    #6 I think I shoudl keep talking until I come up with 10

    #7 Have you ever watched the penguins of madagascar. I love the part where they decide to decode bff.

    #8 Do you think we are going to have a new niece or a new nephew?

    #9 can a question really be a random comment?

    #10 Oh wait, there are 2 questions. They better count or I'm out of luck. :)

  17. Really?

    You can't respond to each and every comment?

    How Rude! ;)

    Um...I mean how real. You are the mom of 4. If you responded to every comment, then I would have to respond to every comment. Seeing as how I only get 1-2 comments on a good day, and still don't have time to respond to don't respond to every comment. Then, I would feel bad. So see, no more stress. You can rest knowing that you are doing some other crazy mom of 4 a favor by NOT responding to each and every comment.

  18. First off.. peanut M&Ms are the bomb. I can eat a bag of 'em..which is why I never buy them.
    Second off...(my son said this when he was 10..first off ...second off..third was cute then, not now at 15)
    If you replied to every comment, we'd have to report you for neglecting Daisy Mae and company.
    Third off...I always need major motivation to get the diet/workout going again. Right now, I have motivation. Hubby's dtr graduates HS the end of May, I will attend with him, but I HAVE to look better than his ex-wife. Good motivation..don't you think? Ex-wife/girlfriend run ins are always motivation to look smokin' hot.

  19. Peanut or plain? Depends on the mood. My brother eats them like Lumberjack, though, and I've never understood why he bothered with peanuts.

    I stress over comment response, too. Good to know someone else understands. ;)

  20. Alright Taylor Mal-i-blah-blah, you'd better find your way back to my comments section.

    I am now the current point leader.
    *evil cackle*

  21. Oh Karen,
    You do need some laughs! I'll be praying that God will give you grace day by day to be the kind of mom your kids need!

  22. Peanut. Or peanut butter. or even almond, but preferable not plain. It is a mystery to my why he eats those, but it's pretty funny!
    you can ignore everybody else, but I'd like you to comment on my comments, please. I need the constant reassurance. Where is that silly sarcasm font, anyway?

  23. peanut all the way. Well if I didn't have the peanut kind here I'm sure I would still eat the plain ones too.
    Well you said if we left a comment we where BFF. So now that we are BFF, then yes I do expect you to respond back to me :)~
    I like to respond to some but sometimes there is nothing to say back, and then if I say something to 5 people and and not to 5 more then I feel bad. Of course only once a month do I even get 10 comments. But maybe as a whole you could answer at one time and touch on the ones that you feel should get a comment.
    There's my 2 cent.

  24. Peanut, but I'll eat plain too. However, I do believe lumberjack is missing the part that makes them a peanut M&M!?!?

    Comments, I try to leave them for you. I am trying to get over the thought that I have to say something witty, and sometimes the other comments are so good that I get anxiety over if my comment will sound dumb. But I know they mean alot to you and since you brighten my day and you make me laugh and I love your blog I feel it is the least I can do. You most certainly would never have time to respond to each comment! The only time I ever go back and look is if I ask a question. And even then half the time I forget that I've asked a question and so I probably don't even know if you've answered it! So, don't stress over responding.

    If you find a trick for motivating yourself to exercise will you let me know? I currently have lost all will to watch what I eat or exercise and that is the likely explanation that I am at my heaviest point ever and my pants don't fit! (Can you say muffin top?) Even my scrubs are tight and that is just sad. So any pointers or motivation would be welcomed!

    I have been without a computer for days. I am at the library catching up. Perhaps that is why I am rambling on and on? Hope you are having a great day! :)

  25. My Eliana ate her first peanut M&Ms the same way. I didn't know she was going to do that, and I walked by our dining room table and there were two little objects on the table where she had been sitting...I looked at them closely and found they were peanuts, with all the chocolate licked/sucked off! What a goose.
    As far as comments go, I respond to questions, or if someone strikes a chord, you know? I don't think people expect a response unless they ask a question. I just did a post on that recently...and most people who left a comment on that post said they almost never went back to check on a response. Hope that helps!

  26. Im so glad we're BFF's since I fear my real life friends don't even read my blog. Oh well, what's a girl to do... Anywhoo, I think it's great that you "comment back," but you have quite the following sweetie, and if you miss a day or someone, or even me every now and then, don't feel bad, I'll still be your BFF. After all, you comment on my blog too.
    And by the way, it's peanut all the way!

  27. Always love reading your posts Lumberjill, they make me laugh. I prefer the peanut butter M&Ms.

  28. Still haven't ventured into my "blog land" but I'm getting much insight from yours! Just one word of advise, if I may, keep the Lumberjack away from your GIRLS (and you). Good thing he has another profession to fall back on:) Your Lumberjackling is still beautiful though! Love,love,love your blog...but not in a stalker kinda way:)

  29. Comments: Don't stress about it -
    Peanut or plain: peanut, but I eat the peanuts and good question - why doesn't he just eat plain, indeed? We are a crazy lot of beings!!! Tell your mom hi!

  30. Amen to the Jillian Michaels comment!

    Does he really put milk on those peanut M&M's?

  31. Peanut M&M's without a doubt!!!

  32. Yeah, you for gaining the least weight!

    Comments are good. Comments are very good. As for replying back, who has the time? Also, unless they subscribed to follow up comments, they may not ever know you commented back.

    That being said, I need you to reply to every single comment I make. Via email, so I don't have to be troubled with revisiting your post to only discover you didn't follow up...

    I need you to validate, me 'kay?


  33. Peanut M& M's please, yet I can't stop thinking about the haircut :)

  34. I wouldn't worry about responding to every comment -- too much to keep up with. Do what works for you. And by the way, I'm a peanut M&M fan :)

  35. Love the sleeping pictures.. that cracked me up... oh and I think DM takes after her mommy.. she is hilarious!! oh and I vote plain M&M'S with popcorn...I have it at least twice a week BUT I eat them with a 100 calorie bag of Have a great weekend! Oh, and I try to respond to comments but most of the time I do not have time.. I BARELY have time to update it!!

  36. Peanut. And plain.

    I just have to say that there are certain things I do in preparation to read your blog:

    #1. Empty my bladder.
    #2. Finish all food and drink. (This is for two reasons. My computer doesn't get sprayed when I burst out laughing and I don't inhale any food particles trying to catch my breath from laughing!)
    #3. Make sure I have tissue nearby to wipe the tears from my eyes from laughing.

    My kids no longer ask if I'm okay. They know when I've read your blog. :)

    Thanks for sharing your life and your thoughts. By the way, your Mom's email was funny, too.

    No need to respond.

  37. I'm an equal-opportunist M&M eater. Unfortunately. Wouldn't want to miss any opportunity to inflate my caloric intake. Or my jeans size. =)

  38. Peanut M&M's for sure...but I eat the shell and then the nut...sometimes biting half first.

    And I worry about blog "rules" too...but I figure we're all on our own time crunches and have millions of things going on...I figure we'll all understand if we don't comment or do only occasionally. It's all good :)

  39. um....I just scrolled to that picture of Uncle Jason and my 2.5 year old said "Mama!" while pointing at it.

    I now have a complex of some sort, I'm sure.

    Thank you.

  40. Oh, and about the blog comment thingy: I rarely get comments on my blog, so when I do, it's easy to answer because there's, like, three. I think most people understand that their comments are read but don't assume they will be responded to. So don't worry, clean up the pee and know we all love you anyway!!

  41. CANDY! Doesn't matter if it has peanuts or not...I really think...CHOCOLATE.
    I think the only reason to respond to someone's comment is if they ask a question.
    I DO read your blog regularly.
    I LOVE Cancun, (only been there once, 25 years ago) and have 1 munchkin. So we have something in common! Keep up the blog, I like it!!

  42. I need to change this logo and name...I'm Lynette. My homeschool groups is HEA...

  43. Peanut...I have never seen anyone eat them the way your husband does though! :)
    Thanks for making me laugh out loud this Saturday morning!
