Thursday, December 30, 2010

Short and Succinct

Here is the second installment of my fantastic recap of the year 2010.

I hope you have your party pants on.


1.  I made fun of people who wear socks with sandals.

It is against everything I believe in.

But then . . . then I remembered this photo:

and I had to eat humble pie.

2.  Also in April, I lived through two horrifying experiences:

A)  I had to take my boys with me to the doctor's office and they watched me pee in a cup.  It was magical.

B)  We made the most disgusting, epic entrance to a birthday party.  Ever. 

3.  Handsome Dude peed on my dryer.

4.  We started to get busy with our last home remodeling projects in hopes of moving out.

And when I say "we," I, of course, mean The Lumberjack.

"We" worked on the kitchen.

"We" worked on the yard.

And "we" worked on the laundry room:

I focused in on the wrong stud.

5.  Handsome Dude began insisting on dressing himself daily.

To this day, he still forgets to put on socks and puts his shoes on the wrong feet.

And I am too tired to care.

6.  Are you thinking that the "April" section is getting too long?

You are not alone.

7.  After two months of waiting and wondering, we discovered that the bank would accept our offer on the Ruralville house.

And thus began the longest, most worrisome, closing period known to man.

8.  I started a Facebook page for this blog. 

9.  The Lumberjack brought home some deer antlers and Handsome Dude tried desperately to find someone to help him, "Bix da Elk."


1.  I had my one year blogging anniversary.

2.  Handsome Dude got, yet another, new pair of glasses.

Of which he has taken superb care of.


3.  I took my boys on a walk.

We saw many feathered friends, all of which my boys called, "Ducks! Quack!"

Fact Check:  This was from when we lived at our old house.  This is not, I repeat, not Ruralville.  Ruralville does not have sidewalks.

4.  I took Daisy Mae shopping with me and made the mistake of allowing her into the fitting room with me.

Oh, for the poking!

Oh, for the questions!

Oh, for the chubs!

5.  Sister Meagan graduated from college.

And Daisy Mae was taken to the ER.  So, that was a dull trip.

6.  Little Dude learned the parts of the body.

7.  We took our first camping trip.

8.  "We" were still working on our house.


1.  "We" finished "our" projects.

Actually, the Lumberjack finished his projects.

I was just there to be his eye candy.

Or something like that.

2.  Handsome Dude put the hangers away for me.

He is uber helpful.

3.  We officially closed on the Ruralville house.

4.  Daisy Mae graduated from Kindergarten.

5.  My grammy died.

6.  Little Dude turned 2.

7.  Between the move to Ruralville and getting our other house ready for vacation rentals, The Lumberjack and I experienced a bit of stress.

Serenity Now.

8.  I turned 29.  For the first time.


Wow.  That post was short and succinct.

Tell me, dear reader . . . what was something memorable you did in the year 2010?

Happy Thursday!


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

In the Year 2010

As 2010 is drawing to a close, I thought I would take a moment to look back at some of the events that occurred over the past year.

And so much has happened that I shall do this in not one, but four exciting installments!

Don't pretend you aren't ecstatic.


1.  In January, I seemed extremely focused to get in shape.  I pretended like I was going to exercise daily for the rest of eternity and become the next Jillian Michaels.  I am happy to report that nonsense has completely left my system and I am still fluffy.

2.  I went to the dentist for the first time in six years.  And I was deemed gross and unclean.

3.  I potty-trained Handsome Dude.  It was the single most exhausting trial of my life.  I am happy to report that the boy is still  doing well with the toilet.  He does not, however, have good aim.  He also insists on wearing his underwear backwards daily, which could be the reason why he has so much stress in his life.


1.  In February, The Lumberjack and I decided to start looking for a house with land.  I loved my house downtown, especially since my husband had remodeled it exactly how I like it.  However, our growing family was getting too big for our cute house and  I could see that my husband had a huge desire to own his own land. 


I don't know. 

Maybe so he can stand proudly with his hands on his hips and look out at all the trees and vast amounts of dirt that he can call his own.  Or, maybe it has to do with the fact that he can cut down a tree or burn some branches and no one will care. 

Also:  he can hunt on his own land.

These are the things that make his world go round.

2.  Handsome Dude was really testing my patience.  Which is odd.  And unusual.  And still going on.

3.  My husband and I went to Cancun to celebrate our 10th anniversary!  Oh, if only I could beam myself there right now.  I loved that trip.  If you would like to read about it, here are the posts:  Airport, The Post Where We Were Nearly Scammed.  And Charged 75k., The time I had to get my hair wet . . .

The night we didn't dance, The time we got lost in Cancun, and then the last post that didn't really have a specific purpose.


1.  In March, we got a call that my grandmother was not feeling well, so we took a quick trip to see her.

2.  That trip was also the first time we met, Amy, our soon-to-be-new-sister-in-law.

3.  Also in March, my husband decided to give our baby a haircut.

The end result?

I am still bitter.

4.  Handsome Dude turned 3!

5.  Daisy Mae turned  6!

6.  On the same day Daisy Mae turned 6, my new niece was born.

And I may have become stricken with baby fever.

Spoiler Alert:  I did not have myself a fifth baby to satisfy my baby fever.


That's enough of this rubbish for today and I shall bid you all adieu.

Is that how you spell adieu?

Is anyone reading this?

But wait!  We need to do the COW.

Last week's went to Erin.  Mostly because everyone in the comments section demanded she get the COW.  And because she is funny.  Even if it is at my expense.

Erin wrote:

I’m glad we’re only interfriends.

Since you’re going to stop showering and all.

Go give Erin a holla and tell her I don't smell and that I am a lovely InterPerson.

Happy Wednesday  . . . is today Wednesday?

I don't recall.

Happy Whatever it is!

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Christmas Recap.

I trust you all had a good Christmas, no?

The mission statement for this post is to recap our Christmas weekend.

I am going to tell you that I shall attempt to make this post short and sweet.

But we all know the truth.

On Christmas Eve, Lucy brought back the deer leg.  This information serves no purpose other than to make you all pity me.


After we witnessed the horrifying carnage, we drove off to church for Christmas Eve service.  Christmas Eve service has become my favorite part of the holidays.  It is the one time I feel calm.  It is the one time I feel like I can relax.  It is the one time I don't feel like I have other things I should be doing.  And it is a great time to worship and remember the greatest gift of all.

Every year we go to LJ's (short for Lumberjack . . . keep up, people!) family's house for Christmas Eve.  We all meet there after church and eat finger foods and exchange gifts.

Aunt Lisa got my dudes toy guns.


I'm sure they won't ever be naughty with them.

Is not Handsome Dude wearing an uber festive sweater?

My niece, Little Miss.

I did not get Little Miss a toy gun.

*Ahem*, Lisa.

My girls made Aunt Lisa a pin cushion holder thingie ma bob.

No, silly readers!  I did not help the girls make it!

My ma-in-law did.

I did not receive a pin cusion.

For I have not pins.  Or needles.  Or a brain.

Aunt Lisa made my girls these super cute headbands.

I would like to announce that I did not make one gift. 


I am a fan of stores and cheaply made items.

Lisa.  She is such a show-off.

I kid!  I jest!

Jason and Amy travelled from wherever-it-is-they-dwell to wherever-it-is-we-dwell to join in on the festivities.

Remember Jason?

Jason had the audacity to inform me that he thinks I try to embarass him a lot.


Amy found this lovely ornament on the tree.

Let's take a closer look, shall we?

You cannot deny that Jason is wearing a fantastic pink hat.

Alright.  Back to the guns.

My boys ruthlessly shot everyone in the room.  I felt bad.  It is Christmas and all.  So I told them to just shoot pictures.

But they forgot.

Do you see this look?

This is Alex challenging his brothers to a duel.

Or whatever in the heck that is.

Here's Jason.

Remember Jason?

Jason vs. Alex

I don't recall who won.  Cause I don't care.

Then Alex, who was looking mighty fierce . . .

decided to challenge the most handsomest buckaroo of all.

I don't recall who won.

Cause I don't care. 

 And I was trying to figure out what accessory from the 90's that I used to wear would have come in handy for my husband in this picture:

Ah, yes.  This gem:


I was probably sporting one of those around the same time Jason was wearing his pink hat.

On Christmas morning, the children woke up and opened their presents.

We got the boys a train table.

Fun Fact:  Little Dude was in a mood on Christmas Eve and he insisted that he wear his festive sweater vest over his jammies.

Clearly he is a slave to fashion.

The girls received a horse stable set.

And some other lovelies . . .

My parents and sister came over for the day.  This was the first Christmas our family ever got to stay home on Christmas Day before and it was a lovely change.

My dad was riveted by our company.

I cooked a dinner.  My dad helped a lot.  Everyone survived.  We had lots of fun.


And I finally got to take the tree down . . .

It sure held up well.

And today.

Today, Lucy brought us not one, but two deer legs and what I suspect to be a rib cage.



Hope you all had a lovely weekend!