Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Good King Wenchlaburg

Today is the Hodgepodge Day.  Hop on over to Joyce's blog if you would like to play along!

1. What does it mean to have the 'holiday spirit'?


I can show you what it means to not have the holiday spirit.

Please examine this picture that my girls took of my husband on Joyous-Fun-Christmas-Tree-Decorating-Night.

He really loves all things festive.

2. What sits atop your tree (s)? Why?


We have always had an angel.

This year's angel would like to "abandon ship."

I can't say that I blame her.

I am not the best of decorators.

Look!  Here is our homemade nativity scene:

I know what you are all thinking . . .

"Taylor!  You truly must begin a crafting section on this blog!"

All in good time, my dear readers.

All in good time.


My tree is a trainwreck.

It is dying a slow and messy death.

I have no idea why . . .



3. When was the last time you gave yourself a pat on the back?

When was the last time I didn't?

Oh, just kidding.

Probably when I came up with that superb nativity craft I showed you only a few moments ago.

I mean, come on!  Mary has red pig-tail style braids!

My parenting style truly stimulates creativity, does it not?


4. Which of your senses is most sensitive this time of year?

Probably my motherly sense.

Does that count?

I mean, if I can hold my son on the night that he is sick and throwing up, cherish the smell of his pukey hair, hold him tight and wish he would stay that small forever . . . there must be something off-kilter inside of me.


5. What do you have too much of in your kitchen?

I have too many things that should not be in my kitchen.

Exhibit A:

Hot Tip:  If you push everything back against the backsplash and wipe the front half of the counters, you kitchen is faux-clean!

Exhibit B:

I know, I know.

I really need to add a decorating section to this blog as well.


6. What do you do for meals on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? Big meal? Breakfast tradition? Open the cookie tins and have at it?

We eat at my inlaws house for Christmas Eve.  The tradition is to bring gobs of finger foods and desserts.

On Christmas morning, we eat whatever.  I don't ever remember breakfast. 

I submit that cereal can be, and is, magical!

Christmas lunch and dinner is always at my parents house where they put all cooks to shame.

But . . .

This year my parents are coming to Ruralville for some tasty homemade treats from yours truly!

My first ever Christmas Dinner!

What shall I serve them?

Elk lasagna?

A ham from the 400 pound big David lassoed on the highway?


Please advise.


7. What is the best thing about winter?

Sweatshirts and jeans.

They are much more forgiving than swimsuits.


8. Insert your own random thought here

The girls had their piano recital this weekend!  They did great.

The cutest part was when Daisy Mae had to stand up and announce her song.

She said, "My name is ________ and I am playing Good King Wenchlaburg."

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can guess the song she played.

200 (meaningless) points to anyone who can spell it correctly.

300 (meaningless) points to anyone who can pronounce it.

Check out Joyce's blog for more entries or to link up yourself!


  1. Good King Wenceslas? and say it how it sounds? :)
    I have done the faux clean before works wonders for quick fix

  2. and that tree is very sad :(

  3. "A ham from the 400 pound big David lassoed on the highway?"
    HAHHAHAHA....oh my gosh. Imagine ham coming from a 400 pound big David! Lassoed on the highway! Ohh this just gets better and better! :)

  4. Great minds think alike in the faux cleaning department. I like to line all of my bathroom goodies up along the back of the counter so it looks like there is a big clean space! Every now and then when I'm feeling real risqué I sweep all the weird furries/makeup particles/hair off the counter with my hand. Classy, right?

    P.s saw a bib at Babys R Us that said "Little Dude" and went back to look at it 3 times before I decided you would probably think I was a creeper if I bought it for you.


  5. Taylor. You are the best. I wish I had one-tenth of your humorous perspective on the day-in and day-outness of life. I will show you my kitchen again one day. It does not look like it does the last time you saw a photo. Waaah!

  6. You're a busy mom and things like decorating and crafts can wait. Your girls are #1. My kids are all grown up and I still do the corner stash whenever I can get away with it!

  7. A better trick than the corner stash is the bag stash. Sweep it all into a bag and stash the bag in the a. coat closet because its so full anyway what's one more bag b. pantry because again, who will notice another bag on top of the big basket of bags already there or c. dishwasher....because seriously, who ever opens the dishwasher besides mom? I say whatever works.

    I love the little homemade nativity...Mary is laying down. She's a brand new mother and I'm sure she was tired.

  8. I submit that I used to enjoy sniffing my boy's head after he'd wake up all slobbery and nasty.
    Gross, I know.
    But the puke hair is taking it to a whole new level.
    I aspire to be the kind of mom you are.

    Not really though.

  9. We could truly bond over that whole crafting thing. And the decorating thing. I'm trying to post a picture of my tree this week after the cats got a hold of it. We had a hanging star from the top of the tree which, in Florida, is almost like a hanging chad, except without the political ramifications.

    That's the first time I've ever seen a picture of LJ with any expression on his face. So I would consider it a photographical improvement. : ) Stoicism will only take you so far.

  10. My condolensces on the tree. And I totally vote pizza for Christmas dinner. And I simply can't wait for your decorating and crafting sections on the blog! You will fill the void Martha Stewart left in my life when she stopped having a network show! :)

  11. LucyFur is getting so big!

    And I think the ham would probably be the best choice for Christmas dinner.

    Marla @ www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com

  12. I hope you leave the angel that way all through Christmas as I think it is too funny! Is this tree cut right from your land?

    Love your craftiness too! It is what makes you, you:)

  13. We too have a suicidal angel. Perhaps they are not the most mentally stable of creatures.

  14. You crack me up when you talk CB talk. I don't know what happened to my link at Joyce's, but when tried it just a minute ago, it went to the right post. Apparently it realized today was not a day to mess with me, and it decided to straighten up and behave. I wish my children would follow suit. : )

  15. yall are too cute! Love the Christmas cheer / scrooge face!

  16. Wow! LucyFur is so big! My how they grow.... anyway, I vote for a potluck dinner at your house, so you still get out of most of the cooking. You do one main dish and make them bring stuff, too. I don't know. It sounds good.
    As for the song, I have NO idea. But I am terribly curious and can't wait to find out!!

  17. My angel is trying to jump ship too! I have the darndest time getting her to stay up there! I usually break down and put up a santa hat, and she just sits near by...It's more commercial, but certainly less dangerous that way!

  18. Christmas dinner is an homage to my Hubs' Italian roots. We have a big honkin' lasagna, big honkin' salad, yummy fresh garlic bread...and that is it! That is one tradition I was happy to take on after marriage.

  19. ahahaha! You totally crack.me.up! Love your decorating and crafting style. We are exactly the same. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

  20. Nifty Nativity Crafty Idea. :)

  21. today I was thinking about bloggers, and how they are all crafty and decorate-y and their house is always clean-ish with decorated crafts that they made. I thought, "What the? I do NOT belong to this class of citizens." And, I really need to put the packing tape, memory game, four sippy cups and Santa on a motorcyle away, off of my kitchen counter.
    Then I read this, and it was like coming home...minus Elk Lasagna.

  22. Okay, so this comment is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY late, but I would like to say that I think you sounded EXACTLY like I thought you would! Nice sweet voice! With your sense of humor, your voice is PERFECT!

  23. You are a brave woman making Christmas dinner. Here's a link to Martha Stewart's An Easy Christmas Dinner Menu http://www.delish.com/entertaining-ideas/holidays/christmas/martha-stewart-easy-dinner-recipes that I came across whilst perusing through her Christmas cookie list.

    No elk or big pig ham though.
