Saturday, December 11, 2010

High Stress Alert.

Yes.  Hello.  Good Morning.

1.  We went on a date on Friday night.  We went to our favorite Greek restaurant (it was not the belly dancer night-hooray!) and to a movie.

2.  Fact Check:  In my previous post, I wrote, and I quote: "Notice how neither grandparental set has taken on all 4 of them at once."  "Them" of course, being my children. 


That was a lie.  I didn't mean that.  I meant, "Notice how no one is taking all 4 overnight tonight."

What can I say?  Sometimes I just type out meaningless drivel and pay no never mind to what I am saying.

Does this surprise you?

Well, both my parents stopped "pretending" like they don't read my blog (Yes.  I am on to you, Mom and Dad.) to leave a comment and point out that they took all four kids for a week when we were in Cancun.

Yes.  You did.  Thank you.  I am sorry.  I stand corrected.

3.  Little Dude stepped on the scale last night.  It read "33."  He threw his hands in the air, cheered, and yelled, "Yay!  I fifty dollars!"

4.  The girls have their first ever piano recital today, bless their hearts.  Daisy Mae could care less and doesn't seem worried about it a bit.  The only thing she talks about is how her piano teacher said she can't wear her swimsuit or come naked.

*giggle, giggle, chuckle, chuckle, giggle, giggle*

Sweet Pea is on high stress alert. 
As she was practicing, her face was twisting and contorting into worried looks, and she was gasping and choking back sobs in anticipation of the fear and embarrassment that shall surely come her way tomorrow.

I am nervous for them.  I am no stranger to the piano recital performance.

I started taking piano lessons at the age of 12 . . . a little later than most children. 

I loved it. 

I continued with the lessons through my junior year in high school. 

For my last recital, I played a 13-page performance of Celine Dion’s, “My Heart will Go On” from the Titanic.

See full size image

I don’t wanna brag, but I brought down the house.

Of course, my competition was 6-8 year olds who were butchering “Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star.”

But that is besides that point.

After my award-winning performance, I was swarmed by those 6-8 year olds, wondering how I could play so well.

Well, girls . . . I am twice your age.

And apparently I am a loser, because there is no one else here even near my age bracket.

But, don’t worry.

I let myself have my moment of glory.

I shook their little hands, gathered my 13 pages of sheet music, held my head high, and walked out of there a star.

And I never performed again.

5.  Goober Parent Update, Kindle Edition

Some of you might recall that my dad is a technology goober.


And some of you might further recall that he got a Kindle last Christmas.

Of which he has yet to use.  Because:

a)  He doesn't know how

b)  He always thinks his children stole it from him

Since I got my new phone, I have been bragging to him about how I can use the Kindle application on my phone.  Yesterday, he was questioning how this whole, tricky Kindle process works and I showed him on my phone how you can go to the "Kindle Store."

It was a whole new world for him.

So, he played around and looked at everything you can buy and was even hoping to find some good Bible commentaries.

"Wow.  This is neat.  I should do this."

Yes, Dad.  Kindles are neat.  And they were neat last year when you received it.

A few hours later, I checked my email and noticed a reciept from Amazon.

Turns out my Goober Dad figured out how to purchased a book!

Sadly, he purchased it on my Kindle and with my bank account.

Me:  Dad!  You bought something!

Dad:  Great!  What did I buy?

Me:  "The One Minute Bible."

Dad:  Huh?  I wonder why?

Me:  Yup.

Dad:  Great!  I will read it soon!

Me:  Dad!  You bought it on my Kindle.  Not yours.

Dad:  Oh?  Really?  How?

Me:  Cause you were on my phone.  With my account.

Dad:  Oh.  I will pay you back.

Me:  Oh, it's not a big deal.  It's just funny.

Dad:  You're right.  You probably could use the Bible in your life anyways.


I think my Dad just burned me.

Happy Sunday!


  1. I hated piano recitals. I was totally a Daisy Mae right up until it was time to perform. Then I had a Sweet Pea moment. It was unpleasant and perhaps psychologically scarring as I quit piano shortly there after. (It might have also had something to do with how I'd rather talk to my piano teacher than actually practice!)

  2. Muhahaha. You did get burned... :)

    Good luck to your girlies.

    Marla @

  3. Your dad cracks me up! =) I love the "goober updates"

  4. Maybe he just pretends to be a goober. Maybe he really knew what he was doing and wanted you to have a bible. On your dime. Dads can be tricky.

  5. Oh Taylor...I feel your girls' pain, and I feel yours for them. I have found myself nearly having to throw up on the soccer sidelines many a time during stressful games. It's not fun.

    And your dad is a hoot! I think he purposely bought that Bible thing on your phone to pay you back for the babysitting slight. He just plays techno-dumb to lead you on. ;)

  6. I endured recitals where I was shaking so badly that my fingers wouldn't stay on the keys and my foot kept slipping off the pedal. But I stuck with it year after year for a very good reason. I didn't want the other girls to get better than me.

    Yep. I play the piano in church now because I was a very shallow teenager. My sisters quit playing in high school.

    Whose sorry now?

  7. 1. It is never to late to learn a new skill such as piano playing. 2. Hooray for your dad and his one book kindle and he is maybe learning a new Kindle type skill as well! 3. We could always use a little more Bible in our lives. 4. Why do boys celebrate weight gain and don't mind telling their weight but girls don't celebrate and definitely do mind? 5. Hooray for date night!

  8. 1. It is never to late to learn a new skill such as piano playing. 2. Hooray for your dad and his one book kindle and he is maybe learning a new Kindle type skill as well! 3. We could always use a little more Bible in our lives. 4. Why do boys celebrate weight gain and don't mind telling their weight but girls don't celebrate and definitely do mind? 5. Hooray for date night!

  9. Too stinkin' funny. I live for the Goober alerts. Your dad reminds me of my own. He would download the Bible directly into my brain if he could. I don't know why he worries.
    I seriously laughed out loud at this post.

  10. Yup - your daddy burned you good. LOL

  11. I just DIED laughing. Well, figuratively speaking. Too funny! I think your Dad rocks. :-)

  12. haha he is a hoot. We got one for my husband's mom this Christmas and I can just imagine her being overwhelmed with the whole process. She is not what you call a happy camper either so I have just burned myself! fifty dollars- that is priceless.

  13. Your dad is too funny! Loved his last comment!!

  14. Ha too funny! I have fond memories of Celine Dion's 13 page sheet music as well. As seventh graders our whole class was forced to sing this by our music teacher at our "Spring Sing." All. Thirteen. Pages. Of. It! Do you think this is an appropriate ballad for hormonally confused 13 and 14 years olds? I think not!

    I think it's great that your girls are learning piano.

    What movie did ya'll see?

  15. Dude, I'm uber impressed that you could play "My Heart Will Go On." And I thought I was on a roll with "Hot Cross Buns".. you make me look bad!

  16. Your dad is funny. I love it!

    I SO understand Sweet Pea's pain. I took piano and I hate hate hated the recitals. I have to pee and smile frantically when I get nervous, so all I can remember about them is smiling like an idiot/having to pee with great ferociousness, being hot and cold and terrified at the same time. Oh, it was HORRIBLE.

  17. Oh yes, forgot to say that I finally answered the questions you tagged me for a million years ago. Also, yay for date night!

  18. I'm cracking up. Your dad is a hoot! :) What a burn! ;)

  19. I had a recital once, got so nervous, lost my place and went running off the stage in tears. Never performed again.

    And when my son was three he used to stand on the scale and no matter what he weighed he declared he was 600 pounds. And was very proud of his little self.

  20. Burn, baby burn...... yes, you did.

    I think that you should give misinformation about them more frequently to see how quickly they will correct you. Your Dad is probably much better with electronics than he lets on and bought the one minute bible to protect our soul.

  21. Oh dear, the first piano recital. I was supposed to play We Three Kings. Got up there, played a few keys and then froze. WE THREE KINGS, people. I can play We Three Kings by ear and I haven't played piano since I was 10. But it's okay, I just ran off stage and cried into my mothers arms.

    And your Dad cracks me up.

  22. oooohhhh burn.....*licks her finger, raises it up in the air and makes a check mark in mid-air whilst making a sizzling sound* i know, i'm i digress...
