Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fancy Schmancy

Our trip started early Thursday morning.  The plan was for me and my dad to leave with all my kids on Thursday morning and my mom, LJ, and my niece and nephew to leave Thursday night.


It's a long story.  Just go with it.

My goal on Thursday was to be driving away by 7:15am to pick up my dad no later than 8.  I went out to start the rig.  But the rig would not start.


So, I called my husband.

LJ:  What's up?

Me:  The car won't start.

LJ:  Are you serious?

Me:  Why would I joke about such things!?

I will admit, I was a bit snippy.

LJ:  Ok.  You are going to need to jump it.


Guess how many times Taylor has jumped a rig?

Me:  Ok.  Can you talk me through it?

LJ:  First you need to pop the hood.

And that, my friends, is where it all went downhill.  You would think that a woman who is 29 years old, has birthed four children, homeschools said children, and knows how to make her own jam (holla!) would be able to simply pop open the hood of the ginormous rig her husband requires her to drive around.

But, no.  No.  No.  No.

LJ calls a few minutes later to check on me.  And I may or may not have been crying.  Or wailing. 

Because, herein lies the problem.

There is no other vehicle option for me on this trip.  And we have to get to the rehearsal on that very night for the wedding my girls are flower girls for.  And I live too far for anyone to help me.  And the car was completely packed with all our stuff.  And the kids' coats were already on.

Do you know how long it takes to get all the kids coats on?

And, most importantly, WHY CAN'T I POP THE STUPID HOOD?

So.  My husband and his apprentice had to leave the job and come open the hood and jump the rig.

And me and my dad got an almost 2 hour late start and I had a crying headache for the rest of the day.

So that was fun.

For the last 2 hours of the trip, Little Dude screamed.  I mean, he seriously screamed.  The kid did not sleep ONCE during that car trip.  Not once.  The only way I could calm him down was to play his favorite song over and over and over and over and over.

His song of choice?  "Tractor Tractor" by Andrew Peterson and Randall Goodgame.  Have you heard this?

Anyways.  We got the flower girls to the rehearsal 40 minutes late, which was really courteous on our part.  Then we went to the dinner at 8pm where Little Dude flirted with and wowed everyone with his charming self.

Me and my dad did not fall for his boyish charms, however, for we know the truth about Little Dude.  The truth being that he can be quite particular and cranky.  So we just glared at him from across the table as he entertained his adoring fans.

On Friday, we took the kids to the ocean and I wrote all about that nonsense yesterday.

Saturday was the wedding.

Everyone got all fancified.

My dad and my niece.

My mom with my nephew and my son, Handsome Dude.  Oddly enough, Handsome Dude was not cooperating and was not in the mood to sit still.

Which is weird for Handsome Dude.

"Look!  We both have glasses!  I know how to break them, you know, if you don't want to wear them.  I do it all the time.  Drives my mom crazy.  She needs to chill."

Sister Meagan in all her bridesmaid-ish glory.

Flower girl Daisy Mae.

Fun Fact:  During the saying of the vows, the groom got choked up and my daughter started giggling quite loudly.

Aunt Meagan had to nip that in the bud.

Flower Girl, Sweet Pea, watching the bride and groom say their vows.  Umm . . . isn't she too young to think this stuff is so enchanting?

After the pastor prayed, Little Dude yelled, "My Turn!" and began to pray.

Don't worry.  My family was only slightly disruptive.

My sister and I decided we should have a special photo of ourselves to capture this moment in time.

Regretfully, we enlisted The Lumberjack to take this photo.

Which was a mistake of gigantic proportions.

And he was being really annoying about it and trying to bug us.

Which is really weird for LJ.

LJ:  You guys look dumb.

Me:  Thanks.  Take a nice picture.

LJ:  I am done.

Meagan:  Take the picture.

Me:  Don't use the flash.

LJ:  I want to use the flash.

Me:  No!  It makes it look worse.

LJ:  I disagree.  I am using the flash.

Me:  No.

LJ:  Yes.

Me:  No.

LJ:  Yes.

Meagan:  For the love of everything, David.  Don't use the flash.

LJ:  ha ha!  Meagan looks stupid.

Meagan:  Whatever, Dave.

Then me and Meagan had to discuss with the entire table just how annoying David truly is.

Because he is.

Aaaaaaannnnnnndddddd . . . . I love him.

Then my mom wanted to be in the picture.

And the vicious cycle began again.

Somehow, my parents ended up at the kid table.

Don't look so dismayed, Dad.

You are there because you look so spry and youthful.

Sweet Pea caught the bouquet.

And even got to dance with her dad.

And he was thrilled to be out there, might I add.

And he was also thrilled to be wearing his dressy Carhartts and his going-to-town boots.

Yes.  It was a snazzy weekend.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Ohhhhhh! A wedding! Now it all makes more sense. I was thinking you were a little crazy going on a random trip to the ocean a week before Christmas just because you wanted to, but you know, to each her own. But that makes sense. And your flower girls looked beautiful. Nice job on their hair, by the way! :)
    And now you can breathe that that part is over and start going crazy over Christmas stuff. Arent' I helpful?

  2. Looks like a great wedding. I think you need to teach LJ some camera pointers.

  3. Your mother looks really young...when you write about them I picture them looking more like my grandma and less like, um, me?

    Happy Christmas!

  4. Your mother looks young with all that dark hair! And I cannot believe you're 29 with four kids - nice work! Merry Christmas!

  5. That picture of Meagan with her eyes bugging out is hi.lar.i.ous! Great laughs this morning, thank you! You and your sister looked very beautiful, despite the flash.
    We are in Sunny San Diego on vacation where it has been raining for 4 days straight. Ugh! Only 2 more days of rain to go. Yay. It never rains that much here. Like ever. Only on our vacation. We have to go find a museum or 2 or 3.

  6. You lead a fancy life, that is for sure. That wedding looks glorious. Also reading this makes me so glad I'm not still planning our wedding.

    And also: Flash is of the devil, amen and amen.

  7. Heehee. My hubby has go-to-town-boots, too, though he calls them his "dress boots." First man I ever knew to buy dress boots at REI. :)

    I'm sorry about your frustrating drive. But be grateful that Little Dude's favorite song isn't Convoy...

  8. You and your sister looked beautiful, and I'm amazed that you were smiling after such an eventful trip. I've occasionally bargained with my husband to take some of the naughtier of our children when we have to travel separately. He always agrees, but when he returns the children, they've either learned new (and more annoying songs) or new (and more inappropriate for polite society) behaviors. Sometimes it's worth it to simply put up with the screaming. : )

  9. Christmas weddings are beautiful. I should have gotten married at Christmas.

    He has "goin' to town" boots? Don't tell my Hubs. He only has combat boots and regular boots. He'll want "goin' to town boots" if he finds out.

    Oddly enough, he has several pairs of combat boots, in more than one color!

  10. Sounds like it was quite a trip. 8-O

  11. Didn't know there was such thing as "dressy Carharts." Does that mean he didn't spill oil or paint on them yet? I would totally sneer, but I am married to a man who PURPOSELY always wears his favorite sweatshirt when we go to nice places. It's so much his favorite he wears it for painting, painting, oil changing, hunting and more painting. UGH! Yea, it has a buck embroidered on the front, but I can't tell you how many points the buck has on its rack, because I. don't. care. Merry Christmas!

  12. I always say that if you walk away with a good story to tell that it was worth it. You got a great story out of this one. :)

  13. Looks like a wild trip! I love reading your blog- it cracks me up! Did your mom pick up the Christmas cards yet?

  14. I'm amazed at how young your mom looks! I love the picture of you & your sister!

  15. Taylor, you are so beautiful! I'm telling you. The Lumberjack better start smiling in his pictures. He has the prettiest wife ever (and you actually love him). What more could that man ask for?


  16. Looks like a great time! Everyone looked good!

  17. Enjoyed this post enormously! Your sense of humour is fantastic.
    Tell your mom she looks like she could be your sister! Not only do I mean it, but I know that when we hit 40+, that kind of comment is that bright spot in our lives. She's beautiful, as are you and Megan...even though she looks a little annoyed at moments, but rightfully so.

  18. Your mother looks like Marie Osmond! You have such cute kids. Know what I like the most when your write about them? You find the cuteness in the hardest part of child rearing. Your husband cracks me up!

  19. Oh my goodness - it just can't be easy with small children can it? Looks like it turned out good though! And even if LJ was the worst photographer on earth, he couldn't ruin how pretty you are girlfriend!

  20. Taylor! I've said this before, and I'll say it again. You are beautiful!
    And you can tell a great story.

  21. Seeing Sweet Pea dance with her daddy brought a tear to my eye. It was touching. She is growing up so fast. She will always have a special place in my heart :)
