Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy Girls, Serious Boys

On Sunday, we got our family pictures taken for the first time in the history of our Maliblahblah family.

The children did extremely well.


Ha!  Does anyone still say "psych" anymore?  Or just cool people like me?

Anyways, as a friend commented, the theme for these pictures should be:

"Happy Girls and Serious Boys."

Our photographer/friend did a fantastic job and even wiped snot off of not one, but two of my boys' noses.

If that's not great service, I don't know what is!

Here are some of the shots:

And . . . for the biggest surprise of all . . .

She captured a smile!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I love it. And the fact that the boys are so serious just adds to their level of cool guy-ness. You have a beautiful family Taylor!

  2. Sweet pictures! The one of you and, oh gosh I forget the nicknames, sweet pea? The one with you and your youngest daughter is just beautiful. :) Can't wait to see you all next week!!!
    Love you!

  3. Bonus points for the smiling Lumberjack for sure!

  4. No, Taylor.
    Under no circumstances does anyone say "psych" anymore.

  5. My fav is the b/w one with Little Dude on LJ's shoulders. It is very sharp.

  6. STUNNNN-ING! You need to hurry up, frame a life size and throw it up on the wall where aforementioned "rack" might end up.

  7. A smile, who knew it was possible? Certainly not the people in bloggersworld. Your photographer, who did a great job, must have been like one of those Discovery photo journalist searching for the elusive ungetable get. She (and yes, I'm assuming it was a she) was certainly very patient, but did a great job.

  8. These made me smile so (I saw the full round you put on FB)...they are so great. Even the ones with crying. :)
    And you are one very beautiful lady!

  9. Ok Taylor maliblahblah you are not looking anywhere near 29 (if that is indeed your true age) and is that a person in that ice cold water???? Fantabulous pictures, I really heart them, although it really wouldn't hurt sir lumberjack to smile a little more!

  10. I wrote a little blurb in my blog one day about how my hubs loves to use the word psyche. Here it is-
    Several people commented that they use the word too which made hubs happy. The girls and I tried to tell him no one has used that word since 1980.

    Great pics!

  11. I believe if one uses the "rapper spelling" of the word, i.e., "sike" it is deemed acceptable. You have already proved your rapper spelling proess with the word "skillz."
    get DOWN wich'o bad sef, LJW.

  12. I was just thinking, "Hey, the LJ never smiles," then he did. Nice. Glad he knows how to smile. I was worried for a minute.

  13. Those are great! Its been fun seeing everyone post Monica's photos. I get to do the Meliza's photos on Sunday. Hope they turn out as well.

  14. Great pictures! You and your girls are incredibly photogenic. After looking at several shots, I realized where your boys' serious approach to photography comes from. Have you ever asked your mother-in-law for pictures of LJ when he was a child? Is he crying in all of them? Perhaps this is hereditary! And he grew into this man who doesn't cry anymore, but can't quite bring himself to smile either.

    Just a theory. : )

  15. Beautiful photos! I especially love the ones of you and the boys on your own.
    Your Lumber Jack should've been a Soldier like my honey. They don't smile in pictures (at least in his official photos, yes we have "official" photos in the Army) LJ has his battle face on all the time too :)

  16. Love it! Snorted my coffee on this one! :)

  17. They look wonderful. Especially your oldest girl . . .oh wait. That's you!! : )

  18. LD is clearly suspicious of this whole process. Even so, you got some great results. It probably helps that you have such a gorgeous group. :)

  19. They are all beautiful shots!!

  20. He smiled. He really smiled!!! :)

  21. Perhaps it's a "like Father, like Sons" situation? Great family pictures, I love them.

  22. They are great! Why does that man not smile? And why were the boys so bummed out?

    I guess it wouldn't be a Lumberjack photo session if it went out without a hitch :)

    You look gorgeous, by the way! Youthful and slim and trim!

    Glad to see that the LJ smiled for one !

  23. Watch it, you two.

  24. I DO - I DO - I DO - still say psych - and yes people do look at me funny like that is just a stupid thing to say! But hey, can't we just all agree that there are certain situations that DEMAND the use of that word (or if you wear your pants on the ground I guess it's "sike"). Love the photos - especially the black and whites.....

  25. I love all of the photos!!!! They turned out fab!!! You all look great!! Sweet pea's hair looks so wavy and glam in those last few shots....it reminds me of the time you taught all of us how to use a curling iron!

  26. You look like a Prell Shampoo girl!

  27. Those photos suck.


    (See, there's two of us cool people!)

  28. Dear Mrs. LJ - I regret to inform you that you have now been deemed to pretty to be my friend.. If I stand next to you I will look like an Ork from Lord of the Rings.

  29. Your blog. Your words. You say psych all you want. you can say groovy and outasite also. Love the photos. Good photographer. Don't know why the boys have such a hard time with photos. Got a big fat letter today. More grins for me! Holla!

  30. Love all the photos. Love the red church as well.
