Thursday, December 30, 2010

Short and Succinct

Here is the second installment of my fantastic recap of the year 2010.

I hope you have your party pants on.


1.  I made fun of people who wear socks with sandals.

It is against everything I believe in.

But then . . . then I remembered this photo:

and I had to eat humble pie.

2.  Also in April, I lived through two horrifying experiences:

A)  I had to take my boys with me to the doctor's office and they watched me pee in a cup.  It was magical.

B)  We made the most disgusting, epic entrance to a birthday party.  Ever. 

3.  Handsome Dude peed on my dryer.

4.  We started to get busy with our last home remodeling projects in hopes of moving out.

And when I say "we," I, of course, mean The Lumberjack.

"We" worked on the kitchen.

"We" worked on the yard.

And "we" worked on the laundry room:

I focused in on the wrong stud.

5.  Handsome Dude began insisting on dressing himself daily.

To this day, he still forgets to put on socks and puts his shoes on the wrong feet.

And I am too tired to care.

6.  Are you thinking that the "April" section is getting too long?

You are not alone.

7.  After two months of waiting and wondering, we discovered that the bank would accept our offer on the Ruralville house.

And thus began the longest, most worrisome, closing period known to man.

8.  I started a Facebook page for this blog. 

9.  The Lumberjack brought home some deer antlers and Handsome Dude tried desperately to find someone to help him, "Bix da Elk."


1.  I had my one year blogging anniversary.

2.  Handsome Dude got, yet another, new pair of glasses.

Of which he has taken superb care of.


3.  I took my boys on a walk.

We saw many feathered friends, all of which my boys called, "Ducks! Quack!"

Fact Check:  This was from when we lived at our old house.  This is not, I repeat, not Ruralville.  Ruralville does not have sidewalks.

4.  I took Daisy Mae shopping with me and made the mistake of allowing her into the fitting room with me.

Oh, for the poking!

Oh, for the questions!

Oh, for the chubs!

5.  Sister Meagan graduated from college.

And Daisy Mae was taken to the ER.  So, that was a dull trip.

6.  Little Dude learned the parts of the body.

7.  We took our first camping trip.

8.  "We" were still working on our house.


1.  "We" finished "our" projects.

Actually, the Lumberjack finished his projects.

I was just there to be his eye candy.

Or something like that.

2.  Handsome Dude put the hangers away for me.

He is uber helpful.

3.  We officially closed on the Ruralville house.

4.  Daisy Mae graduated from Kindergarten.

5.  My grammy died.

6.  Little Dude turned 2.

7.  Between the move to Ruralville and getting our other house ready for vacation rentals, The Lumberjack and I experienced a bit of stress.

Serenity Now.

8.  I turned 29.  For the first time.


Wow.  That post was short and succinct.

Tell me, dear reader . . . what was something memorable you did in the year 2010?

Happy Thursday!



  1. That picture of Daisy Mae with the flowers was your best of the year. :)

    In 2010 I turned 40. For the last time.

  2. Just saying 29 sounds sweet. I also celebrated a birthday. It was not 29.
    I like the looking back post...I would like to try something similar but I don't think my year was quite as exciting as yours : )

    Happy 2011!

  3. I had a baby! How's that for a memorable event? ;) I'm loving these recaps by the way!

  4. What?!! You don't normally keep your hangers in your freezer?

  5. Made new and fun blogarific friends. It is clear I need to get out more.

  6. I turned a horrid number! Which is still hard to say... :)
    And we took a family trip to NY! fun times

  7. Highlights of my 2010: I found YOU, dear Taylor Maliblahblah..., We downsized our home and moved a whole 3/4 of a mile away from our old home (but yet, had to change schools...sigh..darn boundaries), 2010 definitely wasn't as exciting as yours. Over and out.

  8. You CRACK ME UP! This is such a fun way to re-cap the year. Love it, and love that you took a picture of a wall stud. And I love how your house turned out that you then sold?! "You" do good work. Where the heck is ruralville, because we've been thinking of moving there for a while ;)

  9. For a new reader of your blog this was a great way to catch up!

  10. Lumberjack did the kitchen tile? Can I borrow him? It's the most gorgeous tile ever.
    And wood floors in the kitchen? I covet. I covet much.

    Most memorable thing for me in 2010 was my daughter flying down a slide and crashing into a most handsome guy who is now her new beau. We adore him. He's brought so much laughter and joy and love into her life that it warms my husband's and my hearts.
    Plus he likes us, fuddy duddy old foggie parents that we are. That in itself is amazing.

  11. And a Merry (late) Christmas to you. Boy, have I missed you because I've been such a bad blog friend. I sure hope I get back on the blog wagon in 2011.

  12. Hi Taylor,
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I have spent some time reading yours just now, and I am laughing! Recapping the year sounds like fun. I am still blogging about the holidays. Spreading the celebrations out over a week makes it so much more doable for me. And it stretches out the fun.
    I hope to finish my Christmas blogging today, and then I plan to blog about making New Year's Resolutions. Not the most popular thing, but I really think we all need to resolve to makes changes for the better. We'll see how that goes.

    Have a great day!

  13. I started my blog this year and started reading your blog. Those were both memorable events. You make me laugh and I need a good laugh.

  14. Well, I got engaged, graduated from college, and got married. Whew. What an amazing year. :)

    I love these recaps, by the way.

    Marla @

  15. great recap post dear!! can't wait to "hear" the rest, although i was following most of it as it happened....but hey, you are amazing ,so..... =)
