Monday, December 27, 2010

The Christmas Recap.

I trust you all had a good Christmas, no?

The mission statement for this post is to recap our Christmas weekend.

I am going to tell you that I shall attempt to make this post short and sweet.

But we all know the truth.

On Christmas Eve, Lucy brought back the deer leg.  This information serves no purpose other than to make you all pity me.


After we witnessed the horrifying carnage, we drove off to church for Christmas Eve service.  Christmas Eve service has become my favorite part of the holidays.  It is the one time I feel calm.  It is the one time I feel like I can relax.  It is the one time I don't feel like I have other things I should be doing.  And it is a great time to worship and remember the greatest gift of all.

Every year we go to LJ's (short for Lumberjack . . . keep up, people!) family's house for Christmas Eve.  We all meet there after church and eat finger foods and exchange gifts.

Aunt Lisa got my dudes toy guns.


I'm sure they won't ever be naughty with them.

Is not Handsome Dude wearing an uber festive sweater?

My niece, Little Miss.

I did not get Little Miss a toy gun.

*Ahem*, Lisa.

My girls made Aunt Lisa a pin cushion holder thingie ma bob.

No, silly readers!  I did not help the girls make it!

My ma-in-law did.

I did not receive a pin cusion.

For I have not pins.  Or needles.  Or a brain.

Aunt Lisa made my girls these super cute headbands.

I would like to announce that I did not make one gift. 


I am a fan of stores and cheaply made items.

Lisa.  She is such a show-off.

I kid!  I jest!

Jason and Amy travelled from wherever-it-is-they-dwell to wherever-it-is-we-dwell to join in on the festivities.

Remember Jason?

Jason had the audacity to inform me that he thinks I try to embarass him a lot.


Amy found this lovely ornament on the tree.

Let's take a closer look, shall we?

You cannot deny that Jason is wearing a fantastic pink hat.

Alright.  Back to the guns.

My boys ruthlessly shot everyone in the room.  I felt bad.  It is Christmas and all.  So I told them to just shoot pictures.

But they forgot.

Do you see this look?

This is Alex challenging his brothers to a duel.

Or whatever in the heck that is.

Here's Jason.

Remember Jason?

Jason vs. Alex

I don't recall who won.  Cause I don't care.

Then Alex, who was looking mighty fierce . . .

decided to challenge the most handsomest buckaroo of all.

I don't recall who won.

Cause I don't care. 

 And I was trying to figure out what accessory from the 90's that I used to wear would have come in handy for my husband in this picture:

Ah, yes.  This gem:


I was probably sporting one of those around the same time Jason was wearing his pink hat.

On Christmas morning, the children woke up and opened their presents.

We got the boys a train table.

Fun Fact:  Little Dude was in a mood on Christmas Eve and he insisted that he wear his festive sweater vest over his jammies.

Clearly he is a slave to fashion.

The girls received a horse stable set.

And some other lovelies . . .

My parents and sister came over for the day.  This was the first Christmas our family ever got to stay home on Christmas Day before and it was a lovely change.

My dad was riveted by our company.

I cooked a dinner.  My dad helped a lot.  Everyone survived.  We had lots of fun.


And I finally got to take the tree down . . .

It sure held up well.

And today.

Today, Lucy brought us not one, but two deer legs and what I suspect to be a rib cage.



Hope you all had a lovely weekend!


  1. You yada yada'd over the best part! =)

  2. I did?! What was the best part?

  3. Taylor- Looks like you had a fantastic Christmas. Daisy Mae looks amazed with her Zu Zu pet, you'll have to let me know how long her wonder lasts. Grace got a set for her birthday and liked it for approximately 28 hours, however she informed me that she will play with them again when friends come over.

  4. Hi Jason! Hi Dad! Your hubby was actually smiling! What a gift. ;)

  5. Looks like lots of fun! So there is one advantage to Ruralville - the family comes to you!

  6. So glad y'all got to enjoy at home and may I say, those are loverly robes the girls are wearing. d u e l not dual har har Thanks for everything! I enjoy seeing what gifts you all got. Fun.

  7. Also very impressed by the headbands. Too cute!!

  8. Love Little Dude's vest. Maybe if you put the deer leg in the crock pot with some pinto beans and a little cayenne.....maybe not.

  9. I think it sounds like a great Christmas, and I'm very pleased that, in spite of all the ruggedness in your extended family, you're keeping LD up on the latest fashions. Apparently, too, you could get LJ to smile in photos more if you simply promised him the opportunity for a shootout with someone immediately following the photo op. Or perhaps during the photo op. Can't be too picky about these things.

    What's LucyFur waiting for? Why doesn't she just drag the rack up onto the porch so you have something else to mount on your walls? : )

  10. awesome!! glad you had a great Christmas...I did , too...although i missed out on the "dual" fun...i always miss out on the good stuff i tell ya!! =) got the girl a cell phone so she can get a hold of us when she wants to "stay after school for a basketball game"...which is teenager talk for "i wanna stay here with my cool friends instead of come home and hang out with you old un-fun people"....oh well, such is life LOL

  11. Excellent recap! We have a 12 hour car ride today with our pup who has been treated to too much cheese by the family this holiday week. Good times! Sounds like you had a nice Christmas and I am with you on the Christmas Eve service...I feel the same.

  12. Staying in your own house on Christmas is the very best idea of all.

    Where are all these dead deer coming from?

  13. So glad you had a great Christmas!

    It must have been a bad year for trees...I pulled ours yesterday morning and I was STILL brushing pine needles out of my hair last night from the needle, needle blizzard that happened every time I pulled an ornament and lights off of it. I will be sweeping needles off my floor until July.

  14. Poor, poor Little Miss, the only family member unarmed!

    And I'm starting to feel weird about wherever you live - is there some terrible deer plague happening outside your front door??

  15. The thought that occurred to me as I was reading this is... Have you seen any episodes of Sarah Palin's Alaska? Her dad's dog is trained to bring animal bones/antlers into the yard, and they have this sculpture that made out of it, and it is huge. Of course, I happen to like things like that--you might not be so thrilled at the prospect. :-) Glad your Christmas was merry and bright!

  16. I hope the train table buys you some peace and quiet whilst you homeschool the girls.

  17. Did I see not one but TWO pictures of LJ sporting a smile?

    Haven't I read that you are not good with a camera?

    I beg to differ.

    Thanks for giving us ALL an unexpected gift! The man smiles!!!

  18. Sounds like a good time! We had a great Christmas too!

  19. Holiday has been busy but nice. :) Visiting with MindyLou. . . she makes us play games at all hours of the night. I'm tired!
    Am leaving your area of Ruralville tomorrow to go back to mine. 40 miles from town. *sigh*
    Shopped at "the mall" and Target today. Holla Target! Wish we had one, even at 40 miles away.
    So glad the fam came to you this time.
    happy almost new year!

  20. might i ask, where did you get the horse stable? my 6 y.o. is in the 'i want a horse' stage.

  21. yada yada-ing over the best part refers to the Seinfeld episode that yada yada came from. Remember Jerry says "you yada yada'd over the best part" and Elaine answers, "No, I mentioned the..." whatever food they had eaten. Yes it is sad that I can nearly quote an episode and can picture the scene in my head...

    Now, I am currently finishing stitching my mother in law's gift. Because I DO believe in cheaply made items: Namely items that I can make on the cheap...We are leaving tonight to do Christmas with our families, and I obviously am super prepared as I am still making gifts! LOL!
