Wednesday, December 29, 2010

In the Year 2010

As 2010 is drawing to a close, I thought I would take a moment to look back at some of the events that occurred over the past year.

And so much has happened that I shall do this in not one, but four exciting installments!

Don't pretend you aren't ecstatic.


1.  In January, I seemed extremely focused to get in shape.  I pretended like I was going to exercise daily for the rest of eternity and become the next Jillian Michaels.  I am happy to report that nonsense has completely left my system and I am still fluffy.

2.  I went to the dentist for the first time in six years.  And I was deemed gross and unclean.

3.  I potty-trained Handsome Dude.  It was the single most exhausting trial of my life.  I am happy to report that the boy is still  doing well with the toilet.  He does not, however, have good aim.  He also insists on wearing his underwear backwards daily, which could be the reason why he has so much stress in his life.


1.  In February, The Lumberjack and I decided to start looking for a house with land.  I loved my house downtown, especially since my husband had remodeled it exactly how I like it.  However, our growing family was getting too big for our cute house and  I could see that my husband had a huge desire to own his own land. 


I don't know. 

Maybe so he can stand proudly with his hands on his hips and look out at all the trees and vast amounts of dirt that he can call his own.  Or, maybe it has to do with the fact that he can cut down a tree or burn some branches and no one will care. 

Also:  he can hunt on his own land.

These are the things that make his world go round.

2.  Handsome Dude was really testing my patience.  Which is odd.  And unusual.  And still going on.

3.  My husband and I went to Cancun to celebrate our 10th anniversary!  Oh, if only I could beam myself there right now.  I loved that trip.  If you would like to read about it, here are the posts:  Airport, The Post Where We Were Nearly Scammed.  And Charged 75k., The time I had to get my hair wet . . .

The night we didn't dance, The time we got lost in Cancun, and then the last post that didn't really have a specific purpose.


1.  In March, we got a call that my grandmother was not feeling well, so we took a quick trip to see her.

2.  That trip was also the first time we met, Amy, our soon-to-be-new-sister-in-law.

3.  Also in March, my husband decided to give our baby a haircut.

The end result?

I am still bitter.

4.  Handsome Dude turned 3!

5.  Daisy Mae turned  6!

6.  On the same day Daisy Mae turned 6, my new niece was born.

And I may have become stricken with baby fever.

Spoiler Alert:  I did not have myself a fifth baby to satisfy my baby fever.


That's enough of this rubbish for today and I shall bid you all adieu.

Is that how you spell adieu?

Is anyone reading this?

But wait!  We need to do the COW.

Last week's went to Erin.  Mostly because everyone in the comments section demanded she get the COW.  And because she is funny.  Even if it is at my expense.

Erin wrote:

I’m glad we’re only interfriends.

Since you’re going to stop showering and all.

Go give Erin a holla and tell her I don't smell and that I am a lovely InterPerson.

Happy Wednesday  . . . is today Wednesday?

I don't recall.

Happy Whatever it is!


  1. I am reading!

    Seeing that I have French blood and come from Canada, I can tell you that your "adieu" is spelled PERFECTLY!!!

    Can't wait to read the rest!

  2. Way to leave us wanting more! Adorable recap!

  3. Your life is one great adventure! I love hearing about lumberjack, lumberjill and the lumberjacklings escapades. :)

  4. Your life is such a roller coaster - only without the height limit...

  5. It's been a very exciting year, Lumberjill. :)

    Marla @

  6. Dang! You were busy. I think the only thing I did was sit here and read your blog.

  7. That is a very, very exciting year.

    So far anyway - it could get boring or weirdly obsessed with cheese in the coming months.

    I'll just have to wait and see.

  8. Since I am married to a Lumberjack-from-Minnesota-turned-City-Slicker, I can tell you exactly WHY your man needed land, and lots of it. Men that love to hunt, fish and tromp through the woods have a secret saying, "If you can't pee off your porch, your neighbors are too close."

  9. That whole peeing-off-the-porch thing is so true. Which is probably the real problem with HD. He doesn't have bad aim. He needs more land.

    Can't believe how much LD had grown this year!

  10. I did my year in review today to. You are largely featured in it.

    You, Taylor Maliblahblah are a popular chica!

  11. You have such an exciting life! And I think Jill should win the COW next.

  12. Oh good heavens, that is it! Mine doesn't love to hunt...but you, wise woman, nailed it on the head. I need to come learn in your wise shadow!!

  13. I am reading! Always do, love it! Wow has it really been almost a year that your poor baby boy received that hair cut!? It goes to show how things that seemed so big can seem not so bad down the line, his hair grew back and he is still adorable as ever. How time flies ....
    I am looking forward to the next 3 intsallments :)
