Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Handsome Dude is 4 today.  I am having a hard time believing this fact, seeing as how he was just born yesterday.

Oh, how I love this boy. 

This child has the ability to drive me nuts and make my heart melt . . . all in the same day.

And now, a list of my favorite memories for Handsome Dude.

1)  His old man baby face.

2)  His misuse of the word "wee."  It is his favorite pretend word.

"I wee scared!"

"You wee nice!"

"Jesus wee naughty."

Yes.  He wee did say that.  And, yes.  I corrected him.  To which he replied:

"You wee mean!"

3)  He brought snow into his room so he could play "dark forest."

4)  He loves to get the mail for me.  True, he drops each letter in the mud multiple times on his way back.  But the thought is sweet.

5)  He is quite responsible with his glasses.  And I use the term "responsible" quite loosely.

6)  He prefers to wear his underwear backwards.  You should try it sometime.  He assures us that his way is most comfortable.

7)  He loves his dad and aspires to be just like him.

8)  If I let him play outside, he yells and shouts:

"Thanks, Mom!  You the best!  The best!"

9)  He loves to do outside chores.  If I send him out to pick up garbage that is strewn about (LucyFur) he acts like I just offered him a trip to Disneyland.

10)  He loves naptime.  And for this, I shall be forever thankful.


Daisy Mae wrote Handsome Dude a birthday card:

Allow me to interpret, if I may:

To you. (She means, Happy Birthday to you.  She must have been short on time.)  Hi.  Your birthday is today.  I love it when you kiss me (She really does.  She is a kisser, that girl.)  Your heart.  (This phrase is open to interpretation.  Perhaps she is saying she loves his heart?  Maybe she is saying his heart is kind?  We cannot be certain.)  Love me love Daisy Mae.


Happy Birthday to my little man!


” . . . So be strong, show yourself a man, and observe what the Lord your God requires:  Walk in his ways and keep his decrees and commands.”

1 Kings 2: 2b-3a


  1. Sweet baby boy. He is wee cute. Happy bday Handsome Dude!

  2. I LOVE the "wee" vocab! It's perfect!!!

  3. What a precious baby he was! And a cutie he is now. Happy birthday to your dude!

  4. Who looks that good right after having a baby? Seriously??

    What a wee sweet post for your wee sweet boy!! I hope it is a fantastic day for him and you guys. Birthdays are a holiday in the world of home schooling right? If not, then they should be :o)

  5. Love the old man baby picture :) Hope he has a great birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday, HD! Lumberjill, I'm just wondering--does #6 and #7 have any connection? : ) Sorry. That was a wee naughty question, wasn't it?

  7. Happy Birthday to your son! They do grow fast, don't they? Oh, and my 4 year old loves to wear his underwear backwards as well. Must be the cool thing to do or something...

  8. Happy Birthday, HD! Hope you have a wee good day!

  9. Oh my. FOUR!!! This is too precious. I wee happy to read it.
    Wee = was? ?? ?
    Party hard my friend. Eat too much cake.

  10. Happy birthday handsome dude!!!

  11. Happy Birthday, Handsome Dude! March birthdays are the best!! :)

  12. Aww, he is a handsome dude! Hope he has a special day!

  13. Happy Birthday Handsome Dude!!!

  14. He is a handsome dude indeed. Congrats to surviving 4 years of mothering a boy. They're wee different aren't they? I love it.

  15. Happy Birthday, Handsome Dude. :)

  16. You looked ridiculously perfect in that post-birth picture! Happy birthday, Handsome Dude! Enjoy every minute, beautiful mama. :)

  17. I think he's perhaps Irish! Don't the Irish or Scottish say "wee?"

    In context: Would you like a wee dram of whiskey?

    I do not drink whiskey. I don't know what a dram is, but I'm pretty sure wee and dram go together!

    He is wee precious, and that card is wee sweet...

    And on the Irish theme, he is a braw young lad!

    Reads Too Many Historical Romances.

  18. He wee adorable! And so is your list of moments and memories!

  19. Prince Charming had a little old man face as well. I just adored it. Baby boys are such...well...boys!

  20. Happy Birthday to Handsome Dude! I love Daisy Mae's sweet note. I thought at the end she was saying "Your heart loves me," she just left out the s on loves. In my years as a teacher trying to decipher, that's how I read it. Anyway, so sweet! Those sisters and their little brothers. Even though my two are twins, Princess thinks of Prince as her "little" brother. She is 30 minutes older after all.
    You are right, it goes way too fast!

  21. I think Handsome Dude should get one cookie for every birthday well wisher on your blog!! heehee

    Happy Birthday, Handsome Dude!

  22. I'm with Jen - you look wee terrific in that "I just had a baby" picture.

    Happiest Birthday Handsome Dude!

  23. Cute letter! Happy birthday to your handsome lil man!!!

  24. Awe... Happy Birthday Handsome Dude!

  25. a VERY handsome dude, indeed!! happy birthday handsome dude,and many many more!!!!
