Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Boys.

It is all I can do to keep my boys occupied whilst I am trying to homeschool the girls.

And folks, I can assure you-this is no easy task.

Oh, sure.  Little Dude appears harmless there at the end of the table.  But he isnothing but trouble.

I am not sure if you've heard or not, but my boys, as precious as they might be, can be kind of naughty.

Yes, I know.  'Tis surprising.

Usually, the boys play right by the table and race trucks through the kitchen and slam into each other's trucks and fight over trains and fight over tractors and fight over books and race and fight and yell and fight and race and yell and fight and race.

I am sure it is the ideal homeschool environment for the girls.

I have this sister-in-law.  Let's call her Lisa.  She purchased toy guns for my boys this Christmas.

For shame, Lisa.  For shame.

I have since had to put the guns in a permanant time out, on account of all the horrific weeping and moaning and yelling they caused.

But my boys are a creative.  They now use hangers to shoot each other.  And they also set their hangers up on hampers to steady them so they can "shoot the deer" that they see outside of the windows.

This is my life.

But there are times, as few as though they might be, when my boys GO PLAY SOMEWHERE ELSE.

This is a win/lose situation, my friends.

Win=I have some uninterrupted time to bestow wisdom on the girls.

Lose=The boys are naughty.  And they are probably doing naughty things.

And now, here is a list of some of things my boys have snuck away and done while I was doing the aforementioned bestowing of the wisdom.

1.  Taught themselves how to brush their own teeth.

Hopefully, next week they will teach themselves how to turn the water off and clean up after themselves. 

2.  There is a door downstairs that leads to the outside.  They are absolutely never, ever allowed to go outside without my permission.

So, you might be as surprised as I was after hearing this conversation I had with Handsome Dude.

Me:  Dude!  Why is the floor wet?

HD (short for Handsome Dude . . . keep up, people!):  I not know!

Me:  Did you go outside?

HD:  No!  Cokey (Little Dude) did!

Me:  Cokey.  Did you go outside?

LD:  Yes!

Me:  Why?

LD: Nah-blah side and um no and um wet and um stick and yay!

HD:  Cokey brought snow inside!  We play in the dark forest.

So, yes.  That conversation was riveting.  And yes, they were bringing piles of snow inside so they could play "dark forest" inside.

3.  Handsome Dude was "vaccuming" his room.  And put a hole in the sheetrock.

 Fun Fact:  Lumberjacks loathe patching sheet rock.

Funner Fact:  I knew not what sheet rock was until I met my dashing Lumberjack.


But, my boys aren't naughty all the time.

I know.  'Tis surprising.

Sometimes they are stinkin' hilarious.

Back in the day, the girls used to play dress up all the time.  My boys have not really shared in their love for dress up.  But they do, upon occasion, play:

"David and Alex."

Now.  David is their dad.  Alex is David's brother.

Remember Alex?

here it is sorry it took so long. i did have any internet access

Whenever Alex wears a hat, he wears it backwards.  Whenever David wears a hat, he wears it normally.

So, my boys, play Alex and David.  They each put on a hat.  And whoever is David, wears their hat in the normal fashion:

And then, whoever is Alex, wears it backwards.

And they switch throughout the play session on who they are.

And the entire time, they are loading up trucks and trailers and helping each other back them up and park them.

"Back it up, doooood!"

"You're good, you're good, you're good, keep coming, you're good!"

"I got it!"

My boys are uber creative, are they not?

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Thanks for giving me my laugh for the day! :)

  2. Ok, I'm cracking up! You have your hands full. I think I love the hats most of all, though. Too cute!

  3. hahahaha...your kids are a hoot!!! :)

  4. I'm loving "David and Alex." That's hilarious! At least you will never be bored with those two around!

  5. I LOVE the little boys imitating the big boys-that is too cute!

  6. Obviously they love their lives and surroundings. Good job mom!

  7. your boys are so precious. They are heart melting. They can vacuum my sheetrock any day.

  8. Haha. That's too cute.

    And I love their pictures.

  9. Love the david/Alex game! Too cute!!! =)

  10. Oh, my, your boys' blue eyes are gorgeous? handsome? beautiful? I don't know how to describe boys' eyes. (I only have girls). Anyway, I don't know how you don't just melt when they look at you! Although, they probably don't look as cute when they have been bringing snow inside the house to play in the dark forest! But...I think they probably do!

  11. I got lost somewhere in the Dark Forest but I bet you're glad you don't have carpet ... at least in the Dark Forest! Your kids are adorable and you tell fabulous stories, Taylor! Maybe you should be writing a Home School Humor book!

  12. So jealous of the cool family fun! I think it is awesome that your boys are mirroring their dad and uncle. Looks like they are destined to be little lumberjacks who shoot dear. Are you ok? Did you just pass out thinking about all those "felled" trees and dead deer heads? Sorry!

  13. Oh, LD is SOOO stikin cute with that hat on backwards. Not that I had to tell you that. Anyhew, if you were closer, maybe I'd homeschool with you and help watch two small boys...but alas, Ruralville is too far for that nonsense. But not too far to come play someday, eh? I'm a poet. I'll stop now.

  14. Pretty creative boys! I love when kids play like that. Cute story :)

  15. Your boys are too cute. And the upside of them bringing snow in the house is that they didn't get lost in the real dark forest. See. Win. You are an excellent mom. When your boys are being naughty and loud when you are homeschooling just tell yourself that you are teaching the girls how to mulitask in high stress environments. See, it's a win.
