Thursday, March 24, 2011


Daisy Mae is 7 today.

I don't feel like this is fair or right.  She was just born and I can't seem to stop her from growing up.  I don't think I can call her a preschooler anymore.  Thoughts?

Here is a list of 10 of my favorite memories and thoughts towards Daisy Mae:

1)  I call her my little mother.  She is very attentive to Little Dude.  She loves to read to him, help him get dressed, and be his buddy.  Awhile ago when he had gotten hurt, he preferred her over me!

2)  She loves chips.  She refuses to eat chocolate cake and asks for a bowl of chips instead.

3)  According to Daisy Mae, my homemade pizza is the best in the world (I assure you, it is not).  Therefore, I shall be making her some for dinner tonight.

4)  She is never allowed into a dressing room with me again.  Ever.  My self-esteem cannot take all the poking, giggling, and puzzled looks from her.

5)  She is most happy when she is doing something with somebody.  She does not like to play on her own.  She would rather help me do the dishes than play quietly in her room.

6)  She asks many questions my friends.  Many.

7)  She has uber cute dimples.

8)  Watching "America's Funniest Home Videos" with her is torturous.  She does not get anything, nor does she understand why "the people" are laughing.

9)  She had some spending money last month and she made sure to buy only things she could share with her siblings.

10)  She is very adventurous and is always up for trying something new with her dad.  Even if her mother greatly protests it.


So, the years are going by too quickly.  I am sure you all can relate.  But I have decided to try and be thankful that I have had so many years with my children.  Instead of being a bit sad that my little girl is 7 today, I am going to try to remind myself that I am blessed to have been able to be her mother for 7 years . . . and, God willing, many more.

I have shared this story before, but when I was pregnant with Daisy Mae, the doctors felt that she would not live early on in the pregnancy.  I prayed and begged God to let me have this baby.  I had never prayed that hard for anything else in my life.

And I have her, thank God.

So, instead of feeling sad, I am going to  remind myself of how blessed I truly am. 

Happy Birthday to Daisy Mae!

Daisy Mae's Verse:

“But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.  He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.  It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

Jeremiah 17: 7-8


  1. Happy Birthday to your precious miracle from God!

  2. The dimples are irresistable...Happy Birthday to your big little girl : )

  3. Happy Birthday Daisy Mae :)

    Thanks for sharing your story Taylor. It is so tender, touching & transparent.

  4. is that nurse the same one you dealt with when you miscarried LJ's belly button lint?

  5. Happy birthday DaisyMae! You now need to change her and Handsome Dude's ages on your side pics! I agree with you she has uber cute dimples! And I get that way too with my kids, sad as they get older then I too think how much of a blessing they are and just enjoy what I have with them! Thanks for sharing this story today!! Have fun with pizza tonight :) Happy birthday beautiful 7 year old!

  6. What a beautiful post. Your daughter sounds like a very lovely person, and so do you. <3

  7. I love this post. It's fun to hear all the little things that make up a personality. Happy Birthday Daisy Mae. :)

  8. Happy birthday from your pals in Tennessee!!

  9. Happy Birthday Daisy Mae. I had never read that story before, but wow- it really puts things into preceptive doesn't it. What a blessing she is!

    P.S.- Don't forget to change their ages on the side bar.

  10. #5, 7 & 9 are very much like my Caden. It must be a second-born thing. :)

    Happy birthday, Daisy Mae!

  11. I went back and read your story of the ultrasound with Daisy Mae. I have lost 3 babies in between my healthy pregnancies, and when I was pregnant with my 3rd child, they saw several things on ultrasounds that didn't end up happening. After all of our prayers, tears, and uncertainty, we ended up with a beautiful healthy boy, and I am so thankful for the Lord's healing power on his little life. I know what you mean about every day seeming like a blessing after you go through a scary pregnancy like that. I love your blog, I'm so glad you have your Daisy Mae, and I'm thankful for the reminder to celebrate each day with all of our children. Each one of them was and is a Miracle Baby.

  12. truly blessed, you are!!! happy birthdaydaisy mae, and many many more!!!!

  13. AMEN!
    she's adorable. perhaps you can make a chip cake? Ew.
    seven is a big number!

  14. Please please please keep taking her into the dressing room with you. She needs to know what REAL women look like and that Barbie and all the other bad, fake examples of a woman's body are wrong and jiggly parts are RIGHT so she can grow up to have a fabulous body image and not a messed up on! =) Happy birthday to both your blessings.

  15. Happy Birthday Daisy Mae !!!

  16. Happy Birthday to your sweet surprise miracle girl!
    I re-read the story that you shared...I think every baby is such a miracle, it's amazing that any of them make it. All the things that have to go right, line up, develop properly. It's crazy! And beautiful.
    And she is, too! Darling dimples. I always wanted dimples, but never could make myself have them. Oh, I tried! But...nope, never really worked. Just gave me cramps in my cheeks.
    Hope your day is/was wonderful!

  17. Awwww, what a sweet girl! Happy B-Day Daisy Mae!

  18. it might have been?! :)

  19. Yer kinda hogging the March birthdays wee bit now, now? :)

    Gosh she is adorable. And I am dying at #4...

    And America's Funniest Home Videos. She's a keeper. Happiest Birthday!

  20. ditto bev loomis

    miss u all

  21. haha!
    I think I am worthy of a COW for that!

  22. Awww, happy belated to both of your little sweeties! They are so blessed to have you for their mommy!
