Thursday, March 3, 2011

Answers on a Friday Morn

Here is part two of the questions and answers.  If you missed the first, click here.


1)  From Gianna:

My question is: will you please answer my question first so that I don’t feel like you forgot about me?

And that, my friend, is it!

Alright, Gianna.  There you go!

Ha!  Last time, I did my questions and answers post in like 4 installments. 

But I was never clear in my posts that I wasn't finished answering questions and that I would answer more in my next post.

Poor Gianna would see in each post that I didn't answer her question and ask me why I was ignoring her!

2)  From Marla:

Request= Please explain your facebook status about a bunny eating a mouse. It concerns me.

It concerns me, too.

Alright.  The girls go out to check the rabbits everyday and feed them and such.  They came back in one afternoon and informed me that one of the rabbits had a dead mouse in its mouth and was chewing on it.

I know nothing else.

Nor do I want to know. 

3)  From Tamara

My question: If you could be from another country or time period, where/when would it be and why?

Oh, I don't know.  I wouldn't mind living in lots of different time periods. 

I really liked the movie "Hello, Dolly!" and I suspect I would enjoy living in New York during that time.

It would be uber awesome to walk around in my Sunday best everyday and have men dance and sing songs to me like, "It Only Takes a Moment . . . "

My only requirements for my time travelling would be that I have a hot shower, hair dryer, coffee pot and creamer.

And maybe makeup and a curling iron, too.

See?  I am easy.

4)  From Janie Fox:

Do homeschoolers take the summer off?

I don't know?  Do we!?

I think it is up to each individual family.  I would like to say that we will not completely take the summer off.  I think it would be better to keep going a little bit so we don't have to spend a lot of time in review in the fall.

However, I am flaky, lack self-discipline, and am easily deterred from my best-made plans.

So who knows?!

5) From Lynette:

I haven’t seen you comment on my blog much lately…are you still visiting me??

I have definitely cut back my computer time since we moved out here and I started homeschooling.  I know that I have gotten terrible at visiting other people's blogs and I apologize for that.

I really want to do a good job with homeschooling my kids.  I don't want them to see me on the computer all day.  I try to only get on the computer in the morning before I take a shower and after I am done with school.  I do sneak on sometimes during the day during their breaks, but usually I am with the boys or doing laundry.

Laundry will be the death of me, I assure you.

Anyways, it is not just you, Lynette.  I have become a terrible blogging friend these days.

It seems like, lately, I only have time to post.  And I really like posting-it is kind of therapeutic for me, seeing as how I go days on end without seeing any other humans.

So, I apologize to everyone for not being able to visit as much as I would like.

Also, sometimes I just fly through my reader without stopping to comment.  Feel free to do the same to me.  It is much quicker that way!

6)  From Michelle Dawn:

Here is my question… Does LJ ( I keep up:) ) know that you told the world his secret!?

I think she is referring to the fact that I told you all that LJ peed on the wood pile.

Yes.  I told him I saw him and I was going to blog about it and he said,

"You are such a dork, Taylor."

And that, my friends, made it so much easier to blog about it!

7)  From Amanda:

Hum… questions for Taylor. Hum…. how about… how would you spend $1 million dollars? And please just ignore charities and world peace stuff.

Well, if I could not move (and I probably can't, cause my husband is in double love with this place), I would probably pay off the houses first. 

Yes.  I said houses.  We like to add stress to our lives like that.

No.  We are not wealthy.  Just either really dumb or really smart.  We'll let you know how it all pans out later on.

Probably dumb.

I would also fix this house up a bit and maybe buy something totally awesome like a minivan.  LJ would get a tractor.

And with the rest, I would put it into saving or invest it somehow.

And I would make LJ takes us all to Disneyland.

8)  From Jodi:

My question is what would you like each person in your house to start (or stop) doing?

Lumberjack:  Stop with all the crazy ideas!  I can't keep up with him and his redneckish ways!

Myself:  Start exercising.

Sweet Pea:  Grow taller so she can unload the dishwasher and put everything away!  Ha!

Daisy Mae:  Stop writing her 9's as p's and her 3's as E's. 

Handsome Dude:  Stop stealing gum and peeing on the toilet seat and splashing in the bath and tormenting his sisters and stealing trucks from his brother and destroying his glasses and peeing on the floor and shooting me with hangers and pounding on doors and slamming doors and trying to brush his own teeth all while smearing toothpaste everywhere.

Little dude:  Start using the toilet.  Without peeing on it.


That is all the questions!

Thank you and Happy Friday!

PS-We are going on a field trip today!

PPS-It is to a TV Station.  I hope my boys will behave.

PPPS-They probably won't.


  1. I said hi to Handsome Dude at Awana's, he smiled at me, waved and ran off!
    Thought that was cute!

  2. If I lived in your mystery town I would definitely tune in to the noon news broadcast today in the hopes that HD would somehow appear on my screen. I have a feeling he is capable of it. :)

  3. I'm glad you are still posting even though you are uberbusy. Never stop!

  4. I have problems blogging sometimes and all I do is post pictures. And I have no children. You do good.

  5. Hi Taylor! I only thought of my question while I was reading other people's questions so maybe if you have time you could still answer it? Or maybe save it for the next round of questions? Well anyway my question is- do LJ's brothers also want to move their families out to ruralville and live little house on the prarie style with all the animals and wood chopping and peeing and such or is he the only lumberjack in his family? Just curiousi thanks!

  6. Thanks for answering my question. I know, the computer is evil sometimes...I can't do all I want on it, either! I don't post as often as you...I read stuff more, I guess. Then I feel I don't have time to post on my blog. I read all your posts, but don't comment on all.
    The question about homeschooling in the summer....We do, just a little writing and math maybe some history and science. I've found that we can have a leaner work week if we do something most of the year. What else do we have to do on those HOT summer days...(mmmm.... doesn't that sound nice)?? Also, my son seems to do better with Math if he PRACTICES. This way, we can "play" more days a week during the "Regular" school year.

  7. Taylor - good for you for cutting back on internet time. I struggle with this too:)

  8. That would probably be utterly devastating to you, Lumber Jill, but I would think it AWESOME!

  9. tv station, fun!!! wish you could swing by with your troop for a chat and bring me a yummy coffee =(

  10. You are so witty Taylor Mal a blah blah....I hope you have a happy weekend, one where all small boy children pee in and only in, the toilet and you get to talk to real live grown up people somewhere along the way. Blogging is theraputic-your house is too noisy and mine is too quiet. It works for both : )

  11. I hope the train station was fun! Have a fun weekend!

  12. Hey Taylor,
    Thanks for answering my question! Glad you dropped by my blog, even though you're cutting back on internet time... something I'm always telling myself I'll do...soon...

    Love reading the escapades of your pack-o-kids, and LJ seems to be like the rugged men we have over here too. All chainsaws, bonfires and the peeing outdoors thing!

  13. I know you won't want to hear this , but.......some momma rabbits eat their young as soon as they have them. Maybe that is what the girls saw and not eating a mouse. They are very tiny when born. Now too, you know it could happen as a part of your rabbit raising experience. Oh, and no, I don't know why they do it.....but I don't think they quit once they start there will most likely have to be rabbit stew on the menu.

  14. Maybe it is a good thing that I haven't been keeping 100% up on your blog for the past 3 months because I truly DID think you had answered my question first! (and you had.....on the 2nd post!) I was happily tootling along thinking, "She likes me! She really likes me!!!"" And then I kept reading and realized that even though my joy was short-lived (after I finished the FIRST question and answer post), it was super nice to feel like you liked me!

  15. And yes, you stated it was the 2nd installment, BUT for some reason I missed that! Maybe it's good that I didn't see that so that i could live in my fantasy-world for a little longer!
