Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Luscious Locks.

Welcome to another exciting edition of:  Questions.  And their answers.

Thank you to everyone who asked a question. 

Here we go!

1)  From Rachel Spin:

Do you have any large ferocious beasts in you woods? Like bears or mountain lions or coyotes? Have you come across any signs of these beasts? or had any encounters with them? I’m a little worried about your bunnies.

Hmmm.  I have seen deer, turkeys, mice, various species of birds, and one moose, who I suspect was pregnant.  I have heard coyotes and owls at night.

One night last summer, I opened the back door to take out the trash.  It was late and very dark.  I heard a large animal crashing through the woods, running away from me.  That was terrifying and gave me the peepee shivers.

I fear the only ferocious beast that the bunnies must worry about is this one:

Fun Fact:  Lucy will oft jump up on the rabbit hutches and steal their water bottles.


2) From Mindee at Our Front Door:

If you won the lottery, would you move or just fix up the house you’re in now?

If it were up to me, we probably wouldn't live here in the first place.

No.  We would probably be living in a house in the city, visiting museums on the weekends whilst sipping lattes, shopping at malls instead of Farm and Home, and contemplating eating a vegetarian diet.

But, alas.  I don't always get what I want.  Sir Lumberjack L-O-V-E-S this place with all of his being and has no plans of ever moving.

Therefore, if Iwere to win the lottery, I would try to lure him away from Ruralville with other properties that are closer to civilization, yet still redneckish enough for him to feel at home.

3)  From Debra

How can you stand being in the house at such a low temperature? I’d be an ice burg.

(Lest any of you are confused, my Lumberjack likes to keep the house at 62)

Well, Debra, it isn't easy.

My first tip would be to layer.  Start off with an undershirt of your choosing.  Next, add a long-sleeved shirt.  Then I have a thick, albeit hideous, wool sweater I put on.

This sweater is not attractive.  Yet it gets the job done.

Perhaps if you are lucky, dear readers, one day I shall show it to you.

Next, I find two pairs of socks really do help.  And I always wear slippers.  If I am still chilly, I will make a cup of tea.

I have also found that washing my hands with hot water is a fun, mid-morning warm-up.

And, finally, if I am just too cold, I go to the thermostat and turn the heat up to about 67 or 68 and figure what the Lumberjack don't know won't hurt him.

I am scandalous, am I not?

4)  From Amy V

How do you discipline your naughtypants boys when timeouts and spankings (or maybe that just is me…don’t report me) do not work. My soon-to-be 2 year old is making me CRAZY!!! (and I didn’t have far to go before). Taking things away doesn’t work, he throws huge tempertantrums and it is more like my punishment than his…

I am glad you asked me!  It is obvious that I am the authoritative expert on getting young boys to obey.

Time outs do work for my boys.  Most of the time.  Just removing them from whatever they are doing and telling them they cannot come back until they are ready to be nice.

Taking things away also works for me.  But it has to be the right thing.  For example, my son really loves chocolate milk, so I will sometimes not allow him to have it for the rest of the day.  Oh, for the weeping and wailing when he does not get his chocolate milk.

It is tragic for him.

If it has been a really bad day for me with them, I will make them talk to their dad about what they did when he gets home.

I say something uber awesome like, "When your dad gets home, you will tell him that you climbed to the top of the fridge, stole a pack of gum from mommy's purse, ran downstairs, chewed up every single piece, and hid the chewed pieces under the piano, beds, toy box, and in your dresser drawers."

Yes.  That gets them shakin' in their boots.

5)  From Joyce

What color do you wish your peach walls were and do you have any plans to make them that way?

I wish they were the same green that I painted my kitchen in my other house:

I waited seven years for that kitchen to get painted.  And I never got to enjoy it.  For we had to move immediately after finishing it.

Oh, the humanity!

6)  From JDaniel4's Mom:

What would you do about a beaver dam built in the front yard?

Ok.  If my Lumberjack decided to put a beaver dam in the front yard, I would deem him officially crazy.  I would tell him to have fun living in his 62 degree, peach-walled house with deer and turkey and mice and a demon puppy and numerous rabbits and wood piles and human waste lagoon all by himself.

I shall be moving.

Far, far away.

7)  From Hoosier at Heart:

Question: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Hmmm.  I think it would be that I live in Ruralville.

Ha!  I kid!  I jest!

I don't think I could pick one thing.  But I will try:

I really, really wish I had lovely, dark brown hair.

Yes.  Lovely and thick, yet smooth, and it would just air dry beautiful and all peoples everywhere would be envious of my luscious locks.


Alright.  That is all for today. I have more questions that I shall answer later on.

Happy Thursday!

Disclaimer:  I love my husband very much.  My life is not horrible, even if I do have peach walls and a human waste lagoon.  I just enjoy complaining about trivial things every now and then.

I am a brat like that.

Thank you.


  1. Woot woot! Thanks for answering my question! Hope you have a great day! It's almost Friday! And my luscious locks have a salon appointment tomorrow. Can't wait.

  2. I think that you wearing an ugly wool sweater and two pairs of socks with slippers is pretty much what LJ deserves for moving you to a freezing house with peach walls in Ruralville.

    Tell him that you'll dig out the negligee if the walls are green and the house is warm.

  3. I love your question and answer posts! (And I keep my house at 62 all the time, because I am both cheap and warm-natured.)

  4. My daughter LOVES chocolate milk too, she is the same way its precious to her and we have had to take it away before and it works! What is it about chocolate milk!? Did the boys really put chewed gum in all those places! yikes...

  5. Mindee, you are so smart. I think she just solved all your problems, Taylor. :)

  6. For several years we lived in a semi-rural area, although not as rural as Ruralville. Then we had to move to Florida, where we bought a house in a subdivision with a Homeowner's Association of all things! As we packed and prepared to move, one night my husband and I sat on our rural porch and looked out over our rural yard and his boat parked in front of any view we could have enjoyed. He sighed and said he couldn't believe we were moving to a place where he couldn't park his boat in the front yard. I sighed and told him I thought that was one of the positive things about our new home.

    P.S. He still occasionally parks the boat on the curb for 24 hours or so because he has to clean it after using it, and then we usually get a nasty letter from the HOA. I think he does it just to get under their skin--and mine.

  7. I love your brattiness. Is that a word, spell check says not.. phooey I say it is now.

  8. You're a funny lady. I like ya. :)

  9. You are so funny and cute! :)

  10. okay. the funny that made me BURST out w/ laughter that SCARED my husband (cuz his computer is across from mine) was "peepee shivers!" oh! now that's a good one. i just might use it. as usual, i'm laughing hysterically reading you! i wanna know where ruralville is, too! and, ahem, i like 62 degrees. my stick husband wants it warmer. wah!

  11. I dream of having hair like yours is gorgeous..

  12. Taylor- Love the color of your rental's kitchen walls. What is the name of the paint color?

  13. Re Amy V check to see if little one has earache or infection; hungry; lonely or scared.
