Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fat Tuesday, Week 8



Ok.  So, guess what!?  Only two more weeks left for Fat Tuesday!!!


I am feeling a little contrary in regards to the Fat Tuesday.  Mostly because I maintained yet again this week and cannot wow you all with the awesome weight loss reports you have come to know and love on this here blog.

Herein lies the problem:  I just keep forgetting that I am supposed to be losing weight!  It just seems to slip my mind when it is snack time.  So tricky.

Well, this week, it got to be Friday and I realized that I was supposed to be working towards meeting my new and improved weight loss goals of 3 pounds a week.  You know.  So I can catch up.

So, I got the kids all entertained outside and decided I was going to run/walk (mostly walk.  I am attempting to impress no one) and listen to the fantastic invention known as Pandora on my fantastic, albeit pricey, smart phone.

I believe I got about 2 minutes into my life-changing workout when my Handsome Dude came up to me and said,

"Mom! Can we walk with you?"

You see, my two precious boys absolutely love living where we live.  And they love to be outside to wander and explore.

So.  After burning about 8 calories on my intense walk, I took the boys on a walk down the road to see the turkeys and the horses and the trees.

And I am guessing I burned about 8 more calories for the rest of the hour.


Handsome Dude finally got brave enough to pet the neighbor's horse.

Did you know that once you move to the country, there is a rule that you must wave and/or nod to everyone who drives by you?

It's true. 

This rule does not apply to city folk.  Just country folk, such as ourselves.

So, as we were on the walk, a truck drove past us.  Handsome Dude waved and waved, and the people did not awknowledge him.

This displeased him.

So, he yelled and yelled at them:

"Hey!  Why you not say 'howdy?'  Why you not say 'howdy'?"

They were probably just city folk who got lost.

Anyways.  I realized on my walk that Handsome Dude is not a toddler anymore!  Did you guys know this?  I mean, he was a toddler just a second ago.

He is turning four tomorrow and I have no idea how that happened.

In other heartbreaking news, Daisy Mae will be turning 7 on Thursday.

Shoot.  This is a Fat Tuesday post and I plum forgot to stay on topic.

Oh, well.

That was my week.  And I shall plug along and continue to feign to be losing weight and exercising.  It pleases me to think I am making progress.

In the meantime, I have two questions for you.

1)  How do you work in exercise with young children? 

2)  What is the tastiest, low-fat popcorn out there?

Happy Tuesday!

PS-All you people who said you were "in" had better check in.  Or else.

PPS-You can do it!  Only two more weeks!

PPPS-Just you wait!  Next week will be my "wow" week.  Just you wait.


  1. To answer your question "How do you work in exercise with young children?". You don't. You eat like a cow until you reach the ripe old age of 45 and then your kids move out at which point you now have 30 lbs to lose. Your saving grace will be that you're too old to care and find that putting your hair in a granny bun, knitting doilies and baking cupcakes is much more satisfying than looking hot in a bikini.

  2. ...you get up before they do at the crack of early, fire up Netflix and stare mindlessly at the screen while you sweat on the dreadmill. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it???

  3. Well, when I had young children I would check them in to the nursery at the Y while I worked out. Because I live in a city. Sadly, I've got nothing for your situation.

    I am checking in though! And I posted my Fat Tuesday post today too!

  4. Here is the good news...
    Walk a mile, run a mile, doesn't matter, still burns the same about of calories!
    The bad news...
    I have to agree with tomkat...early morning. HOWEVER, I h.a.t.e. the dreadmill with a passion so I would go outside and wog (walk/jog). Now that the boys are older and I CAN leave them alone, I still find it is best to go in the early morning or I will make excuses all day until I realize it is time for bed and I haven't done anything healthy. Oh yeah, I hate mornings also, but even I have to admit I feel better on the days I just do it.

  5. I have still not figured out how to find time to fit in exercise with little ones around. Although, me and the husband did get outside last night and walked up and down the road in the pretty weather and pushed the kids in the strollers. He laughed at me when I told him I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Such a loving husband! We have been trying to lose weight for about a month now...you know, counting the calories and all...my husband has lost 10 pounds already. And I have lost nothing. Men and their weight loss...drives me crazy!

  6. I tried to do Leslie Sansone but it's like my kids know when I turn it on that I need some "me" time and they come out of their rooms and are suddenly under foot. Not good. I count chasing after kids as exercise. Take them on your walk but make a game out of it. If they are running, you could do a pretty brisk walk and still burn some calories. I also go for short bursts of exercise like playing tag with them or racing or such. I do Music and Movement with my preschool class and I count the dancing I do with them too. I also have my kids hold my feet while I do sit-ups. More often than not though, my kids are a convenient excuse for why I didn't get to do my exercise.

  7. I'm terrible about working out and I don't even have kids so I will be of no real help to you there.

    I can help on the popcorn. I use an air popper (because microwave popcorn has a lot of chemicals apparently) and then put a little seasoning salt on the popcorn. You could also melt a low-fat "butter" like Brummel and Brown on it to make it taste a little better. But that would be pretty low in fat. I'm really hoping that I've lost some more weight this week, but I was off the wagon this weekend to some degree. I've got to refocus so that I can meet my 5% goal soon!!

  8. well, since i cannot get up without the world spinning and spinning i am not getting any exerise these days...not that i would otherwise, i mean let's be honest here lol. i have no idea if i have lost any weight or not, but i'd like to think so...when i am feeling better i will check in with some astonishing news of my outrageous weigh loss (which will probably be a gain!!!!) :)

  9. How many people offered to give you a ride when you were walking? That always seems to happen to me when I'm exercising in the country.

  10. Have I missed something... why only 2 more weeks of Fat Tuesday?

    I do not think I have lost any weight, my pants are still too tight!

  11. I live on the Jolly Time 94% Fat Free popcorn. I am following the WW Points Plus plan and eat a bag of this every single day.

  12. checked in on my blog - http://scraphappychristinescorner.blogspot.com


  13. When my boys were little, I made them delicious brownies and cookies all the time because they were little and that's what good mommies did. And then I ate twice as much of that delicious goodness as they did and proclaimed that I could not lose weight because I had no place to put my kids while I exercised.

    Wait, that wasn't the advice you wanted? Oh, then FAIL!

  14. I don't exercise much...with or without my child. Oh!!! Except when he goes to PE on Thursdays...they have a track above the gym and I DO walk it....once a week. Does that count?? If it wasn't for him going to PE....
    Popcorn? The regular stuff in a plastic bag that we popped in a pan with butter when I was young. Only now I pop it in an air popper and put Olive Oil and salt/or garlic salt on it.

  15. Everyone waves to everyone out here in the boonies as well. I find it oddly comforting. I always know when it is someone that is new...they don't wave. Either that, or it is the next door neighbor that hates us because our dogs keep trying to eat their cat, and our kids play loudly in our backyard. ;)

  16. You lock yourself in your bedroom, crank up the iPod so you can't hear the children terrorizing your house while you proceed to kill yourself on the treadmill for 30 minutes, after which you clean up the havoc they wreaked.
    At least that's what I do.

  17. I don't have a good answer for either of you questions. I don't know popcorn, it's not something we eat much of around here..and as for exercise, back in the day when I actually did it was in the summer when it was light pretty late and hubby watched the kids while I went for a run. Speaking of run, that last sentence was a horrible run-on! Sorry. I'm too lazy to fix it. :) I'll be calling you soon, my friend...

  18. I'm getting on my knees right now and thanking the Lord that I'm not the only woman out has this as their life story!!!

  19. Hey! I'm not the only one who noticed that funky country nod thing!

    And how to lose weight? Chase around the neighbor's horse that crashed through your fence because the neighbors were being "Stupid Idiots" (in my 4-year-old's words) and SHOOTING GUNS next to the horses.

    Chase the horse, then chase your own horses who are now chasing the intruder horse.

    Run back to the back porch to keep your 4-year-old potty mouth from sneaking into the pasture stampede.

    Then go back and yell at the neighbors. (It burns calories - trust me).

    And those neighbors, they don't get no nods no more ;P

  20. Well, we can't do this forever! That would be outrageous. Plus, I am tired of failing. ;)

  21. I definitely counted more "wins" than "fails"!

  22. A 10 minute exercise video saved me and my stomach. At the end of a day or when she'd nap I could scrounge enough energy to commit to 10 minutes exercise. 30 minutes? forget it, too hard! But 10 minutes I could do.

    Also, toddlers sitting on your stomach while trying to crunches, or on your back during "the plank" nullifies extra popcorn

  23. My husband and I worked out at the gym together a couple of times, side by side on elliptical machines. I was going twice as fast (RPMs), my heart rate was higher, and HE was burning twice as many calories (according to the little counter on the machine)...GRRRR!
    That just doesn't make sense!

  24. Oh dear. Can't help on the exercise issue. I'm struggling there. Our spin bike finally made it over to the garage here from the other house. So...I'm getting closer?
    I have gone two days with no soda. This is a great improvement over 3-5 a day. Did you know that it takes no time at all to drink a two-liter all by yourself? No time at all.

  25. Ummm, Fail.
    Aparently I am experiencing some sort of stress over shopping for a mortgage and looking for a place to live while doing laundry and dishes somewhere else, not to mention running kids next door to use the potty. (this rental has issues.)
    Yesterday, on purpose, I made an entire pan of brownies intending to eat them all by myself. Became sick after about the first 1/4 of the pan, so shared with the fam. How generous, I know.
    Seriously. This is crazy.
    big FAT fail.
    maybe counseling . . .

  26. If you want to lose three pounds a week, just stop eating sugar and processed grains. Eat three 100 calorie snacks a day and keep your meals around 300-400 calories. Eat every 2-3 hours. Don't worry about exercise other than taking the kids for a long walk a couple/few times a week. Watch it melt off you. (Although looking at your photos I have no idea where you need to lose weight from, as you are gorgeous and look very healthy.)

    I am down three more pounds, by the way. (I'm NOT just saying that!)

  27. I have no comment on the exercise thing--I have two little ones and NEVER have time to do anything except clean, cook (for them), bathe them, and chase them. However, I have discovered Orville Redenbacher's ( I have no idea how to spell that) Smart Pop. I'm doing the Weight Watchers thing and this is low in points and tastes ultra buttery for low fat popcorn. I can't eat popcorn if it doesn't taste buttery! But this is an option that I can feel not so guilty about--especially in my sedentary moments! =)

  28. Unless you can get up before kids wake up or stay up later than they do, there's no hope exercising in peace and quiet. It requires having a babysitter and actually leaving home to go somewhere specific. Of unless you have one of those personal trainers who makes house calls with a babysitter. Even then they'd find a reason to interrupt. It's a kid's job to interrupt a mother. I do thank you for explaining this phenomenon of forgetting about being on a diet. I've only got four months to a hs reunion. Y'd think that would help me remember. It doesn't.

  29. I am checking in :) I like to take my kids on bike rides (when it is nice out) and like to play wii with them, the dance one and wii fit, they really get you moving! And lots of fun! And Jolly time is pretty good/low fat popcorn. Good luck!
