Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday Afternoon Nothingness

Good Monday Afternoon!

The girls are playing dress up and the boys are outside (darn).  Therefore, I have a few quiet moments to waste on the computer!

Laundry Schmaundry!

I was asked a few more questions, so I thought I would take a minute to answer them.

From Zoe

1-I hear you talk about your great love for diet pepsi (especially in combination with popcorn). I am a diet coke and a diet dr pepper fan. Ihave never really cared for diet pepsi. Plus, i live in the south and drinking pepsi is pretty much a sin here. Anyways, costco had a coupon for diet pepsi a few weeks ago and I decided to give it another try. So, I committed to a bulk box of diet pepsi. Not my wisest decision. and, I have to say, I still greatly dislike it. I might even hate it. If you lived nearby, I'd give you the rest of them!

So, what are you thoughts on diet coke and diet dr pepper? even coke zero? I especially love a diet dr pepper with vanilla syrup added in from my local sonic.

You know who likes Diet Coke?

My dad.


You might need to rethink your choices in soft drinks.

Ha!  I kid, I jest.

Ok.  I am a hardcore Diet Pepsi fan and know not of these Sonic sodas of which you speak.  I would happily take all your Diet Pepsi from you, you weirdo.

2-About this ruralville lifestyle, how rural are we talking? like, how far is the closest gas station or grocery store? like, the pioneer woman rural?

There are people who live on our road, but I cannot see any other houses from my house.  I can see horses.  That's all.  The nearest gas station?  Probably about 15-20 minutes away.  The nearest grocery store is also 15-20 minutes away, but it is tiny, expensive, and kind of  . . . not-so-nice.  It is in the opposite direction of the town we originally came from, so we don't go that way much.  If we head to the town we came from, we can get there in about 35-45 minutes, depending on roads and just where we are going in town.

We opt to go to our original town because there is just more to do there and we get all of our errands done at once.

Do you homeschool because the nearest school is super far away or because that is a value/conviction? or both? I am planning on homeschooling, so i am always interested to hear why people choose to do it. I noticed you started doing it once you guys moved to ruralville.

I have always been torn with the school decision.  I grew up in a Christian school, so that is what I wanted for my kids.  But it was too expensive.  So, we put the girls in public school in town and we were happy with that choice, although I did have some concerns.  But my concerns were not on the quality of the education they were receiving, but more on the social environment.

However, I have always gone back and forth about whether or not I should homeschool.  I was worried about socialization and I was worried about not having enough time to homeschool the girls and still be a mom to the boys.

I didn't want my boys to always "be in the way," if that makes sense.

Moving made the decision for us.  There is a school about 20 minutes away, but we are not comfortable sending our kids there at this time.  Homeschool has been a good fit, for the most part, and we are all happy with the decision.

I am not opposed to any option and I feel there are pros and cons to each choice.  I think each family should pray about the decision and do what they think is best for their family.

From Casey:

Hi Taylor! I only thought of my question while I was reading other people’s questions so maybe if you have time you could still answer it? Or maybe save it for the next round of questions? Well anyway my question is- do LJ’s brothers also want to move their families out to ruralville and live little house on the prarie style with all the animals and wood chopping and peeing and such or is he the only lumberjack in his family? Just curious thanks!

We have not met one other person who would want to move to Ruralville.

It's a good thing we bought a house in such a desirable location!

I do think all of his siblings would prefer to have a bit of land.  And all the menfolk love all things hunter-ish and chainsaw-ish and lumberjack-ish.  Except, not so much Jason.

Remember Jason?

Jason also dislikes huckleberry picking.  Me and Jason are kindred spirits.

I am ingorant to all of David's kin's personal peeing preferences.  They might like to pee outside?  Who knows?

They are quite frugal by nature, so they may see it as a great way to save on toilet paper and water costs.

From Queen of the Brussels Sprouts

Are the rabbits going to be for 4-H or for food?

Sorry…I had to ask!

Yeah.  We won't be eating rabbits.

I've got enough to problems with the deer and elk in the freezer.

The rabbits are pets!


The boys just brought in the mail for me.


Today is a sunny, albeit chilly day.

Yes.  My son is riding a Dora bike.

What of it?

Spring!  Oh, Spring?  Wherefore art thou, spring?


Last night, The Lumberjack and I started watching this TV series called "Lost."

Have you heard of this?  We've never seen it.

We watched two episodes and all I can say is:


That show is intense.

Alright.  This is Taylor Maliblahblah, signing off.

I am about to summon the boys in for naps (darn), rally the girls for homeschooling (sigh), put on a pot of coffee (yay!), and try to not participate in too much self-loathing on account of me skipping out on some good, quality laundry time.

Happy Monday!


  1. I can not drink Diet Pepsi because it is yucky. You can have mine too.

  2. A pot of coffee sounds good. I have company coming for dinner and just clicked on to double check a recipe but noticed you had a new post so I had to stop and read. Neglecting dinner prep for company might be worse than neglecting laundry but you are that entertaining.

  3. I will leave the Diet Pepsi drinking to you, as well. I cannot drink the stuff. Diet Coke is another story. I think I actually cried when I realized today I drank the last one from the fridge and it's not grocery shopping day for another 3 days.


    And I have to say I love how you reuse pictures on your blog. I'm sure your loved ones appreciate that you've chosen flattering photos of them!

    You make me laugh, Taylor!

  4. Diet pepsi = blech, Sonic = good (esp. the Super Sonic Breakfast Burrito), Lost = very entertaining, my husband was so hooked. We may have to watch it all again because I got very confused towards the end. And it has been a while since I watched so I have probably forgotten all the pertinent details.

  5. It seems from the comments above that you are not only alone in Ruralville, you are also alone in your Diet Pepsi conviction. Pray tell, Taylor, when will you move to town and start drinking Diet Coke like a normal person? We all love you but are seriously concerned about your choice of beverages. How fun would it be if we all got together and stormed your little house in Ruralville and had an intervention/slumber party????!! I'll bring the pringles and nail polish!

  6. Diet Pepsi--bleh. It is not even a suitable "desperate need for fizzy caffeine" substitute. I am so sad that you do not know about Sonic. They are purveyors of Coke products only and the pop is perfectly proportioned in its ratio of syrup to carbonation--the perfect fountain drink!! And besides, they have skating carhops. What more could you want??

  7. I LOVE pepsi!!! However, I don't do that diet nonsense. And coke is what I would drink if it were the last thing on earth. If I had to, I guess. :) And can I say, "WHAT IN THE WORLD?? YOU DONT KNOW ABOUT LOST?? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Yeah, girl, you are behind. That was our favorite show when it was on. Very addicting. Have a good Monday afternoon, girlie.

  8. Laundry is the devil!

    Name that movie (and yes, I took a tiny liberty with the quote).

  9. Josh and I were "Losties" when it was on. Just wait for the love triangle, ahhhhh.

    I'll drink the diet pepsi with you Taylor. Diet Coke gives me gas. TMI?

    So I'm leaning toward taking the homeschooling plunge next year.
    But I'm sure I'll change my mind tomorrow.

    HD & LD outside alone sounds like a recipe for disaster.

  10. A gal here just introduced me to ordering a coke zero from sonic and asking them to put vanilla in it! Sooo good, in fact I am drinking one right now - no joke!

  11. I can't agree with your taste in sodas, because I am not crazy about soda, diet or regular. If I had to drink soda, it would be regular Dr. Pepper. Or ginger ale. And as for Mindee saying southerners drink Coke, I live in the south and in fact, I live in the town where Pepsi was invented! So very much Pepsi is drank (drunk?) in these parts.

    Happy Monday!

  12. Taylor- Diet Pepsi is amazing, all other diet beverages do not even compare. Well...except low carb Monster's, they're pretty amazing, thought they do make me swell. I have a question for you? Who are your top 3 annoying blog friends? Ha! Bettcha don't answer that. :) By the way I got Downy for $.99, and Gain fabric softner for $.63. Amazing!

  13. I'm sorry, but I completely fritzed out when you said you know not of SONIC!!!


    It is official. I will never be able to visit you from wherever I live to wherever you live.

    Except we all know I live in Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plains and Sonic was founded.


  14. Stop what you are doing right now and make an emergency trip to the grocery store. If ever there was something that warranted such a trip, it's being out of Diet Coke! HURRY!!!

    I ran out once and truly got a yucky feeling in my stomach when I realized I had just had the very last one. Pathetic, I know. But there could be worse things to love!

  15. I too, live in Oklahoma, where Sonic was born. My Dad has wired (as in electrically) a good majority of Oklahoma Sonics, and we will not eat there under any circumstances. However, their drinks are good. Vanilla Cream Dr. Pepper, yes. Greasy roach burger, no. Serious. Dad says the grease is like, 4 inches thick on the roofs of all Sonics. GROADY.

    I am a Pepsi lover, all the way, second to Dublin Dr. Pepper (made with real cane sugar) - I don't do diet drinks, but if I did, it would be Pepsi, because Pepsi is sooooo much smoother than Coke. You can clean carburetors with Coke, not Pepsi, what does that say!?!?!

  16. People sure love or hate their drinks. I love Pepsi, Coke is all right, Dr. Pepper makes me swoon...all if they're super cold, like practically frozen. I love me a cold, cold soda. I don't do the diet'll kill you. Of course, drinking four cans of regular soda a day probably isn't the healthiest thing to do either.
    Sonic drinks are great. Their burgers are so gross. I just don't like the seasoning. The tots though? Very nice. (I don't mean small people, rather the potato variety)
    I'm all for skipping the laundry. does bite you in the butt later.

  17. You are SO hilarious! Fantastic post :) :) :) My roomie is a Diet Coke fan, but I like her anyway. I'm personally partial to Diet Pepsi Max, but I wouldn't recommend it, because it's hard to go back to regular Diet Pepsi now. It's kind of like being introduced to rainbow sprinkles atop your ice cream and then being expected to go back to regular vanilla. . .or being treated to a large size of my beloved Coffee Bean vanilla latte instead of the small I usually scrape all my quarters together to purchase on bleary-eyed mornings when I need an extra spring in my step to keep up with those energetic elementary students. Sometimes it's easier not to know what you're missing, you know? So, if you've never ventured into Diet Pepsi Max territory, please do yourself a favor, avert your eyes and speed walk past it on your next jaunt to the grocery store. Trust me on this one. :)

  18. I think it's hilarious that the huge comment controversy is Coke v. Pepsi. Clearly the cola wars couldn't die in the eighties. "Rock and roller cola wars, I can't take it anymore..." Anyone know that song? Personally, diet coke fan just because I think Pepsi goes flat too quickly. I'm not much into chugging my pop (yeah, we say pop here, there's another controversy...), and I don't want it to go flat before I'm done or there was no point in picking pop instead of a uncarbonated drink.

  19. I think it's hilarious that all of the comments are about soft drinks. I don't like carbonation so I have no opinion. I would however like to give you a fair warning about lost. We got sucked in before season 3 (ish). And you're right - it's intense and there are crazy things going on. I just want to give a fair warning that it will only get weirder and when you get to the end of the last episode of the last season, you will not be any closer to understanding why there are polar bears on a tropical island or any of the other crazy things that go on in that show. When it was all said and done I wanted all the time and energy I had devoted to that show back. I just felt obligated to let you know that going into it :)

  20. At least since you are watching the seasons on DVD you aren't freaking out for a week at a time until the next weeks episode. I didn't get sucked in until my brother has season 4 (or was it five?) and made us watch it at Christmas one year. After the end I decided I didn't need to see the first seasons to get it . . .

    I heart Hurley (sweetie) and Desmond (hottie with accent).

    Oh, and I'm a dyed in the wool Coke CLASSIC fan. Its Husker red? What can I say

  21. I love Lost. I adore the show and think it's the best. thing. ever. Last month, I decided to introduce it to my husband. He wasn't at all impressed and said, "it's okay." What? So weird.

  22. And you don't have a Sonic? Weird, Taylor- very, very, weird.

    And you have a lot of Okies that read this blog. :)
